Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects 5.8 million people in US with no effective therapeutic. The hallmark phenotype of AD is cognitive impairment that presents as a decline in memory and executive cognitive function. Clinicopathological studies have demonstrated an extended preclinical phase of the disease, with pathological processes estimated to begin up to 15 years prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, prevention or treatment at the early or even preclinical stages of the disease are extremely important and most likely have the greatest chances for success. Our research was conducted using the UK Biobank dataset. The UK Biobank holds an unprecedented amount of data on half a million participants aged 40-69 years (with a roughly even number of men and women) recruited between 2006 and 2010 throughout the UK. Assessments were undertaken in 22 centers in Scotland, England, and Wales. This study proposes a computational approach based on the UK Biobank dataset to characterize the impact of most common AD risk factors on respectively AD participants, cognitive impairment and T1-weighted structural brain MRI. All the subjects without history of neurodegenerative disease or brain cancer and with a follow-up at least of 3 years were selected (n = 286 482). First, associations between blood tests and AD were explored in a propensityscore matched case-control AD population (n = 3 614) that incorporated the main risk factors. To expand the number of participants to be studied, a regression analysis was performed to test the association between cognitive function tests-known to be proxies for cognitive impairment-measured at the assessment visit, and blood tests. The same method was applied to study the statistically significant association between cognitive function tests taken at the imaging visit and T1-weighted structural brain MRI images. Given the results of the linear regression analyses, the main differences between subjects with a confirmed AD diagnosis and subjects without a confirmed diagnosis of AD were characterized. Ultimately, six T1-weighted structural brain MRI imaging volumetric measures were selected to better profile AD risk factors and evalute their effect on the brain structure size.
L’Alzheimer (Alzheimer’s Disease, AD) è una patologia neurodegenerativa a decorso cronico e progressivo che colpisce 5.8 milioni di persone negli Stati Uniti e ad oggi non è presente alcuna cura efficace. L’Alzheimer è caratterizzata da un deterioramento cognitivo contraddistinto da una progressiva perdita di memoria e da un decadimento irreversibile delle principali funzioni cognitive. Studi clinico-patologici hanno dimostrato l’esistenza di una fase preclinica della malattia, durante la quale si possono osservare processi patologici che iniziano fino a 15 anni prima della manifestazione dei sintomi clinici. Dunque, la prevenzione o il trattamento all’inizio, o addirittura prima, della fase preclinica della patologia sono estremamente importanti e potrebbero portare ad un maggiore successo negli studi della patologia. Il presente lavoro è stato condotto usando il database fornito dalla UK Biobank. La biobanca britannica è un database biomedico su larga scala e una risorsa di ricerca, contenente informazioni genetiche e sanitarie approfondite da mezzo milione di partecipanti nel Regno Unito di età compresa tra i 40 e 69 anni (con un numero approssimativamente pari di maschi e femmine) e reclutati tra il 2006 e il 2010. Le valutazioni e i test sono stati eseguiti in 22 centri in Scozia, Inghilterra e Galles. Lo studio propone un approccio computazionale basato sul set di dati della UK Biobank per caratterizzare l’impatto dei fattori di rischio per l’AD noti in letteratura, rispettivamente sui partecipanti con AD, sul deterioramento cognitivo e sulle immagini di risonanza magnetica cerebrale strutturale pesata in T1. Sono stati selezionati tutti i soggetti senza storia di malattia neurodegenerativa o cancro al cervello e con un follow-up di almeno 3 anni (n = 286 482). In primo luogo, sono state esplorate le associazioni tra esami del sangue e AD in una popolazione caso-controllo AD propensity-score matched (n = 3 614) che include i principali fattori di rischio. Per ampliare il numero di partecipanti da studiare, è stata effettuata un’analisi di regressione per verificare l’associazione tra i test di funzionalità cognitiva - noti per essere proxy del deterioramento cognitivo - misurati alla visita di valutazione, e gli esami del sangue. Lo stesso metodo è stato applicato per studiare la presenza di associazioni statisticamente significative tra i test di funzionalità cognitiva effettuati alla visita di imaging e le immagini di risonanza magnetica cerebrale strutturale pesata in T1. In base ai risultati delle analisi di regressione lineare, sono state caratterizzate le principali differenze tra i soggetti con diagnosi confermata di AD e i soggetti senza diagnosi confermata di AD. Infine, sono state selezionate sei misure volumetriche di imaging di risonanza magnetica cerebrale strutturale pesata in T1 per profilare meglio i fattori di rischio di AD e valutare il loro impatto sulle dimensione del cervello.
A Statistical Analysis of the UK Biobank to Investigate the Relationships Between Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Factors, T1-weighted Structural Brain MRI Images, and Cognitive Impairment
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects 5.8 million people in US with no effective therapeutic. The hallmark phenotype of AD is cognitive impairment that presents as a decline in memory and executive cognitive function. Clinicopathological studies have demonstrated an extended preclinical phase of the disease, with pathological processes estimated to begin up to 15 years prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, prevention or treatment at the early or even preclinical stages of the disease are extremely important and most likely have the greatest chances for success. Our research was conducted using the UK Biobank dataset. The UK Biobank holds an unprecedented amount of data on half a million participants aged 40-69 years (with a roughly even number of men and women) recruited between 2006 and 2010 throughout the UK. Assessments were undertaken in 22 centers in Scotland, England, and Wales. This study proposes a computational approach based on the UK Biobank dataset to characterize the impact of most common AD risk factors on respectively AD participants, cognitive impairment and T1-weighted structural brain MRI. All the subjects without history of neurodegenerative disease or brain cancer and with a follow-up at least of 3 years were selected (n = 286 482). First, associations between blood tests and AD were explored in a propensityscore matched case-control AD population (n = 3 614) that incorporated the main risk factors. To expand the number of participants to be studied, a regression analysis was performed to test the association between cognitive function tests-known to be proxies for cognitive impairment-measured at the assessment visit, and blood tests. The same method was applied to study the statistically significant association between cognitive function tests taken at the imaging visit and T1-weighted structural brain MRI images. Given the results of the linear regression analyses, the main differences between subjects with a confirmed AD diagnosis and subjects without a confirmed diagnosis of AD were characterized. Ultimately, six T1-weighted structural brain MRI imaging volumetric measures were selected to better profile AD risk factors and evalute their effect on the brain structure size.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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