Thesis objective: The aim of my work is to highlight how sport climbing has a deeper meaning than other sports. I have analyzed a lot of articles on this subject that define this sport as a real mental challenge, almost "a window to the inner world" . Methodology, sources and tools used: I checked many websites (Pubmed, Google Scholar, Sport Magazine…), articles from specialized magazines and newspapers, specific texts, manuals. I selected interesting contents that could confirm my goal, discarding elements that are not suitable for my research because they are too specific on psychological or purely technical issues. I also based my experience as a climber. Stages of the thesis: I started with a description of the techniques and materials for climbing, illustrating the physical advantages and muscular responses characteristic of this sport. Through the analysis of some articles I brought to light the themes of my study: • The important psychological hurges (feelings and emotions) and their transferability to daily life: an apparently only physical activity triggers a concrete awareness of one's self, a journey to discover one's "being", for a global activation of the subject. • The importance of ethics in the mutual relationship between the climber and the mountain; and again ethics in the relationship between rope mates, mutual responsibility and the difference between pro-social, collaborative and empathic behavior as opposed to self-centered and one-sided behavior. • The importance of physical but above all mental balance, because in this sport the head has primacy over the body, just as the transition from one position of balance to another is more important than muscle strength. • The relationship between the psychological technique of "mindfulness" and the attention skills required in sport climbing. Results and conclusions: I think I have achieved the objectives I set myself. Through a careful analysis of the contents of the articles under consideration, I was able to assimilate the varied points of view of the authors about the benefits not only physical but also psychological, as well as the ethical implications of sport climbing. I have come to a concrete amalgamation as an added value, which has been transformed into a personal proposal.
Obbiettivo della tesi: L’obbiettivo di questo mio lavoro è mettere in luce come l’arrampicata sportiva abbia un significato più profondo rispetto ad altri sport. Ho analizzato numerosi articoli sull’ argomento che definiscono questo sport come una vera e propria messa in gioco mentale, quasi “una finestra sul mondo interiore” . Metodologia, fonti e strumenti utilizzati: Ho utilizzato database in Rete (Pubmed, Google Scholar, Sport Magazine…), articoli di riviste specializzate e quotidiani, testi specifici, manuali. Ho scelto i contenuti interessanti che potessero confermare il mio obbiettivo, scartando elementi non idonei alla mia ricerca perché troppo specifici su tematiche psicologiche o prettamente tecniche. Mi sono basata anche sulla mia esperienza di arrampicatrice. Tappe del lavoro: Ho iniziato con la descrizione delle tecniche e dei materiali per l’arrampicata, illustrando i vantaggi fisici e le risposte muscolari caratteristiche di questo sport. Attraverso l’analisi di alcuni articoli ho porta alla luce le tematiche del mio studio: • Le notevoli sollecitazioni psicologiche (sentimenti ed emozioni) e la loro trasferibilità alla vita quotidiana: un’attività apparentemente solo fisica innesca una concreta presa di coscienza del proprio io, un viaggio alla scoperta del proprio “essere”, per un’attivazione globale del soggetto. • L’importanza dell’etica nel rapporto reciproco tra il climber e la montagna; e ancora l’etica nel rapporto tra i compagni di corda, la responsabilità reciproca e la differenza tra un comportamento pro-sociale, collaborativo ed empatico in antitesi a comportamenti egocentrici e unilaterali. • L’importanza dell’equilibrio fisico ma soprattutto mentale, perché in questo sport la testa ha il primato sul corpo, così come il passaggio da una posizione di equilibrio all’altra è più importante della forza muscolare. • La relazione tra la tecnica psicologica del “mindfullness” e le capacità attentive richieste nell’arrampicata sportiva. Risultati raggiunti: Ritengo di aver realizzato gli obbiettivi che mi ero posta. Attraverso un’attenta analisi dei contenuti degli articoli presi in considerazione ho potuto assimilare i variegati punti di vista degli autori circa i benefici non solo fisici ma anche psicologici, nonché le implicazioni etiche dell’arrampicata sportiva. Sono così giunta ad un concreto amalgama quale valore aggiunto, che si è trasformato in una proposta personale.
arrampicata: corpo e mente. Aspetti fisici e psichici.
Thesis objective: The aim of my work is to highlight how sport climbing has a deeper meaning than other sports. I have analyzed a lot of articles on this subject that define this sport as a real mental challenge, almost "a window to the inner world" . Methodology, sources and tools used: I checked many websites (Pubmed, Google Scholar, Sport Magazine…), articles from specialized magazines and newspapers, specific texts, manuals. I selected interesting contents that could confirm my goal, discarding elements that are not suitable for my research because they are too specific on psychological or purely technical issues. I also based my experience as a climber. Stages of the thesis: I started with a description of the techniques and materials for climbing, illustrating the physical advantages and muscular responses characteristic of this sport. Through the analysis of some articles I brought to light the themes of my study: • The important psychological hurges (feelings and emotions) and their transferability to daily life: an apparently only physical activity triggers a concrete awareness of one's self, a journey to discover one's "being", for a global activation of the subject. • The importance of ethics in the mutual relationship between the climber and the mountain; and again ethics in the relationship between rope mates, mutual responsibility and the difference between pro-social, collaborative and empathic behavior as opposed to self-centered and one-sided behavior. • The importance of physical but above all mental balance, because in this sport the head has primacy over the body, just as the transition from one position of balance to another is more important than muscle strength. • The relationship between the psychological technique of "mindfulness" and the attention skills required in sport climbing. Results and conclusions: I think I have achieved the objectives I set myself. Through a careful analysis of the contents of the articles under consideration, I was able to assimilate the varied points of view of the authors about the benefits not only physical but also psychological, as well as the ethical implications of sport climbing. I have come to a concrete amalgamation as an added value, which has been transformed into a personal proposal.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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