Hashimoto's thyroiditis (TH) is the most frequent autoimmune disease in the world, it causes chronic inflammation of the thyroid tissue in about 20-30% of patients, with a condition of hypothyroidism. In Italy it affects the female population (5-15%) in a higher percentage than the male population (1-5%), increasing in frequency with age. In light of recent epidemiological changes, it is thought that the development of TH may not only be due to a genetic predisposition, but also a consequence of environmental factors that have changed rapidly over the years. When we talk about environmental factors, we refer to the lifestyle that a person leads (diet, physical activity, use of alcohol and tobacco) and the environment in which they live. The relationship between the composition of the gut microbiota and thyroid autoimmunity has gained much attention in recent years in the context of research. It is increasingly recognized that significant variations in the gut microbial population are also found in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that involve organs outside the gastrointestinal system such as the thyroid gland. The gut microbiota, which corresponds to approximately two-thirds of the human commensal microbial community, is hosted by the gastrointestinal tract, represents the organism's largest interface with the external environment, and has co-evolved into a symbiotic relationship with humans . It plays an important role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, in detoxification and in the synthesis of vitamins, it is also fundamental for the correct development of the lymphoid system, 70% of which resides in the intestine (GALT) and finally plays a significant role in the maintenance of nutritional, metabolic and immunological homeostasis in the host. Variations in the composition of the gut microbiota, known as dysbiosis, have been described in patients with numerous diseases. The state of the microbiota in adults appears to be quite stable, although it constantly adapts to eating habits and changes during the development of a disease. Shedding light on the characterization of dysbiosis in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis could help develop new strategies for the prevention and treatment of Hashimoto's disease and understand a more general mechanism that can also be shared by many other autoimmune diseases. What is first investigated in this parallel group observational study "evaluation of the composition of the iNtestInal microbiota in patients with hAshimot's thyroiditis" (ANITA) is precisely the composition of the intestinal microbiota of women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and of a group of control subjects of the same age and body mass index (Body Mass Index, BMI), not affected by this pathology, in order to evaluate the relative abundance of microorganisms, the heterogeneity of the microbial population and the inter- individual. Among the secondary objectives is to compare the composition of the microbiota in the group of patients and controls and evaluate the association between the composition of the intestinal microbiota and the lifestyle in patients and controls. The results of our research could help to better understand the role that the composition of the intestinal microbiota plays in the onset of HT; however, further research will be needed to clarify in more detail the mechanisms underlying the diet-microbiota-immune system axis.
La tiroidite di Hashimoto (TH) è la malattia autoimmune più frequente al mondo, essa provoca, in circa il 20-30% dei pazienti, un'infiammazione cronica del tessuto tiroideo, con una condizione di ipotiroidismo. In Italia colpisce in percentuale più elevata la popolazione femminile (5-15%) rispetto a quella maschile (1-5%), aumentando di frequenza, con il progredire dell’età. Alla luce dei recenti cambiamenti epidemiologici, si pensa che lo sviluppo della TH potrebbe non essere dovuto solo a una predisposizione genetica, ma essere anche una conseguenza dei fattori ambientali che sono mutati rapidamente negli anni. Quando parliamo di fattori ambientali facciamo riferimento allo stile di vita che una persona conduce (alimentazione, attività fisica, uso di alcool e tabacco) ed all’ambiente in cui vive. Il rapporto tra la composizione del microbiota intestinale e l'autoimmunità tiroidea ha guadagnato molta attenzione negli ultimi anni nell’ambito della ricerca. È sempre più noto come variazioni significative nella popolazione microbica intestinale si riscontrino anche in malattie infiammatorie e autoimmuni che coinvolgono organi al di fuori del sistema gastrointestinale come ad esempio la ghiandola tiroidea. Il microbiota intestinale, che corrisponde a circa i due terzi della comunità microbica commensale umana, è ospitata dal tratto gastrointestinale, rappresenta la più grande interfaccia dell'organismo con l'ambiente esterno ed si è co-evoluta in una relazione simbiotica con gli esseri umani. Esso esercita un ruolo importante nella digestione e assorbimento dei nutrienti, nella disintossicazione e nella sintesi delle vitamine, è anche fondamentale per il corretto sviluppo del sistema linfoide, il 70% del quale risiede a livello intestinale (GALT) ed infine svolge un ruolo significativo nel mantenimento dell'omeostasi nutrizionale, metabolica e immunologica nell'ospite. Variazioni nella composizione del microbiota intestinale, note