In the European Union, 2.7 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020, of which 1.3 million lost their lives. A cancer diagnosis has significant consequences on the lives of those affected and their loved ones. It is known that approximately 50% of cancer deaths and 40% of new cancer cases are potentially preventable, as they are caused by modifiable risk factors. Among these, tobacco smoking is the primary risk factor, being associated with the onset of about one-third of all cancers. Passive smoking has also been recognized as a cause of cancer-related deaths. Additionally, certain chronic infections, environmental pollution, ionizing radiation, exposure to ultraviolet rays, poor dietary habits, excessive alcohol consumption, and sedentary behavior are also known causes of cancer. In Italy, behavioral and modifiable risk factors are considered responsible for approximately 65,000 cancer-related deaths each year. However, there is a significant increase in the number of men and women surviving cancer diagnoses, with a rising rate of successful recoveries, and more people returning to the same life expectancy as the general population. The data testify to the effectiveness of organized screening programs. Furthermore, the State-Regions Agreement of April 19, 2019, on the "Revision of Organizational Guidelines and Recommendations for the Oncology Network," has given new impetus to promote integration between acute/post-acute hospital activities and territorial activities. OBJECTIVE: National and regional policy guidelines in recent years have promoted dehospitalization. Effective communication between hospital and territorial sectors is essential for appropriately addressing changes in the patient's clinical conditions in different care settings. The aim is to demonstrate the central role of the primary care physician in the prognosis of oncology patients. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Individuals of both sexes diagnosed with oncological diseases, without age limits. Consent to participate in the study. ACTIVITIES TO BE CARRIED OUT: Collection of demographic, medical history, and lifestyle data. General physical examination and measurement of general parameters. Administration of a questionnaire on quality of life and assessment of care after a cancer
BACKGROUND: Nell'Unione Europea sono state 2,7 milioni le persone a cui è stato diagnosticato un cancro nel 2020, di cui 1,3 milioni hanno perso la vita. Una diagnosi di cancro ha pesanti conseguenze sulla vita di chi ne è colpito e dei suoi cari. È noto che circa il 50% delle morti per tumore e il 40% dei nuovi casi di tumore sono potenzialmente prevenibili in quanto causate da fattori di rischio modificabili. Tra questi, il fumo di tabacco rappresenta il principale fattore di rischio essendo associato all’insorgenza di circa un tumore su tre. Anche il fumo passivo è stato riconosciuto come responsabile di decessi per neoplasia. Inoltre anche alcune infezioni croniche sono causa di tumori, così come l’inquinamento ambientale, le radiazioni ionizzanti, l’esposizione ai raggi ultravioletti, la scorretta alimentazione, il consumo eccessivo di alcool e la sedentarietà. In Italia i fattori di rischio comportamentali e, quindi, modificabili sono ritenuti responsabili ogni anno di circa 65.000 decessi oncologici. Nel nostro Paese, tuttavia, cresce notevolmente il numero di donne e uomini che sopravvivono alla diagnosi di tumore, aumenta il tasso di guarigioni e sempre più persone tornano ad avere la stessa aspettativa di vita della popolazione generale. I dati testimoniano l’efficacia dei programmi organizzati di screening. Inoltre, con l’Accordo Stato-Regioni del 19 aprile 2019 sul documento di “Revisione delle Linee guida organizzative e delle raccomandazioni per la Rete Oncologica” è stato dato nuovo impulso per favorire l’integrazione tra l’attività ospedaliera per acuti/post acuti e l’attività territoriale. SCOPO: Le linee programmatiche nazionali e regionali, negli ultimi anni, hanno promosso la deospedalizzazione. Una comunicazione efficace tra le parti del settore ospedaliero e quello territoriale è un elemento essenziale ai fini di un’appropriata presa in carico al variare delle condizioni cliniche del paziente nei diversi contesti di cura. Dimostrare la centralità della figura professionale del medico di base nella prognosi del paziente oncologico. CRITERI DI INCLUSIONE: -soggetti di entrambi i sessi con diagnosi di malattia oncologica, senza limiti di età. -Firma consenso a partecipare allo studio. ATTIVITÀ DA EFFETTUARSI: -Rilevamento dei dati anagrafici, anamnestici e relativi allo stile di vita. -Esame obiettivo generale e misurazione dei parametri generali -Somministrazione di un questionario sulla qualità della vita e sulla valutazione della presa in carico dopo la diagnosi di malattia oncologica.
Il ruolo del medico di famiglia nella gestione del paziente oncologico: un’analisi approfondita.
In the European Union, 2.7 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020, of which 1.3 million lost their lives. A cancer diagnosis has significant consequences on the lives of those affected and their loved ones. It is known that approximately 50% of cancer deaths and 40% of new cancer cases are potentially preventable, as they are caused by modifiable risk factors. Among these, tobacco smoking is the primary risk factor, being associated with the onset of about one-third of all cancers. Passive smoking has also been recognized as a cause of cancer-related deaths. Additionally, certain chronic infections, environmental pollution, ionizing radiation, exposure to ultraviolet rays, poor dietary habits, excessive alcohol consumption, and sedentary behavior are also known causes of cancer. In Italy, behavioral and modifiable risk factors are considered responsible for approximately 65,000 cancer-related deaths each year. However, there is a significant increase in the number of men and women surviving cancer diagnoses, with a rising rate of successful recoveries, and more people returning to the same life expectancy as the general population. The data testify to the effectiveness of organized screening programs. Furthermore, the State-Regions Agreement of April 19, 2019, on the "Revision of Organizational Guidelines and Recommendations for the Oncology Network," has given new impetus to promote integration between acute/post-acute hospital activities and territorial activities. OBJECTIVE: National and regional policy guidelines in recent years have promoted dehospitalization. Effective communication between hospital and territorial sectors is essential for appropriately addressing changes in the patient's clinical conditions in different care settings. The aim is to demonstrate the central role of the primary care physician in the prognosis of oncology patients. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Individuals of both sexes diagnosed with oncological diseases, without age limits. Consent to participate in the study. ACTIVITIES TO BE CARRIED OUT: Collection of demographic, medical history, and lifestyle data. General physical examination and measurement of general parameters. Administration of a questionnaire on quality of life and assessment of care after a cancerÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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