Squeezed states of light are of paramount importance for a variety of applications such as quantum information, quantum computation, metrology and data science. All these fields would benefit from a more efficient generation of such states. A typical source of squeezing in an integrated device is made of a ring resonator in which a nonlinear parametric process, such as spontaneous four wave mixing (SFWM), takes place. On the one hand, this structure makes it possible to enhance the efficiency of SFWM, and to satisfy both energy and momentum conservation for all the fields involved in the nonlinear interaction. On the other hand, in some circumstances, it can lead to the enhancement of undesired processes, which may affect the quality of the generated state. This is the case of SFWM, which can be pictured as the elastic scattering of two pump photons, ending up with the generation of two new photons at different frequencies. This can happen in two different ways: two pumps at frequencies ω1 and ω2 can generate pairs of identical photons at (ω1+ω2)/2 , or each pump individually can generate a pair of photons, only one of which having frequency (ω1+ω2)/2 . The first process is called dual-pump SFWM, and is used to generate single-mode squeezed light; the second one is single-pump SFWM, which generates spare photons into the squeeze mode, thus introducing noise. In this thesis, we study the generation of a squeezed state under the noise effect described above, and we design a new structure to control and enhance the generation of squeezed light in a nanophotonic platform. In the first chapter, we discuss the characteristics of the single mode squeezed vacuum state, the nonlinear processes involved in its generation, and the experimental method to measure it. Moreover, some topics of nonlinear optics and photonics, that will be useful in the next dissertation, are briefly reviewed. In the second chapter, we analytically study the noisy squeezed state, produced by the combination of dual-pump SFWM and the undesired single-pump SFWM processes. We calculate the impact of spare photons on the global squeezing, with a particular focus on the small noise limit, that is when the undesired processes are far weaker than the dual-pump SFWM. This is also the usual regime in which a source would operate. In the third chapter, we review some squeezing sources with reduced noise. Then we propose a novel design, that is based on a ring resonator, in which a properly designed interferometric coupler allows for suppression of the single-pump process, while maintaining a highly efficient dual-pump process. We discuss the characteristics of this structure, and compare it to other sources of squeezed states that are currently used in integrated photonics. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we perform the structure optimization of our nanophotonic resonator through a numerical model, and study its robustness with respect to small variations in the optical length of its components, that are compatible with typical fabrication tolerance. The expected generation rate for both the parasitic processes and the desired one is calculated combining our numerical model with known results for the quantum treatment of parametric fluorescence processes. The results validate the hypothesis of low generation rate, and give an estimate of the squeezing level that one can realistically expect from such a device.
Gli stati di luce squeezed sono di fondamentale importanza per molte applicazioni, come l'informazione quantistica, la metrologia, la computazione quantistica e la scienza dei dati. Una generazione più efficiente di questi stati porterebbe benefici in tutti questi campi. In un risuonatore integrato, una tipica sorgente di squeezing è fatta di un risuonatore ad anello, in cui avviene un processo parametrico, come per esempio lo Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing (SFWM). Da un lato, questa struttura permette di aumentare l'efficienza dello SFWM e soddisfare le condizioni di conservazione dell'energia e del momento per tutti i campi che sono coinvolti nell'interazione nonlineare. Dall'altro lato, in certe situazioni, può portare all'aumento di processi indesiderati, che potrebbero compromettere la qualità dello stato generato. Per esempio avviene così nel caso dello SFWM, che può essere pensato come l'urto elastico tra due fotoni di pompa in cui viene generata una coppia di nuovi fotoni a frequenze diverse. Questo processo può avvenire in due modi: le due pompe a frequenze ω1 e ω2 possono generare un paio di fotoni identici a (ω1+ω2)/2, oppure ciascuna di loro può, da sola, generare un paio di fotoni, dei quali uno solo avrà frequenza (ω1+ω2)/2. Il primo processo è detto dual-pump SFWM, ed è utilizzato per generare luce squeezed a singolo modo; il secondo è il single-pump SFWM, che genera fotoni spaiati all'interno del modo di squeezing, introducendo del rumore. In questa tesi, studiamo la generazione di uno stato squeezed sotto l'effetto di rumore descritto in precedenza, e progettiamo una nuova struttura per controllare e aumentare la generazione di luce squeezed in una piattaforma fotonica integrata. Nel primo capitolo illustriamo le caratteristiche di uno stato squeezed a singolo modo, i processi nonlineari coinvolti nella sua generazione e il metodo