Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterised by dream enactment behaviour and loss of muscle atonia during REM sleep (known as REM sleep without atonia or RSWA). Patients experience frightening dreams which they “act out”, potentially leading to injury. RBD is categorized as either idiopathic or secondary. Idiopathic RBD occurs in the absence of associated disorders and is considered a prodromal stage of neurodegenerative diseases, predominantly α-synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy. Secondary RBD is associated with neurological diseases, mainly α-synucleinopathies and narcolepsy type 1, and the use of antidepressants. A clinical history or video polysomnographic (vPSG) documentation of dream enactment behaviours, vPSG documentation of RSWA and exclusion of other causes for this symptomatology are mandatory for a definite diagnosis of RBD. Management involves the creation of a safe sleeping environment for the patient and their bedpartner via education and counselling, and the use of melatonin, clonazepam or a combination of both for the management of symptoms. Current research in neurodegenerative diseases is focusing on idiopathic RBD as a highly predictive and early marker of α‑synucleinopathies, which can be accompanied by other markers associated with a high risk of phenoconversion, such as mild motor, cognitive and autonomic impairments. The identification of markers of neurodegeneration is essential in the efforts to delay disease progression. Pain is often present in neurodegenerative diseases, especially in Parkinson’s disease, where chronic pain is present in patients at the time of diagnosis and becomes more prevalent with disease progression, affecting the majority of patients over its course. Pain is also related to sleep, in a bidirectional way: patients suffering from sleep disorders have comorbid chronic pain and patients with chronic pain have sleep disturbances. This study aims at evaluating pain in patients affected by idiopathic RBD. The presence of pain in idiopathic RBD can be hypothesized under the trajectory of neurodegeneration, or could be related to the sleep quality, since they are bidirectionally related. The perception of pain and sleep quality in patients affected by idiopathic RBD were assessed and compared to controls. Moreover, the possible correlations between the presence of pain and sleep quality were investigated. Valid questionnaires were used for the evaluation of pain and sleep quality. Results showed that patients had statistically significantly more pain and poorer sleep than controls. Poor sleep quality was correlated with more pain, and the different variables for pain and sleep were positively correlated to each other in absolute terms. The only strong correlation between variables was between two sleep variables.
Il disturbo comportamentale del sonno REM (RBD) è una parasonnia caratterizzata da un comportamento di attuazione del sogno e perdita di atonia muscolare durante il sonno REM (conosciuto come sonno REM senza atonia, RSWA). I pazienti sono soggetti a incubi, che “mettono in scena”, potenzialmente causando infortuni. Il RBD è classificato come idiopatico o secondario. L’RBD idiopatico si manifesta in assenza di disordini associate e viene considerato uno stato prodromico delle malattie neurodegenerative, principalmente le alfa-sinucleinopatie, come il morbo di Parkinson, la demenza con corpi di Lewy e l’atrofia multisistemica. L’RBD secondario è associato con malattie neurologiche, principalmente le alfa-sinucleinopatie e la narcolessia di tipo 1, e all’uso di farmaci antidepressivi. Una storia clinica o una documentazione video-polisonniografica di un comportamento di attuazione del sogno, una documentazione video-polisonniografica di sonno REM senza atonia e l’esclusione di cause altre responsablili di questa sintomatologia sono obbligatorie per una diagnosi certa di RBD. La gestione del disturbo prevede la creazione di un ambiente del sonno sicuro per il paziente e chi dorme con loro, tramite educazione e councelling, uso di melatonina, clonazepam, o una combinazione dei due per tenere sotto controllo i sintomi. La ricerca attuale nelle malattie neurodegenerative si sta concentrando sull'RBD idiopatico come marcatore precoce e altamente predittivo di α-sinucleinopatie, che può essere accompagnato da altri marcatori associati a un alto rischio di fenoconversione, come lievi disturbi motori, cognitivi e autonomici. L'identificazione di marcatori di neurodegenerazione è essenziale negli sforzi