Introduction: Autism is a heterogeneous disease, diagnosed within 3 years of age and which involves many deficits at a cognitive, language, social and relational level. For this reason it is important that inclusion and integration at school is carried out in the best possible way, adopting strategies and methods that allow the student to feel an integral part of the class group. To encourage this process, various activities are carried out such as psychomotor skills which allow you to explore your body through playing. Physical activity in autistic children has exceptional educational power as it limits social isolation. Thesis objective: The aim of this thesis is to carry out an objective observation and evaluation of the psychomotor skills of a 5-year-old pupil attending nursery school affected by ASD level 3 according to the DSM-5, by using the Movit checklists. With this tool, 3 abilities were evaluated: basic motor patterns, personal autonomy, balance and general dynamic coordination. Materials and Methods: In this paper, the Movit checklists employed for psychomotor assessment were designed, used and integrated with the consultation of books, articles, studies and research on the pathology. Conclusion: The Movit tests allow you to carry out an assessment of the student's skills, deficits and potential development, through the request for certain tasks. With this tool, the educator is eased in defining objectives, which must be located in the area of potential development, which is fundamental for positive work with individuals in situations of disability.
Introduzione: L’Autismo è una malattia eterogenea, diagnosticata entro i 3 anni di età e che comporta molti deficit a livello cognitivo, del linguaggio, sociale e relazionale. Per questo è importante che l’inclusione e l’integrazione a scuola venga eseguita nel miglior modo possibile, adottando strategie e metodi che permettano all’alunno di sentirsi parte integrante del gruppo-classe. Per favorire questo processo vengono svolte diverse attività come la psicomotricità che permette di esplorare il proprio corpo attraverso il gioco. L’attività motoria nei bambini autistici ha un grande potere educativo poiché limita l’isolamento sociale. Obiettivo: L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di andare ad effettuare un’osservazione e valutazione oggettiva della psicomotricità di una alunna, frequentante la scuola dell’infanzia, di 5 anni affetta da autismo di gravità 3 secondo il DSM-5, attraverso l’utilizzo delle check list Movit. Con questo strumento sono state valutate 3 capacità: schemi motori di base, autonomie personali, equilibrio e coordinazione dinamica generale. Materiali e metodi: In questo elaborato sono state progettate ed adoperate le check list Movit adoperate per la valutazione psicomotoria, integrate con la consultazione di libri, articoli, studi e ricerche sulla patologia. Conclusione: Le prove Movit consentono di effettuare una valutazione delle abilità, dei deficit e dello sviluppo potenziale dell’allievo, attraverso la richiesta di alcuni compiti. Con questo strumento, l’educatore è facilitato nella definizione degli obiettivi, i quali devono collocarsi nell’area di sviluppo potenziale, che è fondamentale per un lavoro positivo con soggetti in situazione di disabilità.
Autismo e psicomotricità nella scuola dell'infanzia: osservazione e valutazione tramite check-list Movit. Case report
Introduction: Autism is a heterogeneous disease, diagnosed within 3 years of age and which involves many deficits at a cognitive, language, social and relational level. For this reason it is important that inclusion and integration at school is carried out in the best possible way, adopting strategies and methods that allow the student to feel an integral part of the class group. To encourage this process, various activities are carried out such as psychomotor skills which allow you to explore your body through playing. Physical activity in autistic children has exceptional educational power as it limits social isolation. Thesis objective: The aim of this thesis is to carry out an objective observation and evaluation of the psychomotor skills of a 5-year-old pupil attending nursery school affected by ASD level 3 according to the DSM-5, by using the Movit checklists. With this tool, 3 abilities were evaluated: basic motor patterns, personal autonomy, balance and general dynamic coordination. Materials and Methods: In this paper, the Movit checklists employed for psychomotor assessment were designed, used and integrated with the consultation of books, articles, studies and research on the pathology. Conclusion: The Movit tests allow you to carry out an assessment of the student's skills, deficits and potential development, through the request for certain tasks. With this tool, the educator is eased in defining objectives, which must be located in the area of potential development, which is fundamental for positive work with individuals in situations of disability.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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