The swift advancement of 3D scanning technologies has brought about significant transformations in diverse sectors, such as industry, healthcare, architecture, and cultural heritage protection. This master's thesis starts off with an introductory section that provides an overview of the topics to be discussed. This is thereafter accompanied by an extensive investigation of recent developments and their wide-ranging practical implementations. The chapter on implementation provides an extensive description of the construction of a scanner. However, it is essential for individuals to possess a theoretical background, which is further supported in the chapter on tools. The state of the art chapter presents comprehensive information about the scanner, including its design and functionality, and compares it to other scanners now available in the market. Combining state of the art chapter with results, one comes to interesting data. The scanner gave an answer to initial question that he idea of making an affordable 3D scanner is definitely viable but one cannot expect the same results of the scanners that from 700 to 2500 euro. The scannable size is mostly the same and it depends on the structure of the scanners, which can always be adjusted. A big drawback of high end 3D scanner is having high requirements for the PC to run it. Main issue that was faced in the scanner is an \ac{IR} sensor. Having an accuracy of 2 mm , comparing it to 0.1 mm of the 700 euro scanner. Also a more important problem is that due to its manufacturing, it keeps scanning the object for an additional 3 to 4 mm and then not giving a proper presentation of a 3D model. By a simple change of a more expensive IR sensor, which would not have similar problems and a better accuracy, it could potentially rival its competitors.
Progettazione e realizzazione di uno scanner 3D. Il rapido progresso delle tecnologie di scansione 3D ha portato trasformazioni significative in diversi settori, come l’industria, la sanità, l’architettura e la tutela del patrimonio culturale. La tesi di master inizia con una sezione introduttiva che fornisce una panoramica degli argomenti da discutere. Ciò è successivamente accompagnato da un'indagine approfondita dei recenti sviluppi e delle loro implementazioni pratiche ad ampio raggio. Il capitolo sull'implementazione fornisce un'ampia descrizione della costruzione di uno scanner. Tuttavia, è essenziale che gli individui possiedano un background teorico, che viene ulteriormente supportato nel capitolo sugli strumenti. Il capitolo sullo stato dell'arte presenta informazioni complete sullo scanner, compresi design e funzionalità, e lo confronta con altri scanner ora disponibili sul mercato. Combinando il capitolo sullo stato dell’arte con i risultati si ottengono dati interessanti. Lo scanner ha risposto alla domanda iniziale che l'idea di realizzare uno scanner 3D a prezzi accessibili è sicuramente fattibile, ma non ci si può aspettare gli stessi risultati degli scanner che costano da 700 a 2500 euro. La dimensione scansionabile è sostanzialmente la stessa e dipende dalla struttura degli scanner, che può sempre essere regolata. Un grosso svantaggio dello scanner 3D di fascia alta è che il PC ha requisiti elevati per eseguirlo. Il problema principale riscontrato nello scanner è un sensore \ac{IR}. Avere una precisione di 2 mm, rispetto a 0,1 mm dello scanner da 700 euro. Un altro problema più importante è che, a causa della sua fabbricazione, continua a scansionare l'oggetto per ulteriori 3-4 mm e quindi non fornisce una presentazione corretta di un modello 3D. Con un semplice cambiamento di un sensore IR più costoso, che non avrebbe problemi simili e una migliore precisione, potrebbe potenzialmente competere con i suoi concorrenti.
Design and implementation of a 3D scanner
The swift advancement of 3D scanning technologies has brought about significant transformations in diverse sectors, such as industry, healthcare, architecture, and cultural heritage protection. This master's thesis starts off with an introductory section that provides an overview of the topics to be discussed. This is thereafter accompanied by an extensive investigation of recent developments and their wide-ranging practical implementations. The chapter on implementation provides an extensive description of the construction of a scanner. However, it is essential for individuals to possess a theoretical background, which is further supported in the chapter on tools. The state of the art chapter presents comprehensive information about the scanner, including its design and functionality, and compares it to other scanners now available in the market. Combining state of the art chapter with results, one comes to interesting data. The scanner gave an answer to initial question that he idea of making an affordable 3D scanner is definitely viable but one cannot expect the same results of the scanners that from 700 to 2500 euro. The scannable size is mostly the same and it depends on the structure of the scanners, which can always be adjusted. A big drawback of high end 3D scanner is having high requirements for the PC to run it. Main issue that was faced in the scanner is an \ac{IR} sensor. Having an accuracy of 2 mm , comparing it to 0.1 mm of the 700 euro scanner. Also a more important problem is that due to its manufacturing, it keeps scanning the object for an additional 3 to 4 mm and then not giving a proper presentation of a 3D model. By a simple change of a more expensive IR sensor, which would not have similar problems and a better accuracy, it could potentially rival its competitors.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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