Environmental, economic and social needs give rise to reflections on the concept of urban planning. Sustainability, in the three dimensions, to be pursued through the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, is now an established concept and developed on time. The new demand is linked to the search for urban quality by both citizens and public administrations. It is a new prerogative that incorporates the concept of physical, spatial and psychological health and well-being, according to multidisciplinary and multi-scale targets. The theme of Healthy City was born in this context and defines objectives that can be pursued through processes of urban regeneration only if integrated and supported by sectoral urban policies. Each municipality has its own administrative structure with directorates, areas and offices able to deal with different sectors. In this way regeneration changes paradigm, overcoming the material and immaterial limits due to the recovery of a single abandoned area of the city extending the benefits to urban and territorial. The result is a new form of integrated planning, based on healthy city goals, the regeneration process and public - private collaboration. The case of Pavia, through the urban regeneration of the former area Necchi and Scalo FS, allows you to experiment with the new methodology, developing a plan to improve the quality of life in the city through the establishment of a strategic function to tackle urban challenges. The process not only recovers the abandoned area by integrating an existing project, but also influences urban mobility through policies that regulate vehicle traffic and encourage travel by collective or healthy means such as cycling. The result also offers the possibility to develop further projects spread over the same territory, continuing to increase the level of well-being of the city regenerating its abandoned areas in a healthy and sustainable way. Keywords: Healthy city - planning - urban regeneration - urban policies - sustainability - public/private relationship.
Le necessità ambientali, economiche e sociali pongono delle riflessioni sul concetto di pianificazione urbana. La sostenibilità, nelle tre dimensioni, da perseguire mediante il raggiungimento degli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030, è ormai un concetto assodato e sviluppato puntualmente. La nuova domanda è legata alla ricerca di qualità urbana sia da parte dei cittadini che delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Si tratta di una nuova prerogativa che inserisce al suo interno il concetto di salute e benessere fisico, spaziale e psicologico, secondo dei target multidisciplinari e multiscalari. Il tema della Healthy City nasce in questo contesto e definisce degli obiettivi perseguibili mediante processi di rigenerazione urbana solo se integrati e supportati da politiche urbane settoriali. Ogni comune presenta infatti una sua struttura amministrativa con direzioni, aree e uffici in grado di occuparsi di differenti settori. In questo modo la rigenerazione cambia paradigma, superando i limiti materiali e immateriali dovuti al recupero di una singola area dismessa della città estendendo i benefici a livello urbano e territoriale. Ne deriva una nuova forma di pianificazione integrata, basata sugli obiettivi di città sana, sul processo di rigenerazione e su una collaborazione pubblico – privato. Il caso di Pavia, attraverso la rigenerazione urbana dell’ex area Necchi e Scalo FS, consente di sperimentare la nuova metodologia, sviluppando un piano volto a migliorare la qualità della vita della città attraverso l’insediamento di una funzione strategica in grado di contrastare le criticità urbane. Il processo non solo recupera l’area dismessa integrando un progetto esistente, ma influenza anche la mobilità urbana attraverso politiche che regolamentano il traffico veicolare e incentivano gli spostamenti con mezzi collettivi o salutari come la bicicletta. Il risultato offre inoltre la possibilità di sviluppare ulteriori progetti diffusi sullo stesso territorio, continuando a incrementare il livello di benessere della città rigenerando le sue aree dismesse in modo salutare e sostenibile. Keywords: Healthy city - pianificazione - rigenerazione urbana - politiche urbane - sostenibilità – rapporto pubblico/privato.
Healthy City e rigenerazione urbana: pianificazione integrata e politiche urbane
Environmental, economic and social needs give rise to reflections on the concept of urban planning. Sustainability, in the three dimensions, to be pursued through the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, is now an established concept and developed on time. The new demand is linked to the search for urban quality by both citizens and public administrations. It is a new prerogative that incorporates the concept of physical, spatial and psychological health and well-being, according to multidisciplinary and multi-scale targets. The theme of Healthy City was born in this context and defines objectives that can be pursued through processes of urban regeneration only if integrated and supported by sectoral urban policies. Each municipality has its own administrative structure with directorates, areas and offices able to deal with different sectors. In this way regeneration changes paradigm, overcoming the material and immaterial limits due to the recovery of a single abandoned area of the city extending the benefits to urban and territorial. The result is a new form of integrated planning, based on healthy city goals, the regeneration process and public - private collaboration. The case of Pavia, through the urban regeneration of the former area Necchi and Scalo FS, allows you to experiment with the new methodology, developing a plan to improve the quality of life in the city through the establishment of a strategic function to tackle urban challenges. The process not only recovers the abandoned area by integrating an existing project, but also influences urban mobility through policies that regulate vehicle traffic and encourage travel by collective or healthy means such as cycling. The result also offers the possibility to develop further projects spread over the same territory, continuing to increase the level of well-being of the city regenerating its abandoned areas in a healthy and sustainable way. Keywords: Healthy city - planning - urban regeneration - urban policies - sustainability - public/private relationship.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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