The upcoming transition away from the Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR) as a benchmark interest rate presents significant challenges for financial institutions which rely on these products whose market exposure worldwide exceeds $370 trillion. To address these challenges, we studied and implemented the extension of the popular Libor Market Model (LMM) proposed by Lyashenko and Mercurio [LM19a], which introduces a new modeling tool that simultaneously captures the evolution of IBORs and alternative benchmark rates. This is done by means of a stochastic process that evolves according to a backward looking probability distribution. Moreover, we propose a solution, based on a Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) framework, which is characterized by a small set of parameters demanding a lower computational effort. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the described models through a series of numerical examples. Overall, the research contributes to the growing literature on Monte Carlo techniques for interest rate derivative valuation. This thesis aims to be a guide towards the application to the financial world of the stochastic tools available in a physics student background. Specifically, it includes an introduction whose goal is to provide the necessary knowledge to easily perform a shift from the studies of statistical mechanics to the quantitative analysis in finance.
L’attuale transizione dall’IBOR (Interbank Offered Rate) come tasso di interesse di riferimento presenta sfide significative per le istituzioni finanziarie che si affidano a questi prodotti, la cui totale esposizione di mercato supera i $370 trilioni. Per affrontare queste sfide, viene studiata e implementata l’estensione del popolare Libor Market Model (LMM) proposta da Lyashenko e Mercurio [LM19a], in grado di descrivere contemporaneamente l’evoluzione degli IBORs e dei tassi di riferimento alternativi. Inoltre, viene descritta una possibile soluzione, basata su un modello di tipo Heat-Jarrow-Morton (HJM), che è caratterizzata da un minor numero di parametri e quindi un ridotto sforzo computazionale. L’efficacia dei modelli descritti è valutata e difesa attraverso una serie di esempi numerici. Nel complesso, questa ricerca contribuisce alla crescente letteratura sulle tecniche Monte Carlo per la valutazione dei derivati su tassi di interesse. La tesi si pone inoltre come guida per l’applicazione al mondo finanziario degli strumenti stocastici tipici del percorso accademico di uno studente di fisica. In particolare, l’introduzione fornisce le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari per effettuare il passaggio di metodo che differisce tra lo studio della meccanica statistica e l’analisi quantitativa in finanza.
Tecniche Monte Carlo per la Valutazione di Derivati su Tassi di Interesse
The upcoming transition away from the Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR) as a benchmark interest rate presents significant challenges for financial institutions which rely on these products whose market exposure worldwide exceeds $370 trillion. To address these challenges, we studied and implemented the extension of the popular Libor Market Model (LMM) proposed by Lyashenko and Mercurio [LM19a], which introduces a new modeling tool that simultaneously captures the evolution of IBORs and alternative benchmark rates. This is done by means of a stochastic process that evolves according to a backward looking probability distribution. Moreover, we propose a solution, based on a Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) framework, which is characterized by a small set of parameters demanding a lower computational effort. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the described models through a series of numerical examples. Overall, the research contributes to the growing literature on Monte Carlo techniques for interest rate derivative valuation. This thesis aims to be a guide towards the application to the financial world of the stochastic tools available in a physics student background. Specifically, it includes an introduction whose goal is to provide the necessary knowledge to easily perform a shift from the studies of statistical mechanics to the quantitative analysis in finance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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