This work, dedicated to the institute of the minimum wage in its role of regulating the labor market aimed at combating the phenomenon of working poverty, takes into account the space that it occupies both in the supranational sources of labor law and in almost all national legal systems, including the Italian one. Here, in particular, in the absence of both collective bargaining with erga omnes effectiveness and national legislation on minimum wages, it is jurisprudence, with many difficulties, that guarantees all workers the proportional and sufficient remuneration provided for by the Constitution at article 36. The transformations of the labor market that have occurred mainly in the last thirty years, however, make new forms of wage protection necessary: alongside the sectoral and contingent interventions of the legislator, there is the first attempt to introduce national legislation on minimum wages, the Jobs Act, whose failure is followed by the bills presented during the XVIII and currently under discussion. As anticipated, the issue of the minimum wage is not confined only to the national context: this work, therefore, continues with the analysis of the European dimension of the minimum wage, especially in light of the recent proposal for a directive, focusing, lastly, on its two national experiences in wage matters (German and French).
Il presente lavoro, dedicato all'istituto del salario minimo nel suo ruolo di regolazione del mercato del lavoro finalizzata a contrastare il fenomeno della povertà lavorativa, dà conto dello spazio che lo stesso occupa tanto nelle fonti sovranazionali del diritto del lavoro quanto in pressoché tutti gli ordinamenti nazionali, compreso quello italiano. Qui, in particolare, in assenza sia di una contrattazione collettiva con efficacia erga omnes che di una legislazione nazionale sui salari minimi, è la giurisprudenza, con non poche difficoltà, a garantire a tutti i lavoratori la retribuzione proporzionale e sufficiente prevista dalla Costituzione all'articolo 36. Le trasformazioni del mercato del lavoro intervenute principalmente negli ultimi trent'anni, rendono però necessarie nuove forme di protezione salariale: accanto agli interventi settoriali e contingenti del legislatore, si colloca il primo tentativo di introdurre una normativa nazionale sul salario minimo, il Jobs Act, il cui fallimento è seguito dalle proposte di legge presentate nel corso della XVIII legislatura e attualmente in discussione. Come anticipato, la tematica del salario minimo non è confinata al solo ambito nazionale: questo lavoro, quindi, prosegue con l'analisi della dimensione europea del salario minimo, soprattutto alla luce della recente proposta di direttiva, concentrando, infine, su due peculiari esperienze nazionali in materia salariale (quella tedesca e quella francese).
Il salario minimo tra legge e contrattazione collettiva
This work, dedicated to the institute of the minimum wage in its role of regulating the labor market aimed at combating the phenomenon of working poverty, takes into account the space that it occupies both in the supranational sources of labor law and in almost all national legal systems, including the Italian one. Here, in particular, in the absence of both collective bargaining with erga omnes effectiveness and national legislation on minimum wages, it is jurisprudence, with many difficulties, that guarantees all workers the proportional and sufficient remuneration provided for by the Constitution at article 36. The transformations of the labor market that have occurred mainly in the last thirty years, however, make new forms of wage protection necessary: alongside the sectoral and contingent interventions of the legislator, there is the first attempt to introduce national legislation on minimum wages, the Jobs Act, whose failure is followed by the bills presented during the XVIII and currently under discussion. As anticipated, the issue of the minimum wage is not confined only to the national context: this work, therefore, continues with the analysis of the European dimension of the minimum wage, especially in light of the recent proposal for a directive, focusing, lastly, on its two national experiences in wage matters (German and French).È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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