The aim of this Master degree thesis work is the creation of an experimental protocol that allows us to face a consolidation problem that does not have a scientific literature of reference or at least not that exhaustive to proceed with the necessary guarantees. In specific, we are dealing with the consolidation of a molten resin aggregate that acts as an insulator and which, from noninvasive diagnostic investigations, has been distinguished as shellac. The protocol focuses on identifying, within a small group of synthetic resins, a suitable consolidant which respects the experimental function, in fact the Giostra elettrostatica performed an attraction and repulsion experiment between charges of electrostatic origin with the aim of exploiting their circulatory motion. In addiction to the experimental problem there’s the constituent material of the artifact, which due to polymaterial complexity, must deal with the individual characteristics of the materials. For this reason, a protocol that can previously test the behavior of the constituent materials ( glass, brass, iron, shellac, wax) has been prepared. Five resins that have similar dielectric properties to historical shellac and which entered into cultural heritage of preventive and conservative restoration practices were selected: acrylic resins, hydrogenated hydrocarbon, aliphatic and epoxy resins (Paraloid B72 and B44, Regalite R1125, Regalrez 1126 and epoxy). The experimentation in specific focused on creating a fused shellac similar to the historical one with a Kusmi seed-lac resin with 5% wax content tested that could simulate the historical aggregate and subjected to several tests. (Aging, hardness, tensile strength, solubility). The test procedures contribute to the identification of the resin that could suit the standards of both the dielectric parameters of the historical resin and the resistance to maximum stresses within a conservation protocol that fits the standard musealization parameters.
Lo spirito di questo lavoro di tesi Magistrale è la creazione di un protocollo sperimentale che ci consenta di affrontare una problematica di consolidamento che non abbia una letteratura scientifica di riferimento o comunque non così esaustiva per poter procedere con le necessarie garanzie. Nello specifico si tratta del consolidamento di un aggregato di resina fusa che funge da isolante e che, da indagini diagnostiche non invasive, è stata caratterizzata come Gommalacca. Il protocollo si concentra sull’individuazione, all’interno di un gruppo ristretto di resine sintetiche, di un consolidante idoneo che ne rispetti la funzione sperimentale, infatti la Giostra elettrostatica compiva un esperimento di attrazione e repulsione tra cariche di origine elettrostatica con lo scopo di sfruttarne il moto circolatorio. Al problema sperimentale si aggiunge la materia costitutiva del manufatto che per complessità polimaterica, deve tener conto delle singole caratteristiche dei materiali. Per tale scopo si è approntato un protocollo che possa testare preventivamente il comportamento dei materiali costitutivi ( vetro, ottone, ferro, gommalacca, ceralacca). Sono state selezionate cinque resine che hanno proprietà dielettriche similari alla gommalacca storica e che sono entrate da tempo nel patrimonio culturale all’interno di pratiche di restauro preventivo e conservativo: resine acriliche, idrocarburica idrogenata, alifatica ed epossidica (Paraloid B72 e B44, Regalite R1125, Regalrez 1126 ed epossidica). La sperimentazione nello specifico si è concentrata nella creazione di una gommalacca fusa simile a quella storica con una resina seed-lac Kusmi con tenore di cera testato al 5% che potesse simulare l’aggregato storico e sottoposta a diversi test. (Invecchiamento, durezza, trazione, solubilità). I procedimenti sperimentali hanno concorso all’individuazione della resina che potesse soddisfare i criteri sia dei parametri dielettici della resina storica che di tenuta alle sollecitazioni massime all’interno di un protocollo conservativo che contempli parametri standard di musealizzazzione.
Il consolidamento di un isolatore elettrico storico in gommalacca: approccio per un protocollo sperimentale
The aim of this Master degree thesis work is the creation of an experimental protocol that allows us to face a consolidation problem that does not have a scientific literature of reference or at least not that exhaustive to proceed with the necessary guarantees. In specific, we are dealing with the consolidation of a molten resin aggregate that acts as an insulator and which, from noninvasive diagnostic investigations, has been distinguished as shellac. The protocol focuses on identifying, within a small group of synthetic resins, a suitable consolidant which respects the experimental function, in fact the Giostra elettrostatica performed an attraction and repulsion experiment between charges of electrostatic origin with the aim of exploiting their circulatory motion. In addiction to the experimental problem there’s the constituent material of the artifact, which due to polymaterial complexity, must deal with the individual characteristics of the materials. For this reason, a protocol that can previously test the behavior of the constituent materials ( glass, brass, iron, shellac, wax) has been prepared. Five resins that have similar dielectric properties to historical shellac and which entered into cultural heritage of preventive and conservative restoration practices were selected: acrylic resins, hydrogenated hydrocarbon, aliphatic and epoxy resins (Paraloid B72 and B44, Regalite R1125, Regalrez 1126 and epoxy). The experimentation in specific focused on creating a fused shellac similar to the historical one with a Kusmi seed-lac resin with 5% wax content tested that could simulate the historical aggregate and subjected to several tests. (Aging, hardness, tensile strength, solubility). The test procedures contribute to the identification of the resin that could suit the standards of both the dielectric parameters of the historical resin and the resistance to maximum stresses within a conservation protocol that fits the standard musealization parameters.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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