The Arab Spring, which sparked in Tunisia in 2010, has affected many of the Middle East and Arab countries over time, and started to make its effects felt in Syria as a result of the protests in Deraa, Syria in 2011. However, the Arab Spring followed a different course in Syria compared to other Arab countries and the protests were replaced by a civil war over time. The protests that started in Daraa spread to cities such as Baniyas, Latakia, Idlib and Hama, respectively, and the country was dragged into a bloody civil war due to the increasing violence and torture against the demonstrators. As a result of the civil war, the civilian population, especially children and women, was greatly affected by the conflicts, thousands of people lost their lives and thousands of them has caused an intense migration wave to find a safe zone. In addition to countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq; Turkey has been the country most affected by the Syrian migration flow. As of December 2021, the number of registered migrants in Turkey is 3,736,799 and this figure is estimated to be around 5 million with the number of unregistered Syrian migrants. One of the biggest concerns created by Syrian migration is the threats to Turkey's national and international security. Particularly, associating the recent increase in economic and political tensions in Turkey with millions of Syrian migrants, the problems arising from the legal status of migrants and the terrorist threat against Turkey's southern border have caused concerns in the integration of Syrians and increased the tension between migrants and the citizens. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the effects of mass migration movements from Syria to Turkey on Turkey's national and international security. Accordingly, in the first part of the study, the conceptual framework for migration and security will be discussed; concepts of migration, most-known migration theories and security theories will be explained. In the second part of the study, the fact that international migration has become an essential security problem with the increasing globalization and in this context the threats it poses to the national and international security of the countries will be examined. In the third part of the study, together with the Arab Spring in Syria, the stages in the transformation of the Syrian crisis into an international migration crisis will be discussed, and Turkey-Syria relations will be analyzed. through the Syrian crisis. In the last chapter, the effects of mass migration movements from Syria to Turkey on Turkey's national and international security will be exemplified and discussed based on the definitions in the previous chapters. Keywords: Arab Spring, Syria, Migration, Migrant, Security, Security Governance.
La Primavera araba, iniziata in Tunisia nel 2010, ha colpito nel tempo molti paesi arabi e ha iniziato ad esercitare la sua influenza in Siria a seguito delle proteste iniziate nel 2011 a Daraa. Tuttavia, la Primavera araba ha preso un corso diverso in Siria rispetto ad altri paesi arabi, e le proteste si sono trasformate in una guerra civile nel tempo. Le proteste iniziate a Daraa si sono estese a città come Idlib, Baniyas, Latakia e Hama e hanno precipitato il paese in una sanguinosa guerra civile con aumento della violenza e tortura dei manifestanti. La popolazione civile, in particolare donne e bambini, è stata fortemente colpita dai conflitti, migliaia di persone hanno perso la vita e migliaia hanno causato intensi movimenti migratori in cerca di un luogo sicuro. A parte paesi come Libano, Giordania e Iraq, la Turchia è stato il paese più colpito dalla migrazione siriana. Secondo i dati di dicembre 2021, il numero di immigrati siriani registrati in Turchia è 3,736,799, e questa cifra si crede di essere 5 milioni con immigrati non registrati. Una delle maggiori preoccupazioni causate dalla migrazione siriana è la minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale e internazionale della Turchia. In particolare, le recenti tensioni politiche ed economiche associate agli immigrati siriani, i problemi derivanti dallo status legale degli immigrati e la minaccia terroristica al confine meridionale della Turchia hanno accresciuto le tensioni tra gli immigrati e il pubblico. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è esaminare gli effetti dei movimenti migratori di massa dalla Siria alla Turchia sulla sicurezza nazionale e internazionale della Turchia. Nella prima parte dello studio verrà valutato il quadro concettuale di migrazione e sicurezza; verranno presentate le più note teorie sulla migrazione e la sicurezza. Nella seconda parte dello studio, la trasformazione della migrazione internazionale in una questione essenziale con la crescente globalizzazione e che minaccia la sicurezza nazionale e internazionale dei paesi che sarà discussa. Nella terza parte dello studio verranno analizzate la trasformazione della crisi siriana in una crisi migratoria internazionale e le relazioni tra Turchia e Siria con la Primavera Araba in Siria. Nell'ultima parte verranno campionati e valutati gli effetti dei movimenti migratori di massa dalla Siria alla Turchia sulla sicurezza nazionale e internazionale della Turchia alla luce delle informazioni teoriche delle sezioni precedenti. Parole chiave: Primavera Araba, Siria, Migrazione, Migranti, Sicurezza, Governance dell'immigrazione.
Nexus Tra Migrazione E Sicurezza: Il Caso Dei Migranti Siriani In Turchia Dal Punto Di Vista Della Sicurezza
The Arab Spring, which sparked in Tunisia in 2010, has affected many of the Middle East and Arab countries over time, and started to make its effects felt in Syria as a result of the protests in Deraa, Syria in 2011. However, the Arab Spring followed a different course in Syria compared to other Arab countries and the protests were replaced by a civil war over time. The protests that started in Daraa spread to cities such as Baniyas, Latakia, Idlib and Hama, respectively, and the country was dragged into a bloody civil war due to the increasing violence and torture against the demonstrators. As a result of the civil war, the civilian population, especially children and women, was greatly affected by the conflicts, thousands of people lost their lives and thousands of them has caused an intense migration wave to find a safe zone. In addition to countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq; Turkey has been the country most affected by the Syrian migration flow. As of December 2021, the number of registered migrants in Turkey is 3,736,799 and this figure is estimated to be around 5 million with the number of unregistered Syrian migrants. One of the biggest concerns created by Syrian migration is the threats to Turkey's national and international security. Particularly, associating the recent increase in economic and political tensions in Turkey with millions of Syrian migrants, the problems arising from the legal status of migrants and the terrorist threat against Turkey's southern border have caused concerns in the integration of Syrians and increased the tension between migrants and the citizens. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the effects of mass migration movements from Syria to Turkey on Turkey's national and international security. Accordingly, in the first part of the study, the conceptual framework for migration and security will be discussed; concepts of migration, most-known migration theories and security theories will be explained. In the second part of the study, the fact that international migration has become an essential security problem with the increasing globalization and in this context the threats it poses to the national and international security of the countries will be examined. In the third part of the study, together with the Arab Spring in Syria, the stages in the transformation of the Syrian crisis into an international migration crisis will be discussed, and Turkey-Syria relations will be analyzed. through the Syrian crisis. In the last chapter, the effects of mass migration movements from Syria to Turkey on Turkey's national and international security will be exemplified and discussed based on the definitions in the previous chapters. Keywords: Arab Spring, Syria, Migration, Migrant, Security, Security Governance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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