The paper aims at exploring the field of postcolonial and gender studies, reflecting on how certain issues of an ethical-political nature are perceived and translated in the literary field. In order to highlight this process and show how it can lead to multifaceted and diverse outcomes, two concrete case studies were chosen to be subjected to a more detailed analysis. They are two profoundly different voices, two distinct geo-political contexts, two literary universes in their own right. The first is Toni Morrison, an American writer and critic sensitive to the claim of the African-American literary heritage and its recognition within the official canon. The second, on the other hand, comes from a different space and historical substratum: apartheid South Africa, against which J. M. Coetzee raises his protest, using subtle narrative strategies.
L'elaborato mira all'esplorazione del settore degli studi postcoloniali e di genere, riflettendo su come determinate questioni di natura etico-politica vengano percepite e tradotte in ambito letterario. Al fine di evidenziare tale processo e di mostrare come esso possa condurre a esiti poliedrici e diversificati tra loro, si sono scelti due concreti casi di studio da sottoporre ad un'analisi più dettagliata. Si tratta di due voci profondamente differenti, due contesti geo-politici distinti, due universi letterari a sé stanti. La prima è Toni Morrison, scrittrice e critica statunitense sensibile alla rivendicazione del patrimonio letterario afroamericano e al suo riconoscimento entro il canone ufficiale. La seconda proviene invece da uno spazio e da un substrato storico altro: il Sudafrica dell'apartheid, contro cui J. M. Coetzee innalza, servendosi di sottili strategie narrative, la propria protesta.
Prospettive postcoloniali e percezione dell'alterità. Dialogo con il canone e pratiche decostruttive in Toni Morrison e J. M. Coetzee
The paper aims at exploring the field of postcolonial and gender studies, reflecting on how certain issues of an ethical-political nature are perceived and translated in the literary field. In order to highlight this process and show how it can lead to multifaceted and diverse outcomes, two concrete case studies were chosen to be subjected to a more detailed analysis. They are two profoundly different voices, two distinct geo-political contexts, two literary universes in their own right. The first is Toni Morrison, an American writer and critic sensitive to the claim of the African-American literary heritage and its recognition within the official canon. The second, on the other hand, comes from a different space and historical substratum: apartheid South Africa, against which J. M. Coetzee raises his protest, using subtle narrative strategies.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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