The environmental and climate emergency underlined how important is starting to rethink about the way people live, and how the spaces of living are made. All the nations submit their commitment to preserving the planet, by introducing common policies that are intended to reduce the environmental load. The most recent international statement is the AGENDA 2030, where there are defined 17 global goals that all countries must suck in. The main factors responsible for the increasing of the environmental load have underlined the need to introduce a new project approach, more environmentally conscious. Likewise, the introduction of common targets made different countries pushed to rethink their way of acting while talking about nature system. The construction sector is responsible for most of the impacts on the environment, such as the carbon emissions. This sector is also one of the largest producers of waste, and it uses most of the energy and water available.For these reasons it will have to rethink about its way of designing to meeting the global goals.This is the context where the Life Cycle Assessment evaluation (LCA) is entered. The evaluation was developed in order to study how the designing of construction building can affect the environment, and the different possible actions to reduce this impact, and to generate a positive one on earth. It is also possible to talk about a new way of thinking about the design process, such as the Life Cycle Thinking, a methodology which tries to develop an idea thinking about the fulfillment of certain environmental requirements.For a more careful design project, in terms of impacts, it requires more detailed information related to the design choices. These types of information are difficult to be found in the preliminary phases of the project, but they allow to prevent problems that will arise during the next stages, causing difficulties that must be solved, with major waste of money and time. Because of the needing of information, the use of the LCA evaluation got a boost thanks to the emergence of the BIM modeling, that thanks to the construction of a n-dimensions model, can bring different types of information which are necessary to the setting of the evaluation. This new approach fits in the new model of economy, which is called, Circular economy, that aims to the rethinking of the useful life of different construction elements. One the items arrive to their end of life, thanks to this new way of thinking, they can be reused in other sectors, avoiding the increase of waste generation. This thesis is based on study of an existent project: Logistic Green Park (Tortona), Italy, constructed by the Project Management Society S.F.R.E Srl. From the analysis of the building BIM model, the steps for the definition of an LCA evaluation have been defined, and all the information related to the construction materials are incorporated in the model, in order to create a careful evaluation. Once all the data have been collected, the BASELINE model can be defined. After that, the project goals can be, which id, from the LCA evaluation of the Baseline, define which of the elements of the building impact the most on the ecosystem, and form this type of study, it can be suggested different scenarios in order to understand how to reduce the building impact on the environment.
L’emergenza climatica e ambientale in atto ha reso negli ultimi anni non più rimandabile un ripensamento al modo di vivere e di costruire gli spazi per la vita. Tutti i paesi del mondo si stanno impegnando, a salvaguardare il pianeta, attuando azioni capaci di ridurre il carico ambientale gravante sugli ecosistemi. La più recente dichiarazione che racchiude le linee guida da rispettare è l’AGENDA 2030, che definisce 17 targets a cui aspirare. I principali fattori responsabili dell’aumento del carico ambientale, studiati e analizzati hanno messo in evidenza la necessità di introdurre un nuovo approccio progettuale attento alle tematiche ambientali. Dall’altra parte, l’introduzione di obiettivi comuni ha reso i paesi maggiormente spinti, tramite incentivi a rispettare le direttive comunitarie mondiali e europee in materia ambiente. Il settore delle costruzioni, responsabile del maggior impatto sull’ambiente, dovrà proprio per questi motivi ripensare al suo modo di agire e progettare al fine di mantenere fede agli obiettivi fissati a livello mondiale. In questo contesto si inserisce l’introduzione della valutazione di impatto ambientale Life Cycle Assessment, sviluppatasi al fine di studiare come l’opera edilizia possa generare un impatto negativo sull’ambiente e quali potrebbero essere le possibili azioni da attuare al fine di mitigarlo. Alla valutazione può essere associata la metodologia Life Cycle thinking, che cerca di sviluppare un’idea progettuale a partire da una visione già proiettata al soddisfacimento di determinati requisiti ambientali. Per la realizzazione di una progettazione attenta a queste tematiche, è necessario molto spesso avere delle informazioni dettagliate relative alle scelte progettuali, che da un lato sono difficili da reperire in fasi preliminari, ma dall’altro consentono di pervenire eventuali criticità andando subito ad evidenziare, tramite la valutazione, quali potrebbero essere le scelte maggiormente efficaci. A causa di questa necessità di dati, l’introduzione dell’utilizzo della valutazione LCA, si integra