Background The approach to the concept of health and health education and health promotion, sees the need to evaluate the effectiveness of actions to promote healthy lifestyles. According to WHO data for the past five years, 86% of deaths, 77% of the loss of years of life in good health and 75% of healthcare costs in Europe and Italy are caused by some diseases that have common factors of editable risk. These risk factors are responsible - alone - for 60% of the loss of years of life in good health in Europe and Italy. The challenge for professionals is to promote healthy lifestyles through effective projects by mobilizing political, organizational and community support. Disease prevention and health education, together with the assistance of the sick and the disabled, are the main functions of the nurse. Preparation of nurses for this health promoting role begins during the three-year basic training. Between the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, the preparation of nursing students and attitudes towards health promotion were studied in numerous intra and extra-European contexts, with the shared result that teaching needs to be more integrated into clinical experiences to promote a deeper and more tangible professional involvement. To date, the experiences and perceptions of Italian nursing students regarding their abilities on health promotion and healthy lifestyles have not yet been investigated. In particular, until now there aren’t qualitative studies on the subject. Aim The aim of this project is to explore and describe the perception, experience and knowledge of the students of the Course of Studies in Nursing of two Universities (Università di Pavia and Humanitas University – Pieve Emanuele) with respect to the field of health promotion. Specifically, this study aims to investigate how and with what perspectives Nursing students approach the profession and the role of promoters. Materials and Methods A qualitative study was carried out by applying the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach. Data collection was carried out between December 2021 and January 2022, through semi-structured interviews on a proactive sample. The rigor of data analysis was ensured by the processes of credibility, transferability and reliability through bracketing and member checking. Results 20 students attending the second and third years of the course were enrolled, interviewed by researchers about their perceptions and experiences about health promotion. Four main themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews: 1. Definition of health promotion, 2. The cornerstones of health promotion, 3. Perception of organizational and context barriers, 4. Safeguarding the community. The results showed that for the interviewees the definition of health promotion depends on the experiences (mainly hospital) lived during clinical internships. However, it is clear to them what are the skills to be developed to be ready to fulfill the role of promoters, despite the media contradictions and the pandemic period that put a strain on a hard test the motivation and the overcoming of every obstacle. Conclusions The results of the study allow us to reflect on the fact that, even though health promotion has been a topic that has long been discussed on national and international comparison tables, even today we must face organizational and cultural obstacles that make the professional path that brings the nurse closer to the citizen and his needs, and not only to the patient in the hospital, tortuous (albeit virtuous) the professional path that brings the nurse closer to the citizen and his needs, and not only to the patient in the hospital.
Background L’approccio al concetto di salute e di educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute, vede la necessità di valutare l’efficacia delle azioni per promuovere stili di vita sani. Secondo i dati dell’OMS del quinquennio passato, lʼ86% dei decessi, il 77% della perdita di anni di vita in buona salute e il 75% delle spese sanitarie in Europa e in Italia sono causati da alcune patologie che hanno in comune fattori di rischio modificabili. Tali fattori di rischio sono responsabili - da soli - del 60% della perdita di anni di vita in buona salute in Europa e in Italia. La sfida per i professionisti è quella di promuovere stili di vita sani attraverso progetti efficaci mobilitando il supporto politico, organizzativo e della comunità. La prevenzione delle malattie e l’educazione sanitaria, insieme all’assistenza dei malati e dei disabili, sono le principali funzioni dell’infermiere (Profilo professionale DM 739/94). La preparazione degli infermieri per questo ruolo di promozione della salute inizia durante la formazione del triennio di base. Tra gli anni ’90 e il primo decennio del 2000 la preparazione degli studenti di infermieristica e gli atteggiamenti nei confronti della promozione della salute sono stati studiati in numerosi contesti intra ed extraeuropei, con il risultato condiviso che l'insegnamento necessita di essere più integrato nelle esperienze cliniche per promuovere un più profondo e tangibile coinvolgimento professionale. Ad oggi non sono ancora state indagate le esperienze e le percezioni degli studenti di Infermieristica italiani in merito alle proprie capacità nell’ambito della promozione della salute e di stili di vita sani. In particolare, fino ad ora non esistono studi qualitativi di indagine fenomenologica sull’argomento. Obiettivo L’obiettivo di questo progetto è esplorare e descrivere la percezione, il vissuto e le conoscenze degli studenti del Corso di Studi in Infermieristica di due Università Lombarde rispetto all’ambito della promozione della salute. Nello specifico, questo studio vuole indagare in che modo