The project involves the study of cardiac and respiratory interoception and their respective neurophysiological correlates in humans, focusing on the cerebral processing of the interoceptive signals afferent from the cardio-vascular system and the respiratory system, and on the interaction between these systems. To this end, (1) the electrophysiological activity of the central nervous system was recorded through a 64-channel electroencephalogram, (2) the activity of the heart through an electrocardiogram and (3) the respiratory activity through a respiratory resistive band, in Twenty healthy volunteers between the ages of 20 and 35, during the performance of interneoceptive and exteroceptive control tasks: the Heartbeat counting task and the Breath counting task were used to evaluate enteroception, while a cardiac and respiratory tone counting have been employed as exteroceptive control tasks. Based on the results of the previous studies, we decided to evaluate the modulation by attention of the Heartbeat-evoked potential during the cardiac interoceptive task and during the respiratory interoceptive task, to demonstrate, or not, the modality-specific nature of interoception. Brain activity related to breathing was also measured, with particular reference to the modulation of cortical activity due to the different respiratory phases.
Il progetto prevede lo studio dell’enterocezione cardiaca e respiratoria e dei rispettivi correlati neurofisiologici nell’uomo, focalizzandosi sull’elaborazione cerebrale dei segnali enterocettivi afferenti dal sistema cardio-vascolare e dal sistema respiratorio, e sull’interazione tra questi sistemi. A tal fine è stata registrata (1) l’attività elettrofisiologica del sistema nervoso centrale attraverso un elettroencefalogramma a 64 canali, (2) l’attività del cuore attraverso un elettrocardiogramma e (3) l’attività respiratoria attraverso una fascia resistiva respiratoria, in venti volontari sani di età compresa fra 20 e 35, durante lo svolgimento di task enterocettivi ed esterocettivi di controllo: l’Heartbeat counting task e il Breath counting task sono stati utilizzati per valutare l’enterocezione, mentre un Tone counting cardiaco e uno respiratorio sono stati impiegati come task esterocettivi di controllo. Basandoci sui risultati dei precedenti studi, abbiamo deciso di valutare la modulazione da parte dell’attenzione dell’Heartbeat-evoked potential durante il task enterocettivo cardiaco e durante il task enterocettivo respiratorio, per dimostrare, o meno, la natura modalità-specifica dell’enterocezione. È stata inoltre misurata l’attività cerebrale legata alla respirazione, con particolare riferimento alla modulazione dell’attività corticale dovuta alle diverse fasi respiratorie.
Correlati Neurofisiologici dell'Enterocezione Cardiorespiratoria
The project involves the study of cardiac and respiratory interoception and their respective neurophysiological correlates in humans, focusing on the cerebral processing of the interoceptive signals afferent from the cardio-vascular system and the respiratory system, and on the interaction between these systems. To this end, (1) the electrophysiological activity of the central nervous system was recorded through a 64-channel electroencephalogram, (2) the activity of the heart through an electrocardiogram and (3) the respiratory activity through a respiratory resistive band, in Twenty healthy volunteers between the ages of 20 and 35, during the performance of interneoceptive and exteroceptive control tasks: the Heartbeat counting task and the Breath counting task were used to evaluate enteroception, while a cardiac and respiratory tone counting have been employed as exteroceptive control tasks. Based on the results of the previous studies, we decided to evaluate the modulation by attention of the Heartbeat-evoked potential during the cardiac interoceptive task and during the respiratory interoceptive task, to demonstrate, or not, the modality-specific nature of interoception. Brain activity related to breathing was also measured, with particular reference to the modulation of cortical activity due to the different respiratory phases.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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