In this thesis a new organoid model for the study of ALS was characterized. The aim was to demonstrate that the organoid model was able to mimic some features of the disease. sALS MN organoids (sALS MNOs) and control MN organoids (CTRL MNOs) were obtained reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a sALS patient and a healthy volunteer into iPSCs. These cells were then cultured in suspension and differentiated applying suitable media. Morphological characterization through microscopy demonstrated that sALS organoids were smaller, with more irregular shape and with shorter neurites compared to CTRL MNOs. These data mirrors the neuronal death and the compromised axonal growth characteristic of ALS. Cellular characterization with immunofluorescence and specific markers highlighted that sALS MNOs had more undifferentiated cells compared to CTRL ones, which is consistent 6 with compensation mechanisms that the system uses to fight neurodegeneration. Conversely, MNs were fewer in sALS MNOs compared to CTRL MNOs, once again consistent with MNs loss typical of the disease. Glia and astrocytes were present in both organoids, although astrocytes formed a thicker outer layer in sALS organoids compared to CTRL, which could suggest gliosis, a phenomenon linked to ALS. The 3D model was then compared to the 2D MN model at the transcription level in order to assess any differences. The aim was to discover, if present, any deregulated (DE) pathways only in the 3D model. The 2D MNs cultures, sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs, were obtained from the same iPSCs and differentiated on plates with suitable media. The bulk RNA sequencing highlighted 382 DE genes between sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs, while the comparison between sALS MNOs and CTRL MNOs reported 2929 DE genes, confirming that the 3D model replicates more DE pathways than the 2D. It was observed through deconvolution analysis that 116 DE genes were shared between the 3D and the 2D models and that, among other common cell types, sALS MNOs alone contained oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, proving that the 3D model is closer to the physiological environment. Gene ontology term enrichment analysis provided an insight on the functions related to the DE genes found between sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs and between sALS MNOs and CTRL MNOs.
In questa tesi è stato caratterizzato un nuovo modello organoide per lo studio della SLA con l’obiettivo di dimostrare che esso è in grado di replicare alcune caratteristiche tipiche della malattia. Gli organoidi SLAs e controllo (CTRL) sono stati sviluppati riprogrammando in iPSCs ottenute da un paziente affetto da SLAs e da un volontario sano. Le iPSCs sono state coltivate in sospensione per generare gli organoidi e differenziate a MN con l’applicazione di appositi terreni. La caratterizzazione morfologica tramite microscopia ha dimostrato come l’area degli organoidi SLAs fosse ridotta rispetto a quella degli organoidi CTRL, che la loro forma fosse più irregolare rispetto ai CTRL e che i neuriti fossero più corti. Questi dati rispecchiano la perdita neuronale e la compromissione della crescita assonale caratteristiche della SLA. La caratterizzazione cellulare, tramite l’immunofluorescenza e opportuni marker, ha evidenziato che gli organoidi SLAs avevano un maggior numero di cellule indifferenziate rispetto ai CTRL, coerentemente ai meccanismi di compensazione che il sistema mette in atto per contrastare la neurodegenerazione. Al contrario, i MN sono risultati in minor numero nell’organoide SLAs rispetto al CTRL, probabilmente per la morte neuronale. Le cellule della glia e gli astrociti sono stati individuati in entrambi i tipi di organoidi, ma gli asctrociti formavano uno strato esterno più marcato negli organoidi SLAs, suggerendo la possibile presenza di gliosi, fenomeno collegato alla SLA. Il modello 3D è stato confrontato con quello 2D di MN (2D MN) a livello trascrizionale per capire come i due potessero differire e per individuare, se presenti, ulteriori pathway deregolati nel modello 3D che non lo fossero nel modello 2D MN. La coltura cellulare 2D MN è stata ottenuta a partire dalle stesse iPSCs e differenziata tramite gli stessi terreni usati per gli organoidi.
Caratterizzazione di un nuovo modello 3D di organoide per lo studio della Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica
In this thesis a new organoid model for the study of ALS was characterized. The aim was to demonstrate that the organoid model was able to mimic some features of the disease. sALS MN organoids (sALS MNOs) and control MN organoids (CTRL MNOs) were obtained reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a sALS patient and a healthy volunteer into iPSCs. These cells were then cultured in suspension and differentiated applying suitable media. Morphological characterization through microscopy demonstrated that sALS organoids were smaller, with more irregular shape and with shorter neurites compared to CTRL MNOs. These data mirrors the neuronal death and the compromised axonal growth characteristic of ALS. Cellular characterization with immunofluorescence and specific markers highlighted that sALS MNOs had more undifferentiated cells compared to CTRL ones, which is consistent 6 with compensation mechanisms that the system uses to fight neurodegeneration. Conversely, MNs were fewer in sALS MNOs compared to CTRL MNOs, once again consistent with MNs loss typical of the disease. Glia and astrocytes were present in both organoids, although astrocytes formed a thicker outer layer in sALS organoids compared to CTRL, which could suggest gliosis, a phenomenon linked to ALS. The 3D model was then compared to the 2D MN model at the transcription level in order to assess any differences. The aim was to discover, if present, any deregulated (DE) pathways only in the 3D model. The 2D MNs cultures, sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs, were obtained from the same iPSCs and differentiated on plates with suitable media. The bulk RNA sequencing highlighted 382 DE genes between sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs, while the comparison between sALS MNOs and CTRL MNOs reported 2929 DE genes, confirming that the 3D model replicates more DE pathways than the 2D. It was observed through deconvolution analysis that 116 DE genes were shared between the 3D and the 2D models and that, among other common cell types, sALS MNOs alone contained oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, proving that the 3D model is closer to the physiological environment. Gene ontology term enrichment analysis provided an insight on the functions related to the DE genes found between sALS 2D MNs and CTRL 2D MNs and between sALS MNOs and CTRL MNOs.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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