During the post-operative treatment of surgical wounds, the most frequently complication is the infection of the surgical site. An inappropriate prescription of antimicrobial medication or antibiotics may not only lead to a lack of treatment effectiveness, but it may also lead to a decrease in the body’s defense mechanisms. This picture is compunded by the lack of new effective antibiotics on the market. In addition, the choice of medication is operator-dependent, based on practical experience and not on scientific evidence. The opportunity to have a wide range of dressings could also cause confusion and lead to a wrong selection, not allowing the resolution of the healing process. An informed choice is, therefore, fundamental so that this does not happen but it is still very difficult. There is, in fact, no scientific evidence that indicates the superiority of one class of dressings over another one in different situations. This is why it is essential to try to standardize the choice. The aim of the work is to revise the Monzino Cardiological Centre’s medication handbook according to literature in order to verify whether the products used in the hospital can ensure a safe and effective treatment. The second objective is to implement the inclusion in the handbook of new devices. This will be possible only after the examination of practical tests. The advanced dressings available in the handbook have been revised according to the evidence emerged from the review of the literature and a decision algorithm has been built to direct the operator in the appropriate choice of the device according to the degree detected with the selected rating scale (Swas scale). Finally, an evaluation sheet was built in order to evaluate the device according to parameters established upstream to a given CND category and subsequently tested with the practical test. For its development this project has foreseen the following phases: establishment of a multidisciplinary working group; systematic review of the literature with choice of the assessment scale (Swas Scale) according to the criteria of ease of application and standardisation of grades; construction of a decision algorithm that correlates the dressings to the different grades of the scale and highlighting any contraindications and, finally, construction of an evaluation grid organized in essential and preferential criteria that allows the hospital pharmacist and the health care professional to assign scores to dressings during the analysis of the technical data sheets and the testing of the device. The present work focuses on the first part of a path aimed at improving the management of the surgical wound within the reality of the Monzino Cardiological Center. The thesis addresses the preliminary parts of the project and it will have its subsequent development in a second phase that will include some steps such as the request by the Hospital Pharmacy of sampling to companies, the delivery of the devices to the departments to carry out the evaluation tests, the request for economic offers and the final selection of the medication with a favourable cost/effectiveness ratio. The choice of the most appropriate dressing for the individual situations is fundamental in order to allow a correct progression of the tissue repair process and the consequent reintegration of the tissue and skin functions of the patient. The hospital pharmacist plays an essential role in this field in collaboration with the clinician and other health professionals. The ultimate goal is to ensure an individual therapeutic plan, which allows for rapid and optimal healing without ever neglecting the patient’s well-being throughout the process.
Durante il trattamento post-operatorio delle ferite chirurgiche, la complicanza più frequente è l’infezione del sito chirurgico. La prescrizione inappropriata di medicazioni antimicrobiche o antibiotici non solo potrebbe condurre ad una mancata efficacia del trattamento, ma potrebbe determinare una diminuzione dei meccanismi di difesa dell’organismo. Questo quadro è aggravato dalla mancanza di nuovi antibiotici efficaci in commercio o in fase di sperimentazione. Inoltre, la scelta della medicazione è operatore-dipendente e, spesso, si basa sull’esperienza pratica e non su evidenze scientifiche. L’opportunità di disporre di una ampia gamma di medicazioni potrebbe generare confusione e condurre ad una selezione errata, non consentendo la guarigione. Non ci sono evidenze scientifiche che indichino la superiorità di una classe di medicazioni rispetto ad un’altra. Per questo è essenziale standardizzarne la scelta. Lo scopo del lavoro è la revisione del prontuario delle medicazioni del Centro Cardiologico Monzino al fine di verificare se quanto disponibile sia adeguato a garantire un trattamento sicuro ed efficace. Il secondo obiettivo è quello di implementare nuovi dispositivi dopo aver condotto la valutazione e la prova sul campo secondo una modalità strutturata che converga verso la selezione del prodotto con profilo costo efficacia più favorevole. La revisione è stata svolta in base alle evidenze di letteratura ed è stato costruito un algoritmo decisionale per indirizzare l’operatore nella scelta del dispositivo in base al grado rilevato con la scala di valutazione selezionata (Scala Swas). Infine, è stata costruita una scheda di valutazione al fine di valutare il dispositivo secondo parametri stabiliti a monte, peculiari per una data categoria CND e successivamente testata con la prova sul campo. Il progetto ha previsto per il suo sviluppo le seguenti