Introduction During the last two years, education in Italy has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which, for safety reasons, has led to a shift from the typical in-person classes to online classes. This sudden change has also involved Nursing academics, who have quickly adapted to this new form of education, often in innovative and creative ways, with the purpose to reach their teaching goals. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the strategies and resources used for online classes that Nursing teachers found to be most effective in making their students reach their learning goals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods The study, carried out by means of the qualitative methodology of focused ethnography, involved a series of online and in-person interviews of Nursing teachers (ssd MED/45). The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed. For data collection, in addition to the semi-structured interview, two typical ethnography tools were used: fieldnotes and participant observation. For sample definition, sociodemographic data were collected. Results To describe the sample interviewed, some socio-demographic information was collected such as: age, sex, University, classification, experience years, marital status, subject and number of courses taught. From the analysis of the teachers' story, three main categories were identified: • Practical adjustment strategies • Professional / personal strategies • Identification of shortcomings and supports Conclusions The results of this study provided a first description of the strategies and resources used for online classes that Nursing teachers found to be most effective in making their students reach their learning goals. These results will be useful to refine and focus the objectives of teaching towards e-learning, setting the premises for the making of education plans that go beyond the pandemic.
Introduzione: Negli ultimi due anni la formazione italiana di ogni ordine e grado ha ricevuto una forte scossa legata alla pandemia da COVID-19 che, per motivi di sicurezza, ha portato a modificare le modalità classiche di organizzazione ed erogazione della formazione in presenza verso forme di didattica online. Anche i docenti dei corsi di Laurea in Infermieristica sono stati coinvolti in questo repentino cambiamento, i quali si sono adoperati spesso in maniera innovativa e fantasiosa, ed in tempi brevi, per riorganizzare la modalità di erogazione di contenuti didattici, nel tentativo di preservare e garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi dei propri corsi accademici. Scopo: Lo scopo dell’indagine è esplorare e descrivere quali siano state le strategie e le risorse agite dai docenti di infermieristica durante la didattica online nel periodo di pandemia da Covid-19 e che hanno percepito come efficaci nell’orientare lo studente al raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi. Materiali e metodi: La ricerca condotta attraverso la metodologia qualitativa dell’etnografia focalizzata, ha previsto una serie di interviste ai docenti di infermieristica di MED/45 talvolta in presenza e talvolta su piattaforme online. Le interviste sono state trascritte verbatim, rilette in maniera approfondita e poi analizzate. Per la raccolta dati, oltre all’intervista semi-strutturata, sono stati utilizzati due strumenti tipici dell’etnografia, quali: note sul campo e osservazione partecipante. Per la definizione del campione sono stati raccolti, inoltre, dei sociodemografici le cui variabili, quantitative e qualitative, sono state successivamente analizzate e descritte. Risultati: Sono state identificate tre categorie principali: strategie pratiche di adattamento, strategie professionali/personali, ricerca delle carenze e supporti. Conclusioni: I risultati di questo studio hanno fornito una prima descrizione delle strategie, delle risorse e delle competenze che i docenti di infermieristica hanno messo in atto durante la didattica online e che hanno percepito come efficaci nell’orientare lo studente al raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi. Questi risultati saranno utili per raffinare e indirizzare gli obiettivi della formazione alla didattica online per i docenti, creando i presupposti per stimolare la creazione di piani di formazione che vanno aldilà dell’emergenza.
Quali strategie e risorse agite dai docenti di infermieristica per una didattica online efficace in epoca covid? Studio qualitativo con metodologia di etnografia focalizzata.
Introduction During the last two years, education in Italy has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which, for safety reasons, has led to a shift from the typical in-person classes to online classes. This sudden change has also involved Nursing academics, who have quickly adapted to this new form of education, often in innovative and creative ways, with the purpose to reach their teaching goals. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the strategies and resources used for online classes that Nursing teachers found to be most effective in making their students reach their learning goals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods The study, carried out by means of the qualitative methodology of focused ethnography, involved a series of online and in-person interviews of Nursing teachers (ssd MED/45). The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed. For data collection, in addition to the semi-structured interview, two typical ethnography tools were used: fieldnotes and participant observation. For sample definition, sociodemographic data were collected. Results To describe the sample interviewed, some socio-demographic information was collected such as: age, sex, University, classification, experience years, marital status, subject and number of courses taught. From the analysis of the teachers' story, three main categories were identified: • Practical adjustment strategies • Professional / personal strategies • Identification of shortcomings and supports Conclusions The results of this study provided a first description of the strategies and resources used for online classes that Nursing teachers found to be most effective in making their students reach their learning goals. These results will be useful to refine and focus the objectives of teaching towards e-learning, setting the premises for the making of education plans that go beyond the pandemic.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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