sperimentale per misurarlo. Inoltre richiamiamo brevemente alcuni argomenti di ottica nonlineare e fotonica che saranno utili nella trattazione seguente. Nel secondo capitolo studiamo analiticamente lo stato squeezed rumoroso che viene prodotto dalla combinazione del dual-pump SFWM con il processo indesiderato di single-pump SFWM. Calcoliamo l'impatto dei fotoni spaiati sullo squeezing complessivo, con una particolare attenzione al limite di rumore piccolo, cioè quello in cui i processi indesiderati sono molto più deboli del dual-pump SFWM. Questo è il regime tipico in cui lavora una sorgente. Nel terzo capitolo presentiamo alcune sorgenti di squeezing con riduzione del rumore. Poi progettiamo un nuovo dispositivo, basato su un risuonatore ad anello, in cui un accoppiamento interferometrico opportunamente disegnato permette di sopprimere il processo a singola pompa, mantenendo alta l'efficienza del processo a doppia pompa. Discutiamo le caratteristiche di questa struttura, e la confrontiamo con altre sorgenti di stati squeezed. Infine, nel quarto capitolo, ottimizziamo la struttura di questo risuonatore fotonico integrato attraverso un modello numerico, e studiamo la sua capacità di adattamento a piccole variazioni della lunghezza ottica dei suoi componenti, compatibili con tipici errori di fabbricazione. Inoltre, calcoliamo il rate di generazione sia per il processo parassita che per quello desiderato, combinando il nostro modello numerico con risultati noti nella teoria quantistica della fluorescenza parametrica. I risultati confermano l'ipotesi di basso rate di generazione, e danno una stima del livello di squeezing che ci si può aspettare realisticamente in un dispositivo del genere.
Ottimizzazione della generazione di luce squeezed in un dispositivo integrato
Squeezed states of light are of paramount importance for a variety of applications such as quantum information, quantum computation, metrology and data science. All these fields would benefit from a more efficient generation of such states. A typical source of squeezing in an integrated device is made of a ring resonator in which a nonlinear parametric process, such as spontaneous four wave mixing (SFWM), takes place. On the one hand, this structure makes it possible to enhance the efficiency of SFWM, and to satisfy both energy and momentum conservation for all the fields involved in the nonlinear interaction. On the other hand, in some circumstances, it can lead to the enhancement of undesired processes, which may affect the quality of the generated state. This is the case of SFWM, which can be pictured as the elastic scattering of two pump photons, ending up with the generation of two new photons at different frequencies. This can happen in two different ways: two pumps at frequencies ω1 and ω2 can generate pairs of identical photons at (ω1+ω2)/2 , or each pump individually can generate a pair of photons, only one of which having frequency (ω1+ω2)/2 . The first process is called dual-pump SFWM, and is used to generate single-mode squeezed light; the second one is single-pump SFWM, which generates spare photons into the squeeze mode, thus introducing noise. In this thesis, we study the generation of a squeezed state under the noise effect described above, and we design a new structure to control and enhance the generation of squeezed light in a nanophotonic platform. In the first chapter, we discuss the characteristics of the single mode squeezed vacuum state, the nonlinear processes involved in its generation, and the experimental method to measure it. Moreover, some topics of nonlinear optics and photonics, that will be useful in the next dissertation, are briefly reviewed. In the second chapter, we analytically study the noisy squeezed state, produced by the combination of dual-pump SFWM and the undesired single-pump SFWM processes. We calculate the impact of spare photons on the global squeezing, with a particular focus on the small noise limit, that is when the undesired processes are far weaker than the dual-pump SFWM. This is also the usual regime in which a source would operate. In the third chapter, we review some squeezing sources with reduced noise. Then we propose a novel design, that is based on a ring resonator, in which a properly designed interferometric coupler allows for suppression of the single-pump process, while maintaining a highly efficient dual-pump process. We discuss the characteristics of this structure, and compare it to other sources of squeezed states that are currently used in integrated photonics. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we perform the structure optimization of our nanophotonic resonator through a numerical model, and study its robustness with respect to small variations in the optical length of its components, that are compatible with typical fabrication tolerance. The expected generation rate for both the parasitic processes and the desired one is calculated combining our numerical model with known results for the quantum treatment of parametric fluorescence processes. The results validate the hypothesis of low generation rate, and give an estimate of the squeezing level that one can realistically expect from such a device.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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