Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) is a non-invasive method to investigate brain function and dysfunction. Importantly, rs-fMRI allows to identify brain networks, which are defined as anatomical regions spatially distinct but functionally connected, and that are implied in multiple motor and cognitive functions. Changes in brain networks connectivity are related to neurodegenerative diseases, and functional connectivity turns out to be a useful biomarker. However, a comprehensive characterization of networks alterations is still lacking. Even less is known about other pathological changes in brain networks as the Excitatory/Inhibitory (E/I) imbalance involved in determining neurodegeneration. Filling the gap in the knowledge of neuropathological mechanisms would help the understanding of complex and heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders, such as Frontotemporal Dementia which currently represents a challenge that is far from being completed. The development of virtual brain simulation platforms, such as The Virtual Brain (TVB), recently enabled to overcome previous limitations and perform the non-invasive investigation of intrinsic brain features, such as E/I balance, at single-subject level. The aim of this work was to simulate brain dynamics in multiple networks of healthy controls (HC) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) patients using TVB, to shed a light on their E/I balance and find new neurodegenerative biomarkers. A heterogeneous cohort of subjects was considered, including behavioural FTD and primary progressive aphasia non-fluent and semantic variants. Subjects underwent rs-fMRI and diffusion imaging, and both structural and functional connectivity were reconstructed for six different networks: the visual, the somatomotor, the attention, the limbic, the frontoparietal, and the default mode network. Brain dynamics simulations were performed with TVB in each network, extracting four subject and network specific parameters (G, JNMDA, Ji, w+) referred to biological features. Indeed, these parameters described the coupling of long-range connectivity (G), excitatory (NMDA) synapses strength (JNMDA), inhibitory (GABA) synapses strength (Ji), and recurrent excitation (w+), enabling a personalized description of networks connectivity and E/I balance. This simulation of brain dynamics in multiple networks led to a comprehensive assessment of networks properties and a deeper understanding of neurodegenerative impact in FTD variants. Moreover, TVB parameters enabled us to explore the relationship between neurophysiology of brain networks and neuropsychology and to outline a personalized fingerprint in multiple phenotypes. Both in HC and FTD patients, TVB parameters presented differences between functional networks, enhancing the presence of a network-dependent connectivity and E/I balance which was influenced by neurodegeneration. Moreover, network specific levels of excitation, inhibition and long-range coupling contributed to significantly explain the variation of neuropsychological scores in multiple cognitive domains, underlining the clinical relevance of TVB parameters. Finally, clustering analysis identified the limbic, the attention and the default mode networks (cognitive networks) as the most informative to perform patients’ stratification. Subjects were distributed into seven clusters presenting a specific set of TVB parameters, and the resulting personalized fingerprint based on cognitive networks profiles was interestingly sensitive to the severity of cognitive damage in FTD variants. In conclusion, this TVB-based framework provided a personalized approach to investigate brain networks dysfunctions and define neurodegenerative biomarkers. This works opens new perspectives in differential diagnosis, providing a tool to clarify the impact of neurodegeneration in a subject-specific way and defining a new trajectory towards the development of tailored interventional workflows.
La risonanza magnetica funzionale in resting state (rs-fMRI) è un metodo non invasivo per studiare la funzione cerebrale. La rs-fMRI permette di identificare le reti cerebrali, regioni anatomicamente distinte ma funzionalmente connesse implicate in molteplici funzioni motorie e cognitive. L’alterazione della connettività funzionale delle reti è correlata alla neurodegenerazione e si rivela un utile biomarcatore, tuttora da caratterizzare in modo completo. Si sa ancora meno di altri cambiamenti patologici nelle reti, come l’excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) imbalance coinvolto nella neurodegenerazione. Colmare queste lacune dei meccanismi neuropatologici aiuterebbe la comprensione di disturbi neurodegenerativi complessi ed eterogenei, come la demenza frontotemporale, che attualmente rappresenta una sfida. Lo sviluppo di piattaforme di simulazione cerebrale, come The Virtual Brain (TVB), ha recentemente permesso di superare le precedenti limitazioni ed effettuare un'indagine non invasiva di caratteristiche cerebrali intrinseche, come l'E/I balance, a livello di singolo soggetto. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di simulare le dinamiche cerebrali in reti multiple di controlli sani (HC) e pazienti affetti da demenza frontotemporale (FTD) utilizzando il TVB, per far luce sul loro E/I balance e trovare nuovi biomarcatori. È stata considerata una coorte eterogenea di soggetti, tra cui FTD comportamentale e afasia primaria progressiva non fluente e semantica. I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a rs-fMRI e a imaging di diffusione per ricostruire le connettività strutturali e funzionali di sei diverse reti: la rete visiva, la rete somatomotoria, la rete dell'attenzione, la rete limbica, la rete frontoparietale e la rete del default mode. Le simulazioni sono state eseguite con il TVB in ogni rete, estraendo quattro parametri specifici del soggetto e della rete riferiti a caratteristiche biologiche. Questi parametri descrivono la connettività (G), la forza delle sinapsi eccitatorie (NMDA) (JNMDA), quella delle sinapsi inibitorie (GABA) (Ji) e