Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue sarcoma with characteristics of skeletal muscle lineage, having high incidence in young adults below the age of 20. There are two subtypes of RMS defined according to the presence and absence of a PAX gene rearrangement, i.e., fusion-positive RMS (FP-RMS) and fusion-negative RMS (FN-RMS). A combination of microRNAs oncosuppressor was previously identified and their effects on the tumorigenicity and on the metabolism of pyruvate in FN-RMS cell models was evaluated. However, the precise mechanism underlying the effects observed on the metabolism of miRNA-treated FN-RMS is still unclear. We aimed to investigate the effect of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) inhibition in human and murine FN-RMS and compare it to oncosuppressor miRNAs (hsa-miR-449a-5p and hsa-miR-340-5p). To this end, we used human FN-RMS (RD18 and RD) and murine FN-RMS (KMR46) as cell models, and the treatment effects were investigated via immunofluorescence staining, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), and western blot to assess changes at both the morphological and molecular levels. Furthermore, to investigate the potential use of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as delivery carriers of miRNAs, EVs were isolated from LHCN-M2 cells and the delivery was investigated via exosome labeling and with Nanosight analysis. Compared to the vehicle-treated group, the MPC inhibitor (MPCi) led to a decrease in cell proliferation and promoted cells to form multinucleated structures, while miRNA treatment led to cell death and formation of enlarged multinucleated cells. In both treatments, an increase in the fusion of cells was also found. MPCi led to the downregulation of several important genes involved in the myogenic pathway, such as ACTA1, MYOD, MYOG, TNNI1, TNNI2, TNNT1, FGFR4. Through western blot analysis, we observed reduced MYF5 and MYOG protein contents which were not significantly different between treated and untreated samples. Finally, through EVs analysis, the presence of exosomal clusters was found, and the average size and concentration of the isolated EVs were measured. The MPCi showed similar effects as the oncosuppressor miRNAs in terms of reduction in cell proliferation in human and murine FN-RMS. These results provide a good insight into the effects of MPCi and oncosuppressor miRNAs in FN-RMS, which could pave the way for development of therapies such as the in vivo delivery of miRNAs using EVs.
Il rabdomiosarcoma (RMS) è il sarcoma più frequente dei tessuti molli con caratteristiche di differenziamento muscolare scheletrico e si sviluppa con un’elevata incidenza nei giovani adulti di età inferiore ai 20 anni. Esistono due sottotipi di RMS definiti in base alla presenza e all’assenza di un riarrangiamento genico del gene PAX, denominati FP-RMS (fusion positive-RMS) e FN-RMS (fusion negative-RMS). Sono stati identificati una serie di miRNA oncosoppressori associati al sottotipo FN-RMS e si sono studiati i loro effetti sulla cancerogenesi e sul metabolismo del piruvato. Tuttavia, il meccanismo e gli effetti osservati sul metabolismo del FN-RMS trattato con miRNA non sono ancora del tutto chiari. Abbiamo studiato l’effetto causato dall’inibizione del gene MPC (mytochondrial pyruvate carrier) e l’azione degli oncosopressori hsa-miR-449a-5p e hsa-miR-340-5p nella sottovariante FN-RMS umana e murina. A tal fine abbiamo utilizzato come modelli le cellule RD18 e RD per studiare l’effetto sul sottotipo FN-RMS umano e le cellule KMR46 per quello murino. Abbiamo impiegato tecniche di analisi molecolari e citochimiche per valutare i cambiamenti sia morfologici che molecolari sulle cellule prese in esame, e, inoltre, tramite la Nanosight analysis abbiamo valutato l’uso potenziale delle vescicole extracellulari (EV) isolate dai mioblasti scheletrici LHCN-M2 come veicolo di miRNA. Rispetto al gruppo trattato con i miRNA, l’inibitore di MPC (MPCi) ha generato una diminuzione della proliferazione cellulare e ha promosso la formazione di cellule multinucleate di dimensioni maggiori. In entrambe i trattamenti è stato rilevato un aumento della fusione cellulare. MPCi ha portato alla down-regolazione di molti geni che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella via differenziativa miogenica, come ACTA1, MYOD, MYOG, TNNI1, TNNI2, TNNT1 e FGFR4. Attraverso l’analisi Western Blot abbiamo osservato una riduzione del contenuto proteico di MYF5 e MYOG che non era significativamente differente tra i campioni trattati e i campioni wild type. Infine, attraverso l’analisi delle vescicole extracellulari, è stata rilevata la presenza di cluster esosomiali e sono state misurate le dimensioni medie e la concentrazione delle vescicole isolate. In conclusione, l’inibizione di MPC ha mostrato effetti simili ai miRNA oncosoppressori in termini di riduzione della proliferazione cellulare nella variante FN-RMS sia del rabdomiosarcoma umano che murino. Questi risultati hanno fornito un’ottima visione degli effetti di MPCi e dei miRNA oncosoppressori sul sottotipo FN-RMS, che potrebbero aprire la strada allo sviluppo di terapie specifiche, come la somministrazione in vivo di miRNA attraverso l’utilizzo di vescicole extracellulari.
Analisi e valutazione degli effetti di miRNA in modelli cellulari di rabdomiosarcoma umano e murino
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue sarcoma with characteristics of skeletal muscle lineage, having high incidence in young adults below the age of 20. There are two subtypes of RMS defined according to the presence and absence of a PAX gene rearrangement, i.e., fusion-positive RMS (FP-RMS) and fusion-negative RMS (FN-RMS). A combination of microRNAs oncosuppressor was previously identified and their effects on the tumorigenicity and on the metabolism of pyruvate in FN-RMS cell models was evaluated. However, the precise mechanism underlying the effects observed on the metabolism of miRNA-treated FN-RMS is still unclear. We aimed to investigate the effect of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) inhibition in human and murine FN-RMS and compare it to oncosuppressor miRNAs (hsa-miR-449a-5p and hsa-miR-340-5p). To this end, we used human FN-RMS (RD18 and RD) and murine FN-RMS (KMR46) as cell models, and the treatment effects were investigated via immunofluorescence staining, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), and western blot to assess changes at both the morphological and molecular levels. Furthermore, to investigate the potential use of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as delivery carriers of miRNAs, EVs were isolated from LHCN-M2 cells and the delivery was investigated via exosome labeling and with Nanosight analysis. Compared to the vehicle-treated group, the MPC inhibitor (MPCi) led to a decrease in cell proliferation and promoted cells to form multinucleated structures, while miRNA treatment led to cell death and formation of enlarged multinucleated cells. In both treatments, an increase in the fusion of cells was also found. MPCi led to the downregulation of several important genes involved in the myogenic pathway, such as ACTA1, MYOD, MYOG, TNNI1, TNNI2, TNNT1, FGFR4. Through western blot analysis, we observed reduced MYF5 and MYOG protein contents which were not significantly different between treated and untreated samples. Finally, through EVs analysis, the presence of exosomal clusters was found, and the average size and concentration of the isolated EVs were measured. The MPCi showed similar effects as the oncosuppressor miRNAs in terms of reduction in cell proliferation in human and murine FN-RMS. These results provide a good insight into the effects of MPCi and oncosuppressor miRNAs in FN-RMS, which could pave the way for development of therapies such as the in vivo delivery of miRNAs using EVs.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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