The work described in the elaboration was aimed at updating the ASMF of Oxcarbazepine, at the Archimica S.p.A. pharmaceutical company, and its subsequent submission to the Regulatory Authorities. An introduction to the work of the Regulatory Affairs office, to the importance and the work carried out by the Regulatory Authorities and to the harmonization in the Regulatory field is provided in the discussion. The experimental part of the work consisted in updating the Oxcarbazepine dossier with the collaboration of the different departments. The update was carried out on the basis of the latest version of the document filed with the authorities. Finally, the aim is to submit the Master File to AIFA (through the CESP portal) and FDA (through the ESG Gateway portal) and receive confirmation of deposit.
Il lavoro descritto nell’elaborato aveva come obiettivo l’aggiornamento dell’ASMF dell’Oxcarbazepina, presso l’officina farmaceutica Archimica S.p.A., e la sua successiva sottomissione alle autorità regolatorie. Nella trattazione viene fornita un’introduzione al lavoro dell’ufficio Affari Regolatori, all’importanza e al lavoro svolto dagli Enti Regolatori e all’armonizzazione in campo Regolatorio. La parte sperimentale del lavoro è consistita nell’aggiornamento del Dossier dell’Oxcarbazepina avvalendosi della collaborazione dei diversi reparti. L’aggiornamento è stato realizzato sulla base dell’ultima versione del documento depositato presso le autorità. Infine, lo scopo è quello di sottomettere il Master File in AIFA (tramite portale CESP) ed FDA (tramite portale ESG Gateway) e ricezione di conferma di avvenuto deposito.
Aggiornamento e sottomissione dell'Active Substance Master File in formato eCTD per l'Oxcarbazepina presso AIFA ed FDA
The work described in the elaboration was aimed at updating the ASMF of Oxcarbazepine, at the Archimica S.p.A. pharmaceutical company, and its subsequent submission to the Regulatory Authorities. An introduction to the work of the Regulatory Affairs office, to the importance and the work carried out by the Regulatory Authorities and to the harmonization in the Regulatory field is provided in the discussion. The experimental part of the work consisted in updating the Oxcarbazepine dossier with the collaboration of the different departments. The update was carried out on the basis of the latest version of the document filed with the authorities. Finally, the aim is to submit the Master File to AIFA (through the CESP portal) and FDA (through the ESG Gateway portal) and receive confirmation of deposit.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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