Strength and conditioning coaches have a variety of exercises available so that the session is tailored to the demands of each athlete. A training program involves the use of resistance exercises, practiced in the weight room, divided into the upper or lower part of the body, stable or unstable, free body or guided, multi-joint or single-joint, with dumbbells or barbells, suspended or with elastic bands, explosives or controlled. The squat is classified as a prominent component of strength and muscle conditioning programs of specific disciplines, which require the expression of considerable levels of power in the lower limbs (team sports, athletics, powerlifting, weightlifting). The hip-belt squat ranks among the variable resistance exercises, which use tools such as lifting belts, chains or a specific machinery to support the external load. From a neuromuscular point of view, the monitoring of the intensity of both exercises contemplates the use of a linear encoder, used to measure the displacement in a given time from which some variables are indirectly extrapolated such as: average speed, average propulsive speed, force and power. It is relevant in the control process of training with overloads, in fact it provides useful indications on the movement speed of the barbell in order to maintain a correct power delivery during the exercise and allows the evaluation of the speed-load relationship (rV-C) and power-load (rP-C) by virtue of the technical gesture performed. The creation of a speed-load profile allows you to monitor an athlete's progress over time, evaluate the effectiveness of the program and the training status, while the creation of a power-load profile is essential in order to monitor the power supplied and enhance the athlete's performance.
Gli allenatori della forza e del condizionamento dispongono di svariati esercizi affinché la sessione sia adeguata alle richieste di ciascun atleta. Un programma di allenamento prevede l’impiego di esercizi contro resistenza, praticati in sala pesi, suddivisi in parte superiore o parte inferiore del corpo, stabili o instabili, a corpo libero o guidati, multiarticolari o monoarticolari, con manubri o bilancieri, in sospensione o con bande elastiche, esplosivi o controllati. Lo squat si classifica come componente di spicco dei programmi di forza e condizionamento muscolare di discipline specifiche, le quali richiedono l’espressione di notevoli livelli di potenza degli arti inferiori (sport di squadra, atletica leggera, powerlifting, weightlifting). L’hip-belt squat si colloca tra gli esercizi a resistenza variabile, i quali impiegano strumenti come cinture da sollevamento, catene o un macchinario specifico a supporto del carico esterno. Dal punto di vista neuromuscolare, il monitoraggio dell’intensità di entrambi gli esercizi contempla l’impiego di un encoder lineare, utilizzato per misurare lo spostamento in un dato tempo da cui si estrapolano indirettamente alcune variabili come: velocità media, velocità media propulsiva, forza e potenza. Risulta rilevante nel processo di controllo dell’allenamento con sovraccarichi, infatti fornisce indicazioni utili sulla velocità di spostamento del bilanciere al fine di mantenere una corretta erogazione di potenza durante l’esercizio e consente la valutazione della relazione velocità-carico (rV-C) e potenza-carico (rP-C) in virtù del gesto tecnico eseguito. La creazione di un profilo velocità-carico consente di monitorare nel tempo i progressi di un atleta, valutare l’efficacia del programma e lo stato di allenamento, mentre la realizzazione di un profilo potenza-carico risulta fondamentale al fine di monitorare la potenza erogata ed incrementare le prestazioni dell’atleta.
Strength and conditioning coaches have a variety of exercises available so that the session is tailored to the demands of each athlete. A training program involves the use of resistance exercises, practiced in the weight room, divided into the upper or lower part of the body, stable or unstable, free body or guided, multi-joint or single-joint, with dumbbells or barbells, suspended or with elastic bands, explosives or controlled. The squat is classified as a prominent component of strength and muscle conditioning programs of specific disciplines, which require the expression of considerable levels of power in the lower limbs (team sports, athletics, powerlifting, weightlifting). The hip-belt squat ranks among the variable resistance exercises, which use tools such as lifting belts, chains or a specific machinery to support the external load. From a neuromuscular point of view, the monitoring of the intensity of both exercises contemplates the use of a linear encoder, used to measure the displacement in a given time from which some variables are indirectly extrapolated such as: average speed, average propulsive speed, force and power. It is relevant in the control process of training with overloads, in fact it provides useful indications on the movement speed of the barbell in order to maintain a correct power delivery during the exercise and allows the evaluation of the speed-load relationship (rV-C) and power-load (rP-C) by virtue of the technical gesture performed. The creation of a speed-load profile allows you to monitor an athlete's progress over time, evaluate the effectiveness of the program and the training status, while the creation of a power-load profile is essential in order to monitor the power supplied and enhance the athlete's performance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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