come disbiosi, sono state descritte in pazienti portatori di numerose malattie. Lo stato del microbiota negli adulti sembra essere abbastanza stabile, sebbene si adatti costantemente alle abitudini alimentari e ai cambiamenti durante lo sviluppo di una malattia. Fare luce sulla caratterizzazione della disbiosi nei pazienti con tiroidite di Hashimoto potrebbe aiutare a sviluppare nuove strategie per la prevenzione e per il trattamento di tale patologia e comprendere un meccanismo più generale che può essere condiviso anche da molte altre malattie autoimmuni. Quello che per prima cosa viene indagato in questo studio osservazionale a gruppi paralleli “valutazione della composizione del microbiotA iNtestInale in pazienti affetti da Tiroidite di hAshimot” (ANITA) è proprio la composizione del microbiota intestinale di donne affette da tiroidite di Hashimoto e di un gruppo di soggetti di controllo di pari età e indice di massa corporea (Body Mass Index, BMI), non affette da tale patologia, al fine di valutare l’abbondanza relativa dei genera dei microrganismi, l’eterogeneità della popolazione microbica e la variabilità inter-individuale. Tra gli obiettivi secondari c’è quello di confrontare la composizione del microbiota nel gruppo dei pazienti e dei controlli e valutare l’associazione tra la composizione del microbiota intestinale e lo stile di vita nei pazienti e nei controlli. I risultati della nostra ricerca potrebbero aiutare a comprendere meglio il ruolo che la composizione del microbiota intestinale svolge nell’insorgenza dell'HT; tuttavia, saranno necessarie ulteriori ricerche per chiarire in modo più approfondito i meccanismi sottostanti l’asse dieta-microbiota-sistema immunitario.
valutazione della composizione del microbiotA iNtestInale in soggetti affetti da Tiroidite di hAshimoto (ANITA)
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (TH) is the most frequent autoimmune disease in the world, it causes chronic inflammation of the thyroid tissue in about 20-30% of patients, with a condition of hypothyroidism. In Italy it affects the female population (5-15%) in a higher percentage than the male population (1-5%), increasing in frequency with age. In light of recent epidemiological changes, it is thought that the development of TH may not only be due to a genetic predisposition, but also a consequence of environmental factors that have changed rapidly over the years. When we talk about environmental factors, we refer to the lifestyle that a person leads (diet, physical activity, use of alcohol and tobacco) and the environment in which they live. The relationship between the composition of the gut microbiota and thyroid autoimmunity has gained much attention in recent years in the context of research. It is increasingly recognized that significant variations in the gut microbial population are also found in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that involve organs outside the gastrointestinal system such as the thyroid gland. The gut microbiota, which corresponds to approximately two-thirds of the human commensal microbial community, is hosted by the gastrointestinal tract, represents the organism's largest interface with the external environment, and has co-evolved into a symbiotic relationship with humans . It plays an important role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, in detoxification and in the synthesis of vitamins, it is also fundamental for the correct development of the lymphoid system, 70% of which resides in the intestine (GALT) and finally plays a significant role in the maintenance of nutritional, metabolic and immunological homeostasis in the host. Variations in the composition of the gut microbiota, known as dysbiosis, have been described in patients with numerous diseases. The state of the microbiota in adults appears to be quite stable, although it constantly adapts to eating habits and changes during the development of a disease. Shedding light on the characterization of dysbiosis in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis could help develop new strategies for the prevention and treatment of Hashimoto's disease and understand a more general mechanism that can also be shared by many other autoimmune diseases. What is first investigated in this parallel group observational study "evaluation of the composition of the iNtestInal microbiota in patients with hAshimot's thyroiditis" (ANITA) is precisely the composition of the intestinal microbiota of women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and of a group of control subjects of the same age and body mass index (Body Mass Index, BMI), not affected by this pathology, in order to evaluate the relative abundance of microorganisms, the heterogeneity of the microbial population and the inter- individual. Among the secondary objectives is to compare the composition of the microbiota in the group of patients and controls and evaluate the association between the composition of the intestinal microbiota and the lifestyle in patients and controls. The results of our research could help to better understand the role that the composition of the intestinal microbiota plays in the onset of HT; however, further research will be needed to clarify in more detail the mechanisms underlying the diet-microbiota-immune system axis.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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