fasi: costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro multidisciplinare, revisione sistematica della letteratura, costruzione di un algoritmo decisionale che correli le medicazioni raccomandate ai diversi gradi della scala e, infine, costruzione di una griglia di valutazione organizzata in criteri essenziali e preferenziali che permetta al farmacista ospedaliero e all’operatore sanitario di attribuire i punteggi alle medicazioni. Il presente lavoro si focalizza sulla prima parte di un percorso volto a migliorare la gestione della ferita chirurgica. La tesi affronta le parti preliminari del progetto avrà un suo successivo sviluppo in una seconda fase che prevedrà alcuni passaggi quali la richiesta da parte della Farmacia Ospedaliera della campionatura alle aziende, la consegna dei dispositivi ai reparti per effettuare le prove di valutazione, la richiesta delle offerte economiche e la selezione finale della medicazione con rapporto costo/efficacia favorevole. La scelta della medicazione più appropriata alle singole situazioni è fondamentale al fine di consentire una corretta progressione del processo di riparazione tessutale e il conseguente reintegro delle funzionalità tessutali e cutanee del paziente. Il farmacista ospedaliero riveste un ruolo essenziale in questo ambito in collaborazione con il clinico e gli altri operatori sanitari. L'obiettivo finale è quello di garantire un piano terapeutico individuale, che consenta una guarigione rapida ed ottimale senza mai tralasciare il benessere del paziente per tutta la durata del processo.
Dall'assessment della ferita chirurgica all'implementazione del prontuario ospedaliero delle medicazioni: l'esperienza del farmacista ospedaliero presso il Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
During the post-operative treatment of surgical wounds, the most frequently complication is the infection of the surgical site. An inappropriate prescription of antimicrobial medication or antibiotics may not only lead to a lack of treatment effectiveness, but it may also lead to a decrease in the body’s defense mechanisms. This picture is compunded by the lack of new effective antibiotics on the market. In addition, the choice of medication is operator-dependent, based on practical experience and not on scientific evidence. The opportunity to have a wide range of dressings could also cause confusion and lead to a wrong selection, not allowing the resolution of the healing process. An informed choice is, therefore, fundamental so that this does not happen but it is still very difficult. There is, in fact, no scientific evidence that indicates the superiority of one class of dressings over another one in different situations. This is why it is essential to try to standardize the choice. The aim of the work is to revise the Monzino Cardiological Centre’s medication handbook according to literature in order to verify whether the products used in the hospital can ensure a safe and effective treatment. The second objective is to implement the inclusion in the handbook of new devices. This will be possible only after the examination of practical tests. The advanced dressings available in the handbook have been revised according to the evidence emerged from the review of the literature and a decision algorithm has been built to direct the operator in the appropriate choice of the device according to the degree detected with the selected rating scale (Swas scale). Finally, an evaluation sheet was built in order to evaluate the device according to parameters established upstream to a given CND category and subsequently tested with the practical test. For its development this project has foreseen the following phases: establishment of a multidisciplinary working group; systematic review of the literature with choice of the assessment scale (Swas Scale) according to the criteria of ease of application and standardisation of grades; construction of a decision algorithm that correlates the dressings to the different grades of the scale and highlighting any contraindications and, finally, construction of an evaluation grid organized in essential and preferential criteria that allows the hospital pharmacist and the health care professional to assign scores to dressings during the analysis of the technical data sheets and the testing of the device. The present work focuses on the first part of a path aimed at improving the management of the surgical wound within the reality of the Monzino Cardiological Center. The thesis addresses the preliminary parts of the project and it will have its subsequent development in a second phase that will include some steps such as the request by the Hospital Pharmacy of sampling to companies, the delivery of the devices to the departments to carry out the evaluation tests, the request for economic offers and the final selection of the medication with a favourable cost/effectiveness ratio. The choice of the most appropriate dressing for the individual situations is fundamental in order to allow a correct progression of the tissue repair process and the consequent reintegration of the tissue and skin functions of the patient. The hospital pharmacist plays an essential role in this field in collaboration with the clinician and other health professionals. The ultimate goal is to ensure an individual therapeutic plan, which allows for rapid and optimal healing without ever neglecting the patient’s well-being throughout the process.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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