-Nowadays, the world energy system is still based on the use of fossil fuels as energy sources. However, these very materials are among the biggest contributors to climate change and environmental issues. Starting with the desire to reduce environmental issues, research is gradually moving toward the use of renewable resources on which to base energy production in society in the future. One of the alternatives that is being increasingly focused on is hydrogen, which has the energy carrier function. One of the methods for producing green hydrogen is the water splitting process activated through sunlight. The photo-electrolysis of water, in fact, using a proper catalyst allows to trigger the reaction that leads to the degradation of water into hydrogen and oxygen. One of the most promising catalysts is graphitic carbon nitride. The purpose of this thesis was to create a system of g-C3N4 and a co-catalyst, specifically a germanium-based perovskite, that could improve the performance of the catalyst (g-C3N4) itself. The g-C3N4/PhBz2GeI4 system was subjected to structural and morphological characterization (XRD, UV-Vis and SEM) and catalysis testing, from which it was obtained that the development of this system is indeed efficacious as a catalyst for the process. In particular, the best performing system is the one that contains 3% perovskite and the rest g-C3N4. Upon completion of the study of the catalytic properties, a model system consisting of PEA2SnBrI3/nano-C3N4 was studied at Imperial College London to investigate the charge transfer generated at the interface between two semiconductors. The use of the model system was necessary because the system formed by the germanium-based perovskite requires more in-depth study since it is a rather new perovskite in the literature. The results obtained during the charge transfer study are promising, as they show a decrease in the charge lifetime in the presence of C3N4 and thus an effective charge transfer. Overall, the results obtained from both photocatalytic and optoelectronic perspectives during the project are promising and good starting points for future investigations and applications.
Al giorno d'oggi il sistema energetico mondiale è ancora basato sull'utilizzo dei combustibili fossili come fonti energetiche. Tuttavia, proprio questi materiali sono tra i maggiori responsabili delle problematiche legate al cambiamento climatico e le problematiche ambientali. A partire dalla volontà di ridurre la problematica ambientale, la ricerca si sta via via muovendo verso l'utilizzo di risorse rinnovabili su cui in futuro basare la produzione di energia nella società. Una delle alternative su cui ci si sta focalizzando sempre di più è l'idrogeno, il quale ha il funzionamento vettore energetico. Uno dei metodi per la produzione di idrogeno green è il processo di water splitting attivato attraverso la luce solare. La foto-elettrolisi dell’acqua, infatti, grazie all'utilizzo di un corretto catalizzatore permette di innescare la reazione che porta alla degradazione dell'acqua in idrogeno e ossigeno. Uno dei catalizzatori più promettenti è il nitruro di carbonio in forma grafitica. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato creare un sistema di g-C3N4 ed un co-catalizzatore, in particolare una perovskite a base di germanio, che potesse migliorare le prestazioni del catalizzatore (g-C3N4) stesso. Il sistema g-C3N4/PhBz2GeI4 è stato sottoposto a caratterizzazione strutturale e morfologica (XRD, UV-Vis e SEM) ed a test di catalisi, dal quale si è ottenuto che lo sviluppo di questo sistema è effettivamente efficacie come catalizzatore del processo. In particolare, il sistema maggiormente performante è quello che contiene un 3% di perovskite ed il resto g-C3N4. Al termine dello studio delle proprietà catalitiche, presso l'Imperial College London, si è studiato un sistema modello formato da PEA2SnBrI3/nano-C3N4 per investigare il trasferimento di carica che si genera all'interfaccia tra due semiconduttori. L'utilizzo del sistema modello è stato necessario in quanto il sistema formato dalla perovskite a base di germanio richiede uno studio maggiormente approfondito essendo una perovskite alquanto nuova in letteratura. I risultati ottenuti durante lo studio del trasferimento di carica sono promettenti, in quanto evidenziano una diminuzione del tempo di vita delle cariche in presenza di C3N4 e quindi un effettivo passaggio di carica. In generale, i risultati ottenuti dal punto di vista sia fotocatalitico che optoelettronico durante lo svolgimento del progetto sono promettenti e buoni punti di partenza per indagini ed applicazioni future.
Design di un sistema fotocataliticamente attivo basato sull'uso di una nuova perovskite 2D a base di germanio
-Nowadays, the world energy system is still based on the use of fossil fuels as energy sources. However, these very materials are among the biggest contributors to climate change and environmental issues. Starting with the desire to reduce environmental issues, research is gradually moving toward the use of renewable resources on which to base energy production in society in the future. One of the alternatives that is being increasingly focused on is hydrogen, which has the energy carrier function. One of the methods for producing green hydrogen is the water splitting process activated through sunlight. The photo-electrolysis of water, in fact, using a proper catalyst allows to trigger the reaction that leads to the degradation of water into hydrogen and oxygen. One of the most promising catalysts is graphitic carbon nitride. The purpose of this thesis was to create a system of g-C3N4 and a co-catalyst, specifically a germanium-based perovskite, that could improve the performance of the catalyst (g-C3N4) itself. The g-C3N4/PhBz2GeI4 system was subjected to structural and morphological characterization (XRD, UV-Vis and SEM) and catalysis testing, from which it was obtained that the development of this system is indeed efficacious as a catalyst for the process. In particular, the best performing system is the one that contains 3% perovskite and the rest g-C3N4. Upon completion of the study of the catalytic properties, a model system consisting of PEA2SnBrI3/nano-C3N4 was studied at Imperial College London to investigate the charge transfer generated at the interface between two semiconductors. The use of the model system was necessary because the system formed by the germanium-based perovskite requires more in-depth study since it is a rather new perovskite in the literature. The results obtained during the charge transfer study are promising, as they show a decrease in the charge lifetime in the presence of C3N4 and thus an effective charge transfer. Overall, the results obtained from both photocatalytic and optoelectronic perspectives during the project are promising and good starting points for future investigations and applications.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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