DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECTIVE OF THE WORK The target of this degree thesis is the presentation of Blind Tennis, the version of the world’s most famous racket sport for blind and visually impaired people, enriched by an excursus of the most frequent pathologies, investigated among athletes through an anonymous questionnaire administered online and during the main tournaments in which I took part as a coach. METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS USED FOR THE THESIS This paper is the result of an accurate analysis of the collected data, correlated with personal technical knowledge and data that I was able to find on the web. The questionnaire was created using the "Forms" section of Google, and presented to the athletes in digital, paper or vocal form, respecting first their needs and my possibilities. Through books, magazines, websites and competent medical personnel I documented myself on the main aspects of pathologies that affect sight, while I have used my knowledge and what is available to me as a coach for the exposition of the section dedicated to the discovery and explanation of sport in itself. DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES OF THE THESIS The project will be structured into five main chapters. At the beginning, the sport will be presented, with historical notes and related regulations, followed by the questionnaire model to get an overview of the pathologies that characterize athletes. After a presentation of the main aspects of these pathologies, we will correlate them with sport and present their advantages and disadvantages.
DESCRIZIONE DELL’OBBIETTIVO DEL LAVORO L’obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è la presentazione del Blind Tennis, ovvero la versione per non vedenti ed ipovedenti del celebre sport di racchetta, arricchita da un excursus delle patologie più frequenti, indagate tra gli atleti attraverso un questionario anonimo somministrato online e durante i principali tornei ai quali ho preso parte come coach. METODOLOGIA E STRUMENTI UTILIZZATI PER LA TESI Il presente elaborato è il frutto di un’attenta analisi di dati raccolti, correlata a conoscenze tecniche personali e dati che ho potuto reperire sul web. Il questionario è stato creato utilizzando la sezione “Moduli” di Google, e presentato agli atleti in forma digitale, cartacea o vocale, rispettando da una parte le loro necessità e dall’altra le mie possibilità. Tramite libri, riviste, siti web e personale medico competente mi sono documentato sui principali aspetti delle patologie che colpiscono la vista, mentre ho utilizzato le mie conoscenze e quanto a mia disposizione come tecnico per l’esposizione della sezione dedicata alla scoperta e spiegazione dello sport in sé. DESCRIZIONE DELLE TAPPE DELLA TESI Il progetto sarà strutturato in cinque principali capitoli. In apertura si presenterà lo sport, con cenni storici e relativo regolamento, in seguito il modello del questionario per avere una panoramica delle patologie che caratterizzano gli atleti. Dopo una presentazione dei principali aspetti di queste patologie si andrà a correlarle con lo sport e presentarne vantaggi e svantaggi.
Giocare a Blind tennis
DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECTIVE OF THE WORK The target of this degree thesis is the presentation of Blind Tennis, the version of the world’s most famous racket sport for blind and visually impaired people, enriched by an excursus of the most frequent pathologies, investigated among athletes through an anonymous questionnaire administered online and during the main tournaments in which I took part as a coach. METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS USED FOR THE THESIS This paper is the result of an accurate analysis of the collected data, correlated with personal technical knowledge and data that I was able to find on the web. The questionnaire was created using the "Forms" section of Google, and presented to the athletes in digital, paper or vocal form, respecting first their needs and my possibilities. Through books, magazines, websites and competent medical personnel I documented myself on the main aspects of pathologies that affect sight, while I have used my knowledge and what is available to me as a coach for the exposition of the section dedicated to the discovery and explanation of sport in itself. DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES OF THE THESIS The project will be structured into five main chapters. At the beginning, the sport will be presented, with historical notes and related regulations, followed by the questionnaire model to get an overview of the pathologies that characterize athletes. After a presentation of the main aspects of these pathologies, we will correlate them with sport and present their advantages and disadvantages.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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