Fungi play a fundamental role in the health and functioning of ecosystems, regulating biogeochemical cycle processes and establishing important relationships with other organisms. Alpine environments are highly biodiverse biological systems that are strongly threatened by human activity and climate change. Despite the critical nature of these environments, there is still limited information available on the fungal consortia present in these soils.In this study, three different approaches were employed to assess the taxonomic and biological diversity of fungi in a model alpine area owned by KCS Biotech SRL (Vergiate, VA, Italy) at approximately 1300 m.a.s.l with an extension of 3 hectares. The area encompasses three different environments: a meadow with native species, a mixed forest subject to silvicultural practices predominantly with Norway spruces, and an acidic bog with no anthropic intervention. The three approaches include the mycofloristic study of fungal fruiting bodies, the soil serial dilution technique for the isolation and identification of culturable microfungi, and finally, the metabarcoding analysis of soil fungal communities. The use of three different methods to investigate fungal biodiversity has proven extremely valuable for the study of biological diversity in the three environments of the study area. This multi-method approach is particularly valuable in the perspective of developing a conservation plan for this private alpine area in the future, with special attention to mycological conservation and outreach.
I funghi svolgono un ruolo fondamentale per la salute e il funzionamento degli ecosistemi, regolando i processi dei cicli biogeochimici e instaurando relazioni importanti con gli altri organismi. Gli ambienti alpini sono sistemi biologici altamente biodiversi e fortemente minacciati dall’attività antropica e dai cambiamenti climatici. Lo studio dei consorzi fungini nei suoli di questi ecosistemi risulta essere difficile per diversi motivi. In questo lavoro, sono stati utilizzati tre approcci diversi per valutare la diversità tassonomica e biologica dei funghi in un'area alpina modello di proprietà di KCS Biotech SRL (Vergiate, VA, Italia) a a circa 1300 m.s.l.m con un'estensione di 3 ettari. L'area comprende tre ambienti diversi: un prato con specie autoctone, una foresta mista soggetta a pratiche selvicolturali con prevalenza di abeti rossi norvegesi e una torbiera acida senza interventi antropici. I tre approcci comprendono: Lo studio mico-floristico dei corpi fruttiferi fungini, la tecnica di diluizione seriale del suolo per l'isolamento e l'identificazione dei microfunghi coltivabili, e infine, l'analisi del metabarcoding delle comunità fungine del suolo. L'uso di tre diversi metodi per l'indagine della biodiversità fungina si è dimostrato estremamente utile per studio della diversità biologica nei tre ambienti dell’area d’indagine. Questo approccio multi-metodo è estremamente prezioso nella prospettiva dello sviluppo di un piano di conservazione per questa area alpina privata in futuro, con una particolare attenzione alla conservazione e divulgazione micologica.
Approccio multi-metodo allo studio della diversità fungina nel piano montano della Val d’Ossola: un caso di studio
Fungi play a fundamental role in the health and functioning of ecosystems, regulating biogeochemical cycle processes and establishing important relationships with other organisms. Alpine environments are highly biodiverse biological systems that are strongly threatened by human activity and climate change. Despite the critical nature of these environments, there is still limited information available on the fungal consortia present in these soils.In this study, three different approaches were employed to assess the taxonomic and biological diversity of fungi in a model alpine area owned by KCS Biotech SRL (Vergiate, VA, Italy) at approximately 1300 m.a.s.l with an extension of 3 hectares. The area encompasses three different environments: a meadow with native species, a mixed forest subject to silvicultural practices predominantly with Norway spruces, and an acidic bog with no anthropic intervention. The three approaches include the mycofloristic study of fungal fruiting bodies, the soil serial dilution technique for the isolation and identification of culturable microfungi, and finally, the metabarcoding analysis of soil fungal communities. The use of three different methods to investigate fungal biodiversity has proven extremely valuable for the study of biological diversity in the three environments of the study area. This multi-method approach is particularly valuable in the perspective of developing a conservation plan for this private alpine area in the future, with special attention to mycological conservation and outreach.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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