Microorganisms isolated from antarctic soils can represent potential low-impact tools in bioremediation, industrial and biotechnological processes due to their ability to grow at low temperatures. The aim of this thesis was to isolate microorganisms from some antarctic soil samples and to investigate some aspects of their metabolism and their biodegradative capacity, at low temperatures, against a source of hydrocarbons. Samples of” Sterile or nearly so” soil from four different areas of Antarctica were added to flasks containing Bushnell-Hass Broth and used engine oil. Alterations in the physical state of the oil were optometrically evaluated after 30 days at 10°C. Any microorganisms present were isolated and identified. The isolated yeasts were subjected to growth and assimilation tests with 35 substrates at 10°C.The tests were carried out in 96-well microplates, each well was filled out with the substrate and a calibrated inoculum. Growth was assessed on the spectrophotometer after 0,3,7 and 14 days at 580nm wavelength. Finally, further degradation tests at 10°C were set up for all microorganisms isolated. 25ml of Bushnell-Haas Broth, 0.25ml of engine oil were placed in flasks and a calibrated inoculum of the microorganisms individually and in consortiums. The change of the oil composition was analytically assessed by GC–MS.
I microrganismi isolati da suoli antartici possono rappresentare potenziali strumenti a basso impatto in processi di biorisanamento, industriali e biotecnologici grazie alla loro capacità di crescere alle basse temperature. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di isolare microrganismi da alcuni campioni di suolo antartico ed approfondire alcuni aspetti del loro metabolismo e delle loro capacità biodegradativa nei confronti di una fonte di idrocarburi a basse temperature. Campioni di suolo apparentemente sterile, provenienti da quattro zone differenti dell’Antartide continentale, sono stati aggiunti a beute contenti Bushnell-Hass Broth ed olio motore esausto. Sono state valutate optometricamente, dopo 30 giorni a 10°C, le alterazioni dello stato fisico dell’olio. Sono stati poi isolati e identificati gli eventuali microrganismi presenti. I lieviti isolati sono stati poi sottoposti a prove di crescita ed assimilazione con 35 substrati a 10°C. Le prove sono state effettuate in micropiastre da 96 pozzetti, in ognuno dei quali sono stati aggiunti il substrato ed un inoculo calibrato. La crescita è stata valutata allo spettrofotometro dopo 0 ,3,7 e 14 giorni alla lunghezza d’onda di 580nm. Infine, sono state predisposte delle ulteriori prove di degradazione a 10°C per tutti i microrganismi isolati. Sono stati inseriti in delle beute 25ml di Bushnell-Haas Broth, 0,25 ml di olio motore esausto e un inoculo calibrato dei microrganismi isolati sia singoli che in consorzio. Il cambiamento della composizione dell’olio è stato valutato analiticamente mediante GC–MS.
"Caratterizzazione metabolica di funghi antartici"
Microorganisms isolated from antarctic soils can represent potential low-impact tools in bioremediation, industrial and biotechnological processes due to their ability to grow at low temperatures. The aim of this thesis was to isolate microorganisms from some antarctic soil samples and to investigate some aspects of their metabolism and their biodegradative capacity, at low temperatures, against a source of hydrocarbons. Samples of” Sterile or nearly so” soil from four different areas of Antarctica were added to flasks containing Bushnell-Hass Broth and used engine oil. Alterations in the physical state of the oil were optometrically evaluated after 30 days at 10°C. Any microorganisms present were isolated and identified. The isolated yeasts were subjected to growth and assimilation tests with 35 substrates at 10°C.The tests were carried out in 96-well microplates, each well was filled out with the substrate and a calibrated inoculum. Growth was assessed on the spectrophotometer after 0,3,7 and 14 days at 580nm wavelength. Finally, further degradation tests at 10°C were set up for all microorganisms isolated. 25ml of Bushnell-Haas Broth, 0.25ml of engine oil were placed in flasks and a calibrated inoculum of the microorganisms individually and in consortiums. The change of the oil composition was analytically assessed by GC–MS.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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