Background. Neurological disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. Advances in preventing and treating such disorders are, thus, urgently needed. Non-pharmacologic approaches are critical in managing patients with neurological disorders. Unlike pharmacologic approaches, non-pharmacologic interventions are helpful as behavioral approaches for managing clinical manifestations of the disease with minimal adverse side effects. Exercise training is an example of a non-pharmacologic approach for patients with neurological disorders, but most do not adhere to such regimens. The reasons for poor exercise adherence are unknown, but affective experiences during exercise may play a role. Unfortunately, research on the affective responses to exercise in patients with neurological diseases is lacking. We, therefore, systematically reviewed the existing literature to describe the patterns of basic or core affect (pleasure and displeasure) and their related constructs during exercise. Methods. The systematic review followed the PRISMA criteria. The search for eligible studies was performed through electronic databases according to the PICOS criteria. The search strategy included (variations of) the terms affective valence, pleasure, exercise, physical activity, and neurological diseases. Eligible studies were searched in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus, were searched from inception to July 30, 2023. Results. From 269, records retrieved, five eight studies met the inclusion criteria (n = 121 participants). Two studies were performed on patients post-stroke only, while the remaining three evaluated patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Valid and reliable scales, particularly the Feeling Scale (n = 3) and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES, n = 3), were used to assess affective experiences of exercise. Conclusions. Our findings demonstrated that acute affective responses to exercise interventions are homogeneously positive, where enjoyable experiences are constantly reported. However, due to the scarce number of studies, it is still challenging to extrapolate such findings to other forms of neurological diseases. A better understanding of the patterns of affective responses during exercise in patients with neurological disorders is needed and could help them to adequately self-monitor and self-regulate exercise intensity in this potentially vulnerable population
Introduzione. I disturbi neurologici rappresentano la principale causa di disabilità, e la seconda causa di morte nel mondo. Sono quindi necessari dei progressi nella prevenzione, e nel trattamento di tali disturbi. Gli approcci non farmacologici sono fondamentali nella gestione dei pazienti con disturbi neurologici. A differenza degli approcci farmacologici, gli interventi non farmacologici sono utili come approcci comportamentali, per la gestione delle manifestazioni cliniche della malattia con effetti collaterali avversi minimi. L’allenamento fisico è un esempio di approccio non farmacologico per i pazienti con disturbi neurologici, ma la maggior parte non aderisce a tali regimi. Le ragioni della scarsa aderenza all’esercizio fisico sono sconosciute, ma le esperienze affettive durante l’esercizio possono svolgere un ruolo importantissimo. Sfortunatamente, mancano ricerche sulle risposte affettive all’esercizio fisico nei pazienti con malattie neurologiche. Pertanto, abbiamo revisionato sistematicamente la letteratura esistente, per descrivere i modelli di affetti di base o fondamentali (piacere e dispiacere) e i relativi costrutti durante l'esercizio. Metodi. La revisione sistematica ha seguito i criteri PRISMA. La ricerca degli studi ammissibili è stata effettuata attraverso banche dati elettroniche secondo i criteri PICOS. La strategia di ricerca includeva (variazioni dei) termini valenza affettiva, piacere, esercizio fisico, attività fisica e malattie neurologiche. Gli studi idonei sono stati cercati in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science e Scopus dall'inizio al 30 luglio 2023 Risultati. Dei 269 documenti recuperati, solo cinque studi soddisfacevano i criteri di inclusione (n = 153 partecipanti). Tre studi sono stati condotti solo su pazienti post-ictus, mentre i restanti due hanno valutato pazienti con diagnosi di sclerosi multipla. Per valutare la valenza affettiva dell’esrcizio sono state utilizzate scale valide e affidabili, in particolare la Feeling Scale (n = 2) e la Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES, n = 4), Conclusioni. I nostri risultati hanno dimostrato che; le risposte affettive acute agli interventi di esercizio sono omogeneamente positive, laddove le esperienze piacevoli vengono costantemente riportate. Tuttavia, a causa dello scarso numero di studi, è ancora difficile estrapolare tali risultati ad altre forme di malattie neurologiche. È necessaria una migliore comprensione dei modelli di risposta affettiva durante l’esercizio nei pazienti con disturbi neurologici, tale da poterli aiutare ad automonitorare e autoregolamentare adeguatamente l’intensità dell’esercizio.
Risposte affettive all'esercizio fisico in pazienti con disturbi neurologici: una revisione sistematica
Background. Neurological disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. Advances in preventing and treating such disorders are, thus, urgently needed. Non-pharmacologic approaches are critical in managing patients with neurological disorders. Unlike pharmacologic approaches, non-pharmacologic interventions are helpful as behavioral approaches for managing clinical manifestations of the disease with minimal adverse side effects. Exercise training is an example of a non-pharmacologic approach for patients with neurological disorders, but most do not adhere to such regimens. The reasons for poor exercise adherence are unknown, but affective experiences during exercise may play a role. Unfortunately, research on the affective responses to exercise in patients with neurological diseases is lacking. We, therefore, systematically reviewed the existing literature to describe the patterns of basic or core affect (pleasure and displeasure) and their related constructs during exercise. Methods. The systematic review followed the PRISMA criteria. The search for eligible studies was performed through electronic databases according to the PICOS criteria. The search strategy included (variations of) the terms affective valence, pleasure, exercise, physical activity, and neurological diseases. Eligible studies were searched in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus, were searched from inception to July 30, 2023. Results. From 269, records retrieved, five eight studies met the inclusion criteria (n = 121 participants). Two studies were performed on patients post-stroke only, while the remaining three evaluated patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Valid and reliable scales, particularly the Feeling Scale (n = 3) and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES, n = 3), were used to assess affective experiences of exercise. Conclusions. Our findings demonstrated that acute affective responses to exercise interventions are homogeneously positive, where enjoyable experiences are constantly reported. However, due to the scarce number of studies, it is still challenging to extrapolate such findings to other forms of neurological diseases. A better understanding of the patterns of affective responses during exercise in patients with neurological disorders is needed and could help them to adequately self-monitor and self-regulate exercise intensity in this potentially vulnerable populationÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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