per ritardare la progressione della malattia. Il dolore è spesso presente nelle malattie neurodegenerative, in particolare nel morbo di Parkinson, dove il dolore cronico è presente nei pazienti al momento della diagnosi e diventa più diffuso con la progressione della malattia, colpendo la maggior parte dei pazienti durante il suo decorso. Il dolore è anche correlato al sonno, in modo bidirezionale: i pazienti che soffrono di disturbi del sonno hanno dolore cronico in comorbilità e i pazienti con dolore cronico hanno disturbi del sonno. Questo studio si propone di valutare il dolore nei pazienti affetti da RBD idiopatico. La presenza di dolore nell'RBD idiopatico può essere ipotizzata sotto la traiettoria della neurodegenerazione, o potrebbe essere correlata alla qualità del sonno, poiché sono correlate in modo bidirezionale. La percezione del dolore e la qualità del sonno nei pazienti affetti da RBD idiopatico sono stati valutate e confrontate con i controlli. Inoltre, sono state indagate le possibili correlazioni tra la presenza di dolore e la qualità del sonno. Validi questionari sono stati utilizzati per la valutazione del dolore e della qualità del sonno. I risultati hanno mostrato che i pazienti avevano un dolore statisticamente significativo e un sonno più scarso rispetto ai controlli. La scarsa qualità del sonno era correlata a più dolore e le diverse variabili per il dolore e il sonno erano positivamente correlate tra loro in termini assoluti. L'unica forte correlazione tra le variabili era tra due variabili del sonno.
Pain evaluation in a cohort of patients affected by idiopathic RBD
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterised by dream enactment behaviour and loss of muscle atonia during REM sleep (known as REM sleep without atonia or RSWA). Patients experience frightening dreams which they “act out”, potentially leading to injury. RBD is categorized as either idiopathic or secondary. Idiopathic RBD occurs in the absence of associated disorders and is considered a prodromal stage of neurodegenerative diseases, predominantly α-synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy. Secondary RBD is associated with neurological diseases, mainly α-synucleinopathies and narcolepsy type 1, and the use of antidepressants. A clinical history or video polysomnographic (vPSG) documentation of dream enactment behaviours, vPSG documentation of RSWA and exclusion of other causes for this symptomatology are mandatory for a definite diagnosis of RBD. Management involves the creation of a safe sleeping environment for the patient and their bedpartner via education and counselling, and the use of melatonin, clonazepam or a combination of both for the management of symptoms. Current research in neurodegenerative diseases is focusing on idiopathic RBD as a highly predictive and early marker of α‑synucleinopathies, which can be accompanied by other markers associated with a high risk of phenoconversion, such as mild motor, cognitive and autonomic impairments. The identification of markers of neurodegeneration is essential in the efforts to delay disease progression. Pain is often present in neurodegenerative diseases, especially in Parkinson’s disease, where chronic pain is present in patients at the time of diagnosis and becomes more prevalent with disease progression, affecting the majority of patients over its course. Pain is also related to sleep, in a bidirectional way: patients suffering from sleep disorders have comorbid chronic pain and patients with chronic pain have sleep disturbances. This study aims at evaluating pain in patients affected by idiopathic RBD. The presence of pain in idiopathic RBD can be hypothesized under the trajectory of neurodegeneration, or could be related to the sleep quality, since they are bidirectionally related. The perception of pain and sleep quality in patients affected by idiopathic RBD were assessed and compared to controls. Moreover, the possible correlations between the presence of pain and sleep quality were investigated. Valid questionnaires were used for the evaluation of pain and sleep quality. Results showed that patients had statistically significantly more pain and poorer sleep than controls. Poor sleep quality was correlated with more pain, and the different variables for pain and sleep were positively correlated to each other in absolute terms. The only strong correlation between variables was between two sleep variables.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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