Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which affects the elderly population the most due to physiological dysfunction of the endocrine system. In recent years, the prevalence of this disease has increased significantly in young people as well: in fact, an estimated 537 million people have diabetes, and in addition to being a serious health risk due to its complications, it constitutes one of the most relevant and costly social diseases of our time, especially because of its chronic nature and the progressive shift in onset to increasingly younger ages. Precisely for this reason, in this thesis I wanted to cover several topics to fully understand the current situation of diabetic disease through ep-idemiology, complications due to the disease, the burdensome costs weighing on the state coffers, the importance of adherence in this disease, and, finally, adherence rates assessed in different age groups. For this very reason, there is a strong need for effective intervention strategies and policies to halt the increase in the number of people developing diabetes worldwide. Among these, much fiduence is placed on adherence, which has yielded excellent results as it ensures that the risk of complications, hospitalizations are reduced as much as possible and also lowers the costs of the disease that burden the National Health Service. In order to achieve good results, there needs to be close collaboration among all health care personnel, including general practitioners, specialists, nurses, and pharmacists: in fact, only in this way can the patient understand the real importance of the treatment he or she is receiving.
Il diabete mellito è una malattia cronica caratterizzata da elevati livello di glucosio nel sangue, che colpisce maggiormente la popolazione anziana, a causa di disfunzioni fisiologiche del sistema endocrino. Negli ultimi anni, la prevalenza di questa malattia è aumentata notevolmente anche nei giovani: si stimano, infatti, circa 537 milioni di persone affette da diabete e oltre a essere un grave rischio per la salute a causa delle sue complicanze, costituisce una delle più rilevanti e costose malattie sociali della nostra epoca, soprattutto per il suo carattere di cronicità e per il progressivo spostamento dell’insorgenza verso età sempre più giovanili. Proprio per questo motivo, in questo elaborato ho voluto trattare diverse tematiche per comprendere a pieno la situazione odierna della malattia diabetica attraverso l’epidemiologia, le complicazioni dovute alla malattia, i costi gravosi che pesano sulle casse dello Stato, l’importanza che riveste l’aderenza in questa malattia e, infine, le percentuali di aderenza valutate nelle diverse classi d’età. A fronte di questo, vi è un forte bisogno di strategie e politiche di intervento efficaci per fermare l'aumento del numero di persone che sviluppano il diabete in tutto il mondo. Tra queste, si ripone molta fiducia nell’aderenza, che ha permesso di ottenere ottimi risultati in quanto garantisce di ridurre il più possibile il rischio di complicanze, ospedalizzazioni e abbatte anche i costi della malattia che pesano al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. Per ottenere buoni risultati, è necessario che ci sia una stretta collabo-razione tra tutti i personali sanitari, tra cui medici di base, specialisti, infermieri e farmacisti: infatti, solo così il paziente può capire la reale importanza della cura a cui viene sottoposto.
Diabete mellito: epidemiologia, costi e conseguenze relative all'aderenza al trattamento.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which affects the elderly population the most due to physiological dysfunction of the endocrine system. In recent years, the prevalence of this disease has increased significantly in young people as well: in fact, an estimated 537 million people have diabetes, and in addition to being a serious health risk due to its complications, it constitutes one of the most relevant and costly social diseases of our time, especially because of its chronic nature and the progressive shift in onset to increasingly younger ages. Precisely for this reason, in this thesis I wanted to cover several topics to fully understand the current situation of diabetic disease through ep-idemiology, complications due to the disease, the burdensome costs weighing on the state coffers, the importance of adherence in this disease, and, finally, adherence rates assessed in different age groups. For this very reason, there is a strong need for effective intervention strategies and policies to halt the increase in the number of people developing diabetes worldwide. Among these, much fiduence is placed on adherence, which has yielded excellent results as it ensures that the risk of complications, hospitalizations are reduced as much as possible and also lowers the costs of the disease that burden the National Health Service. In order to achieve good results, there needs to be close collaboration among all health care personnel, including general practitioners, specialists, nurses, and pharmacists: in fact, only in this way can the patient understand the real importance of the treatment he or she is receiving.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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