l’eccitazione ricorrente (w+), consentendo una descrizione personalizzata della connettività delle reti e della loro E/I balance. Questa simulazione delle dinamiche cerebrali in più reti ha portato a una valutazione completa delle loro proprietà, consentendo una comprensione più approfondita dell'impatto neurodegenerativo nelle varianti di FTD. Inoltre, i parametri del TVB ci hanno permesso di esplorare la relazione tra neurofisiologia delle reti cerebrali e neuropsicologia e di delineare un'impronta personalizzata in più fenotipi clinici. Sia negli HC che negli FTD, i parametri del TVB hanno presentato differenze tra le reti funzionali, evidenziando la presenza di una connettività dipendente dalla rete e di un E/I balance influenzato dalla neurodegenerazione. Inoltre, i livelli di eccitazione, inibizione e connettività specifici della rete hanno contribuito a spiegare in modo significativo la variazione della performance neuropsicologica in più domini cognitivi, sottolineando la rilevanza clinica dei parametri TVB. Infine, l'analisi di clustering ha identificato le reti limbiche, di attenzione e di default mode (reti cognitive) come le più informative per effettuare la stratificazione dei pazienti. I soggetti sono stati distribuiti in sette cluster caratterizzati da un insieme specifico di parametri TVB e l'impronta digitale personalizzata, basata sui profili delle reti cognitive, è risultata sensibile alla gravità del danno cognitivo nelle varianti di FTD. In conclusione, questo metodo basato sul TVB ha fornito un approccio personalizzato per studiare le disfunzioni delle reti cerebrali e definire i biomarcatori neurodegenerativi. Questo lavoro apre nuove prospettive nella diagnosi differenziale, fornendo uno strumento per chiarire l'impatto della neurodegenerazione in modo soggetto-specifico e definendo una nuova traiettoria verso lo sviluppo di interventi clinici su misura.
Simulazione delle dinamiche cerebrali in reti funzionali per caratterizzare le varianti della demenza frontotemporale
Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) is a non-invasive method to investigate brain function and dysfunction. Importantly, rs-fMRI allows to identify brain networks, which are defined as anatomical regions spatially distinct but functionally connected, and that are implied in multiple motor and cognitive functions. Changes in brain networks connectivity are related to neurodegenerative diseases, and functional connectivity turns out to be a useful biomarker. However, a comprehensive characterization of networks alterations is still lacking. Even less is known about other pathological changes in brain networks as the Excitatory/Inhibitory (E/I) imbalance involved in determining neurodegeneration. Filling the gap in the knowledge of neuropathological mechanisms would help the understanding of complex and heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders, such as Frontotemporal Dementia which currently represents a challenge that is far from being completed. The development of virtual brain simulation platforms, such as The Virtual Brain (TVB), recently enabled to overcome previous limitations and perform the non-invasive investigation of intrinsic brain features, such as E/I balance, at single-subject level. The aim of this work was to simulate brain dynamics in multiple networks of healthy controls (HC) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) patients using TVB, to shed a light on their E/I balance and find new neurodegenerative biomarkers. A heterogeneous cohort of subjects was considered, including behavioural FTD and primary progressive aphasia non-fluent and semantic variants. Subjects underwent rs-fMRI and diffusion imaging, and both structural and functional connectivity were reconstructed for six different networks: the visual, the somatomotor, the attention, the limbic, the frontoparietal, and the default mode network. Brain dynamics simulations were performed with TVB in each network, extracting four subject and network specific parameters (G, JNMDA, Ji, w+) referred to biological features. Indeed, these parameters described the coupling of long-range connectivity (G), excitatory (NMDA) synapses strength (JNMDA), inhibitory (GABA) synapses strength (Ji), and recurrent excitation (w+), enabling a personalized description of networks connectivity and E/I balance. This simulation of brain dynamics in multiple networks led to a comprehensive assessment of networks properties and a deeper understanding of neurodegenerative impact in FTD variants. Moreover, TVB parameters enabled us to explore the relationship between neurophysiology of brain networks and neuropsychology and to outline a personalized fingerprint in multiple phenotypes. Both in HC and FTD patients, TVB parameters presented differences between functional networks, enhancing the presence of a network-dependent connectivity and E/I balance which was influenced by neurodegeneration. Moreover, network specific levels of excitation, inhibition and long-range coupling contributed to significantly explain the variation of neuropsychological scores in multiple cognitive domains, underlining the clinical relevance of TVB parameters. Finally, clustering analysis identified the limbic, the attention and the default mode networks (cognitive networks) as the most informative to perform patients’ stratification. Subjects were distributed into seven clusters presenting a specific set of TVB parameters, and the resulting personalized fingerprint based on cognitive networks profiles was interestingly sensitive to the severity of cognitive damage in FTD variants. In conclusion, this TVB-based framework provided a personalized approach to investigate brain networks dysfunctions and define neurodegenerative biomarkers. This works opens new perspectives in differential diagnosis, providing a tool to clarify the impact of neurodegeneration in a subject-specific way and defining a new trajectory towards the development of tailored interventional workflows.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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