Lean logics within the company view now plays a fundamental role in improving production efficiency. These techniques were applied for the first time in the TPS system and led to a radical transformation of the way of thinking and the organization of work. The implementation involves an initial phase where a project is drawn up, called as MOKA Project, born in 2020, which includes a vision aimed at continuous improvement defined as Kaizen and an action plan composed of various steps. In the first part of the thesis, all the Lean Production techniques adopted will be illustrated (5 principles of Lean, Muda, 6s and PDCA approach) and then in the second part describes in detail all the changes and modifications applied according to an action plan (assembly line, flow approach and movimentation Kaizen tools). Finally, the benefits acquired after the interventions in the period in which I actively participated and was a guest in MOSA S.p.A. will be presented.
DA ISOLA DI PRODUZIONE A LINEA DI ASSEMBLAGGIO: Re-layout e ottimizzazione secondo i principali principi lean in un'azienda di processo di trasformazione. Le logiche Lean all’interno del panorama aziendale ricoprono un ruolo ormai fondamentale per migliorare l’efficienza produttiva. Tali tecniche, furono applicate per la prima volta nel sistema TPS e prevedono una vera e propria trasformazione radicale del modo di pensare e dell’organizzazione del lavoro. L’implementazione prevede una fase iniziale dove si stila un progetto, che nella tesi compare come MOKA Project, nato nel 2020, che comprende una vision rivolta al miglioramento continuo definito come Kaizen e un Action Plan composta da vari steps. Nella prima parte dell’elaborato, verrà illustrato tutte le tecniche della Lean Production adottate (5 principi della Lean, muda, 6s e PDCA approccio) per poi nella seconda parte descrivere in dettaglio tutti i cambiamenti e le modifiche applicate secondo un Action Plan (linea di assemblaggio, avvicinamento del flusso e carelli di movimentazione Kaizen). Infine, saranno presentati i benefici acquisiti post interventi nel periodo in cui ho partecipato attivamente e sono stato ospite in MOSA S.p.A.
FROM PRODUCTION ISLAND TO ASSEMBLY LINE: Re-layout and optimization according to main lean principles in a transformation process company.
Lean logics within the company view now plays a fundamental role in improving production efficiency. These techniques were applied for the first time in the TPS system and led to a radical transformation of the way of thinking and the organization of work. The implementation involves an initial phase where a project is drawn up, called as MOKA Project, born in 2020, which includes a vision aimed at continuous improvement defined as Kaizen and an action plan composed of various steps. In the first part of the thesis, all the Lean Production techniques adopted will be illustrated (5 principles of Lean, Muda, 6s and PDCA approach) and then in the second part describes in detail all the changes and modifications applied according to an action plan (assembly line, flow approach and movimentation Kaizen tools). Finally, the benefits acquired after the interventions in the period in which I actively participated and was a guest in MOSA S.p.A. will be presented.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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