Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a poor prognosis malignant neoplasm of the chest cavity that arises from the mesothelial cells of the pleura. This pathology is rare but very aggressive, its onset is related to exposure to asbestos. In recent years the incidence of MPM worldwide has increased despite the use of asbestos being banned in many countries and a reduction in incidence is not expected until 2030. The province of Pavia was marked by the highest incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Lombardy due to the presence in Broni of "Fibronit" - the second largest asbestos-cement factory in Italy. Treatment options are limited by the poor prognosis and short life expectancy at diagnosis (8-15 months). Surgery, as part of multimodal treatment together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is the most effective intervention in prolonging survival but is an option only in a small number of patients. Therefore, the criteria for selecting and identifying patients eligible for surgical treatment are of crucial importance. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration; in this thesis the main clinical, histological and radiological parameters validated by the guidelines will be described and in particular the operability criteria will be studied. Each treatment decision should be discussed by a multidisciplinary team to identify the appropriate treatment option and pathway for each patient.
Il mesotelioma pleurico maligno (MPM) è una neoplasia maligna della cavità toracica a prognosi infausta che origina dalle cellule mesoteliali della pleura. Questa patologia è rara ma molto aggressiva, la sua insorgenza è correlata all’esposizione all’amianto. Negli ultimi anni l’incidenza di MPM a livello mondiale è aumentata nonostante l’utilizzo dell’amianto sia stato vietato in molti paesi e non si prevede una riduzione dell’incidenza fino al 2030. La provincia di Pavia è stata contrassegnata dalla più alta incidenza di mesotelioma pleurico maligno in Lombardia dovuta alla presenza a Broni di “Fibronit” - la seconda più grande fabbrica di cemento-amianto in Italia. Le opzioni terapeutiche sono limitate dalla prognosi infausta e dalla breve aspettativa di vita al momento della diagnosi (8-15 mesi). La chirurgia, come parte del trattamento multimodale insieme a chemioterapia e radioterapia, è l’intervento più efficace nel prolungare la sopravvivenza ma rappresenta un’opzione possibile solo in un numero ristretto di pazienti. Sono pertanto di cruciale importanza i criteri di selezione ed identificazione dei pazienti candidabili al trattamento chirurgico. Sono molti i fattori che devono essere presi in considerazione; in questa tesi verranno descritti i principali parametri clinici, istologici e radiologici validati dalle linee guida e verranno studiati in particolare i criteri di operabilità. Ogni decisione riguardante il trattamento dovrebbe essere discussa da un gruppo multidisciplinare per individuare l’opzione e il percorso terapeutico adatto per ogni paziente.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a poor prognosis malignant neoplasm of the chest cavity that arises from the mesothelial cells of the pleura. This pathology is rare but very aggressive, its onset is related to exposure to asbestos. In recent years the incidence of MPM worldwide has increased despite the use of asbestos being banned in many countries and a reduction in incidence is not expected until 2030. The province of Pavia was marked by the highest incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Lombardy due to the presence in Broni of "Fibronit" - the second largest asbestos-cement factory in Italy. Treatment options are limited by the poor prognosis and short life expectancy at diagnosis (8-15 months). Surgery, as part of multimodal treatment together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is the most effective intervention in prolonging survival but is an option only in a small number of patients. Therefore, the criteria for selecting and identifying patients eligible for surgical treatment are of crucial importance. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration; in this thesis the main clinical, histological and radiological parameters validated by the guidelines will be described and in particular the operability criteria will be studied. Each treatment decision should be discussed by a multidisciplinary team to identify the appropriate treatment option and pathway for each patient.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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