e con quali prospettive gli studenti di Infermieristica si approcciano alla professione e al ruolo di promotori. Materiali e metodi Uno studio qualitativo è stato realizzato applicando l'approccio dell'analisi fenomenologica interpretativa (IPA). La raccolta dei dati è stata effettuata tra dicembre 2021 e gennaio 2022, attraverso interviste semi-strutturate su un campione propositivo. Il rigore dell'analisi dei dati è stato assicurato dai processi di credibilità, trasferibilità e affidabilità tramite bracketing e member checking. Risultati Sono stati arruolati 20 studenti frequentanti il II e il III anno di corso, intervistati dai ricercatori sulle loro percezioni e i loro vissuti circa la promozione della salute. Dall’analisi delle interviste sono emersi quattro temi principali: 1. Definizione di promozione della salute, 2. I capisaldi della promozione della salute, 3. Percezione di barriere organizzative e di contesto, 4. Salvaguardia della comunità. I risultati hanno evidenziato come per gli intervistati la definizione di promozione della salute dipenda dalle esperienze (prevalentemente ospedaliere) vissute durante i tirocini clinici. Tuttavia, è loro chiaro quali sono le competenze da sviluppare per essere pronti ad assolvere il ruolo di promotori, nonostante le contraddizioni mediatiche e il periodo pandemico che mettono, oggi, a dura prova la motivazione e il superamento di ogni ostacolo. Conclusioni I risultati dello studio consentono di riflettere sul fatto che, nonostante la promozione della salute sia un argomento da lungo tempo discusso sui tavoli di confronto nazionali e internazionali, ancora oggi si devono affrontare ostacoli organizzativi e culturali che rendono tortuoso (seppur virtuoso) il percorso professionale che avvicina l’infermiere al cittadino e alle sue necessità, anche ma non solo nei setting di cura.
La promozione della salute e il punto di vista degli studenti di Infermieristica: uno studio fenomenologico interpretativo.
Background The approach to the concept of health and health education and health promotion, sees the need to evaluate the effectiveness of actions to promote healthy lifestyles. According to WHO data for the past five years, 86% of deaths, 77% of the loss of years of life in good health and 75% of healthcare costs in Europe and Italy are caused by some diseases that have common factors of editable risk. These risk factors are responsible - alone - for 60% of the loss of years of life in good health in Europe and Italy. The challenge for professionals is to promote healthy lifestyles through effective projects by mobilizing political, organizational and community support. Disease prevention and health education, together with the assistance of the sick and the disabled, are the main functions of the nurse. Preparation of nurses for this health promoting role begins during the three-year basic training. Between the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, the preparation of nursing students and attitudes towards health promotion were studied in numerous intra and extra-European contexts, with the shared result that teaching needs to be more integrated into clinical experiences to promote a deeper and more tangible professional involvement. To date, the experiences and perceptions of Italian nursing students regarding their abilities on health promotion and healthy lifestyles have not yet been investigated. In particular, until now there aren’t qualitative studies on the subject. Aim The aim of this project is to explore and describe the perception, experience and knowledge of the students of the Course of Studies in Nursing of two Universities (Università di Pavia and Humanitas University – Pieve Emanuele) with respect to the field of health promotion. Specifically, this study aims to investigate how and with what perspectives Nursing students approach the profession and the role of promoters. Materials and Methods A qualitative study was carried out by applying the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach. Data collection was carried out between December 2021 and January 2022, through semi-structured interviews on a proactive sample. The rigor of data analysis was ensured by the processes of credibility, transferability and reliability through bracketing and member checking. Results 20 students attending the second and third years of the course were enrolled, interviewed by researchers about their perceptions and experiences about health promotion. Four main themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews: 1. Definition of health promotion, 2. The cornerstones of health promotion, 3. Perception of organizational and context barriers, 4. Safeguarding the community. The results showed that for the interviewees the definition of health promotion depends on the experiences (mainly hospital) lived during clinical internships. However, it is clear to them what are the skills to be developed to be ready to fulfill the role of promoters, despite the media contradictions and the pandemic period that put a strain on a hard test the motivation and the overcoming of every obstacle. Conclusions The results of the study allow us to reflect on the fact that, even though health promotion has been a topic that has long been discussed on national and international comparison tables, even today we must face organizational and cultural obstacles that make the professional path that brings the nurse closer to the citizen and his needs, and not only to the patient in the hospital, tortuous (albeit virtuous) the professional path that brings the nurse closer to the citizen and his needs, and not only to the patient in the hospital.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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