The aim of this thesis is to develop a software to make a fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in particular, quadcopters, fly in an unknown environment using a combination of Artificial Potential Field (APF) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for the path planning. Every agent must complete their independent tasks autonomously and without colliding with each other or with obstacles present in the environment. They need also to be able to manage fast changes in path planning due to the presence of moving obstacles. The multi-agents system is controlled by a central system that takes as input the information from every agent about their position and the environment that they see through some cameras. The central server, then, does all the computation to find the new path to follow depending on the new information acquired and sends results to the agents.
Esplorazione di un ambiente sconosciuto tramite un sistema multi-agent con l'utilizzo di tecniche di Reinforcement Learning e Artificial Potential Field modificato. Lo scopo di questa tesi e' quello di sviluppare un sofware che renda una flotta di droni aerei (UAV) in grado di volare in un ambiente sconosciuto usando una combinazione di Aritificial Potential Field e Reinforcement Learning come algoritmi per generare il percorso. Ogni agente deve completare il proprio compito autonomamente e senza collidere con gli altri agenti o con possibili ostacoli presenti nell'ambiente. Ongi agente deve quindi essere in grado di gestire rapidi cambi di direzione dovuti alla presenza di ostacoli in movimento. Il sistema multi-agente e' controllato da un sistema centrale che prende in ingresso le informazioni provenienti dagli agenti, come la posizione e i dettagli dell'ambiente visualizzati attraverso sensori e telecamere. Il server centrale elabora questi dati per calcolare l'azione successiva da eseguire e invia i risultati a ognuno degli agenti.
Uknown indoor exploration with a multi-agent system by using Reinforcement Learning and modified Artificial Potential Field
The aim of this thesis is to develop a software to make a fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in particular, quadcopters, fly in an unknown environment using a combination of Artificial Potential Field (APF) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for the path planning. Every agent must complete their independent tasks autonomously and without colliding with each other or with obstacles present in the environment. They need also to be able to manage fast changes in path planning due to the presence of moving obstacles. The multi-agents system is controlled by a central system that takes as input the information from every agent about their position and the environment that they see through some cameras. The central server, then, does all the computation to find the new path to follow depending on the new information acquired and sends results to the agents.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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