In this work we will study the applications of probability, throughout its history, to the juridical field. From the beginning of its development, in probability calculation we can find examples connected to the jurdical field, particularly linked to the testimoy and the trithfulness of the wintess. Starting with Leibniz and Bernoulli, we can find examples of applications of probability caluclation applied to this kind of problems, remarking the close connection between the raising subject and the juridical world. Afterward David Hume dealt with the problem of induction and, because of his interest in religion, the credibility of a testimony of a miracle. Both this problem were restidied and solved by Thomas Bayes that introduced Conditional Porbability. But it’s in French during the revolutionary period that probability were first applied to juridical issues. Condorcet, with his Jury Theorem, showed that the probability of a jury to judge in the right way tends to the uniti if the number of juror increases more and more. The Hypothesis of this Theorem were severely criticized by following matematicians because they were too restrictive and no longer adherent to the reality. Among his critics there were Laplace and Poisson. The latter dealt with this problem in a compleatly different way looking for a validation of his theory in statistical tables published by french Ministry of Justice. His studies were so important that, in the Seventies, American matematiciens tried to apply the same model to theri contemporary jury sistem. In the end, we examine the critics of Poisson model presented by Cournot based on the compariosn with statistics.
In questo lavoro ci si pone l’obiettivo di studiare le applicazioni che la probabilità ha avuto, nel corso della storia, in ambito giudiziario. Fin dall’inizio del suo sviluppo, il calcolo delle probabilità ha vissuto di esempi legati all’ambito giuridico, soprattutto relativi al problema della testimonianza e della veridicità di un testimone. Partendo da Leibniz e Jacob Bernoulli, gli esempi di applicazioni del calcolo delle probabilità per problemi di questo genere sono sempre stati presenti, a sottolineare lo stretto legame che vi è tra la nuova disciplina e il mondo giudiziario. David Hume si è successivamente occupato del problema dell’induzione e, avendo a cuore le questioni religiose, della credibilità che un testimone di un miracolo possa avere. Problemi entrambi ripresi e risolti da Thomas Bayes che ha introdotto la probabilità condizionata. Ma è nella Francia del periodo rivoluzionario che la probabilità viene applicata alle questioni giudiziarie. Condorcet, infatti, con il suo teorema della giuria, ha mostrato come la probabilità di una giuria di esprimersi in modo conforme alla verità tenda all’unità man mano che aumenta il numero dei giurati che la compongono. Le ipotesi sottostanti a questo teorema sono state molto discusse da matematici posteriori perché ritenute molto restrittive e poco aderenti alla realtà. Tra i suoi critici vi sono stati Laplace e Poisson. Quest’ultimo ha affrontato il problema in un modo diverso da Condorcet cercando una validazione del suo modello nei dati statistici resi pubblici dal Ministero della Giustizia francese. L’importanza del suo studio è tale da essere stata ripresa negli anni Settanta del XX secolo da studiosi americani che hanno tentato di applicare lo stesso modello al sistema americano del loro tempo. Infine, si esaminano le critiche mosse a Poisson da Cournot, sulla base del confronto con i dati statistici.
La probabilità e il comportamento umano: la testimonianza e i sistemi giudiziari
In this work we will study the applications of probability, throughout its history, to the juridical field. From the beginning of its development, in probability calculation we can find examples connected to the jurdical field, particularly linked to the testimoy and the trithfulness of the wintess. Starting with Leibniz and Bernoulli, we can find examples of applications of probability caluclation applied to this kind of problems, remarking the close connection between the raising subject and the juridical world. Afterward David Hume dealt with the problem of induction and, because of his interest in religion, the credibility of a testimony of a miracle. Both this problem were restidied and solved by Thomas Bayes that introduced Conditional Porbability. But it’s in French during the revolutionary period that probability were first applied to juridical issues. Condorcet, with his Jury Theorem, showed that the probability of a jury to judge in the right way tends to the uniti if the number of juror increases more and more. The Hypothesis of this Theorem were severely criticized by following matematicians because they were too restrictive and no longer adherent to the reality. Among his critics there were Laplace and Poisson. The latter dealt with this problem in a compleatly different way looking for a validation of his theory in statistical tables published by french Ministry of Justice. His studies were so important that, in the Seventies, American matematiciens tried to apply the same model to theri contemporary jury sistem. In the end, we examine the critics of Poisson model presented by Cournot based on the compariosn with statistics.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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