con l’affermarsi dell’utilizzo della metodologia BIM per la realizzazione di modelli informativi in n-dimensioni capaci di contenere tutte le informazioni necessarie per lo sviluppo delle valutazioni. L’utilizzo di una metodologia atta a definire delle strategie di intervento per mitigare l’impatto di nuovi processi, integrata con software capaci di generare modelli informativi n-dimensionali si allinea con la volontà sempre maggiore di passare dalla definizione di un modello economico circolare, rispetto ad una progettazione lineare. Il modello di Economia circolare punta al ripensamento della vita utile degli elementi, che una volta giunti al loro fine vita, possono essere riutilizzati in altri ambiti, evitando di incrementare la produzione di rifiuti che ha generato negli anni un importante problema di smaltimento, e si contrappone al pensiero economico lineare, nel quale si progetta a partire dalla definizione di un’esigenza, per la quale si determina un prodotto che una volta utilizzato, viene dismesso. Il progetto di tesi pone come obiettivo di studiare un modello di edificio base attraverso una valutazione LCA al fine di determinare soluzioni progettuali che consentano di generare un minor impatto ambientale. Il modello di studio si basa su un progetto esistente: Logistic Green Park di Tortona, realizzato dalla società di Project Management S.F.R.E Srl, dal cui modello BIM si sono definiti i passaggi necessari per la realizzazione di una valutazione LCA, integrando tutte le informazioni relative ai materiali utilizzati nella costruzione, al fine di generare una valutazione accurata. Realizzato il modello Baseline è stato possibile impostare la valutazione LCA di esso per l'estrapolazione dei dati, base per la progettazione del modello Best Practice, al quale è stata applicata la stessa metodologia al fine di confrontare i risultati.
La metodologia Life Cycle Assessment in Edilizia. Il caso studio di Tortona Green Logistics Park
The environmental and climate emergency underlined how important is starting to rethink about the way people live, and how the spaces of living are made. All the nations submit their commitment to preserving the planet, by introducing common policies that are intended to reduce the environmental load. The most recent international statement is the AGENDA 2030, where there are defined 17 global goals that all countries must suck in. The main factors responsible for the increasing of the environmental load have underlined the need to introduce a new project approach, more environmentally conscious. Likewise, the introduction of common targets made different countries pushed to rethink their way of acting while talking about nature system. The construction sector is responsible for most of the impacts on the environment, such as the carbon emissions. This sector is also one of the largest producers of waste, and it uses most of the energy and water available.For these reasons it will have to rethink about its way of designing to meeting the global goals.This is the context where the Life Cycle Assessment evaluation (LCA) is entered. The evaluation was developed in order to study how the designing of construction building can affect the environment, and the different possible actions to reduce this impact, and to generate a positive one on earth. It is also possible to talk about a new way of thinking about the design process, such as the Life Cycle Thinking, a methodology which tries to develop an idea thinking about the fulfillment of certain environmental requirements.For a more careful design project, in terms of impacts, it requires more detailed information related to the design choices. These types of information are difficult to be found in the preliminary phases of the project, but they allow to prevent problems that will arise during the next stages, causing difficulties that must be solved, with major waste of money and time. Because of the needing of information, the use of the LCA evaluation got a boost thanks to the emergence of the BIM modeling, that thanks to the construction of a n-dimensions model, can bring different types of information which are necessary to the setting of the evaluation. This new approach fits in the new model of economy, which is called, Circular economy, that aims to the rethinking of the useful life of different construction elements. One the items arrive to their end of life, thanks to this new way of thinking, they can be reused in other sectors, avoiding the increase of waste generation. This thesis is based on study of an existent project: Logistic Green Park (Tortona), Italy, constructed by the Project Management Society S.F.R.E Srl. From the analysis of the building BIM model, the steps for the definition of an LCA evaluation have been defined, and all the information related to the construction materials are incorporated in the model, in order to create a careful evaluation. Once all the data have been collected, the BASELINE model can be defined. After that, the project goals can be, which id, from the LCA evaluation of the Baseline, define which of the elements of the building impact the most on the ecosystem, and form this type of study, it can be suggested different scenarios in order to understand how to reduce the building impact on the environment.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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