Since the definition of the Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) paradigm, it emerged the need to better understand risk and protective factors for the transition to full-blown psychotic syndrome from the state of Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms (APS), with the aim of enabling early intervention on the psychopathology of adolescent patients. We analyzed a large cohort of adolescents to evaluate the possibility of using the Rorschach test as a predictive tool. At first, we characterized the Rorschach tests of DSM-5 APS patients at baseline, compared with those of a group of patients who presented a DSM-5 diagnosis of Early Onset Psychosis (EOP) and a group of non-APS adolescents, considered a control group. Then, we tested the hypothesis that antipsychotic drugs may be a confounding factor for performance on the Rorschach. The following step consisted in analyzing the possible correlations between the DSM-5 diagnoses at one-year follow-up and Rorschach indexes assessed at baseline. Finally, we observed the difference between Rorschach baseline indexes of DSM-5 APS adolescents who developed psychosis compared with those who showed symptom remission at one-year follow-up. Our results show a particular trend in the Rorschach profile of APS, which is characterized by worse performance in certain Perception and Thinking Problem indexes, also when compared with EOP patients. Antipsychotic drugs do not seem to be a significant confounding factor. The analysis showed that it is possible to define a typical Rorschach profile of patients who will be identified as at risk of psychosis after one year of follow-up in wich the most significant alterations emerge with reference to some indexes of Self and Other Representation domain and Stress and Distress domain. Although our sample was limited, we identified some indexes which appear to be worse in APS patients who transitioned to psychosis. Our study highlights the impact of interpersonal relationships and stress as significant risk factors for the development of APS and the transition to full-blown psychosis, suggesting the implementation of therapeutic approaches that focus on these issues to implement an early prevention strategy. Our work proposes a direction toward which future studies aimed at understanding the risk and protective factors involved in the development of psychotic disorders and how these can be detected through the Rorschach.
A partire dalla definizione del paradigma dello Stato Mentale a Rischio per Psicosi (CHR-P), è emersa la necessità di comprendere meglio i fattori di rischio e protettivi per la transizione da Psicosi Attenuata (APS) alla sindrome psicotica vera e propria, con l'obiettivo di consentire un intervento precoce sui processi psicopatologici nei pazienti adolescenti. Abbiamo analizzato un'ampia coorte di adolescenti per valutare la possibilità di utilizzare il test di Rorschach come strumento predittivo. Anzitutto, abbiamo caratterizzato i Rorschach al baseline dei pazienti con diagnosi di APS secondo i criteri del DSM-5, confrontandoli con quelli che caratterizzano gli adolescenti affetti da psicosi a esordio precoce (EOP) e con quelli di pazienti affetti da altre patologie, e che sono stati considerati gruppo di controllo (non-APS). In seguito, abbiamo testato l'ipotesi che i farmaci antipsicotici fossero un fattore confondente a carico della performance al Rorschach. La fase successiva è consistita nell'analizzare le possibili correlazioni tra le diagnosi secondo il DSM-5 a un anno di follow-up e gli indici Rorschach valutati al baseline. Infine, abbiamo osservato come si differenziassero i valori degli indici del test di Rorschach degli adolescenti DSM-5 APS che hanno sviluppato una psicosi rispetto a quei pazienti che hanno mostrato una remissione dei sintomi a un anno di follow-up. I nostri risultati mostrano un particolare andamento del profilo Rorschach degli APS, caratterizzato da una peggiore performance in alcuni indici riguardanti i Problemi del Pensiero e della Percezione anche rispetto ai pazienti EOP. I farmaci antipsicotici non sembrano essere un fattore confondente significativo. L'analisi ha mostrato che è possibile definire un profilo Rorschach tipico dei pazienti che saranno identificati come a rischio di psicosi dopo un anno di follow-up in cui le alterazioni più significative emergono in riferimento ad alcuni indici dei domini della Rappresentazione di Sé e degli Altri e dello Stress e Distress. Sebbene il nostro campione fosse limitato, abbiamo identificato alcuni indici che sembrano mostrare un andamento peggiore nei pazienti con APS che fanno transizione. Il nostro studio mette in evidenza l’impatto delle relazioni interpersonali e dello stress come fattori di rischio significativi per lo sviluppo di APS e la transizione a psicosi conclamata, suggerendo l’implementazione di approcci terapeutici che si concentrino su queste tematiche per mettere in atto una strategia di prevenzione precoce. Il nostro lavoro propone una direzione verso cui orientare i futuri studi volti a comprendere i fattori di rischio e protettivi che intervengono nello sviluppo dei disturbi psicotici e come questi possano essere rilevati attraverso il Rorschach.
Since the definition of the Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) paradigm, it emerged the need to better understand risk and protective factors for the transition to full-blown psychotic syndrome from the state of Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms (APS), with the aim of enabling early intervention on the psychopathology of adolescent patients. We analyzed a large cohort of adolescents to evaluate the possibility of using the Rorschach test as a predictive tool. At first, we characterized the Rorschach tests of DSM-5 APS patients at baseline, compared with those of a group of patients who presented a DSM-5 diagnosis of Early Onset Psychosis (EOP) and a group of non-APS adolescents, considered a control group. Then, we tested the hypothesis that antipsychotic drugs may be a confounding factor for performance on the Rorschach. The following step consisted in analyzing the possible correlations between the DSM-5 diagnoses at one-year follow-up and Rorschach indexes assessed at baseline. Finally, we observed the difference between Rorschach baseline indexes of DSM-5 APS adolescents who developed psychosis compared with those who showed symptom remission at one-year follow-up. Our results show a particular trend in the Rorschach profile of APS, which is characterized by worse performance in certain Perception and Thinking Problem indexes, also when compared with EOP patients. Antipsychotic drugs do not seem to be a significant confounding factor. The analysis showed that it is possible to define a typical Rorschach profile of patients who will be identified as at risk of psychosis after one year of follow-up in wich the most significant alterations emerge with reference to some indexes of Self and Other Representation domain and Stress and Distress domain. Although our sample was limited, we identified some indexes which appear to be worse in APS patients who transitioned to psychosis. Our study highlights the impact of interpersonal relationships and stress as significant risk factors for the development of APS and the transition to full-blown psychosis, suggesting the implementation of therapeutic approaches that focus on these issues to implement an early prevention strategy. Our work proposes a direction toward which future studies aimed at understanding the risk and protective factors involved in the development of psychotic disorders and how these can be detected through the Rorschach.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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