Background and Objectives: The learning environment plays a crucial role in academic education, influencing satisfaction and engagement in the educational processes. It encompasses interactions with academic staff, teachers, peers, academic programs, physical spaces, teaching activities, and cultural aspects. Evaluating the learning environment is essential in academic institutions. The Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale (JHLES) is an effective tool for comprehensively assessing the learning environment, but it is not available in Italian, as there are no validation studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate and adapt the JHLES for the Italian nursing academic context. Methods: A multi-phase methodological study was conducted. The first phase included the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the JHLES into Italian. The second phase involved content and face validation, and the third phase was dedicated to construct validation (i.e., assessment of psychometric properties and reliability) of the scale. Results: The Italian version of JHLES retains the original structure, demonstrating valid content and face properties, good construct validity, and internal consistency, with twenty-eight items and seven domains: peer community, faculty relationships, academic climate, meaningful engagement, mentoring, inclusion and safety, physical space. Conclusions: The Italian version of JHLES is available to Italian researchers and academics. The psychometric results suggest its potential utility among nursing students, confirming its usefulness in the implementation of high-quality academic and clinical environments. Keywords: Learning Environment, Students, Nursing, Scale, Validation.
Background. L'ambiente di apprendimento riveste un ruolo cruciale nella formazione accademica, influenzandone la soddisfazione ed il coinvolgimento nei processi formativi. Esso comprende interazioni con personale accademico, docenti, colleghi, programmi accademici, spazi fisici, attività didattiche ed aspetti culturali. Valutare l’ambiente di apprendimento è essenziale nelle istituzioni accademiche. La Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale (JHLES) è una scala efficace per valutare in modo olistico l'ambiente di apprendimento, non disponibile in lingua italiana, poiché́ non vi sono studi di validazione. Pertanto, l’obiettivo del presente studio è stato quello di validare e adattare la JHLES al contesto accademico infermieristico italiano. Metodi. È stato condotto uno studio metodologico multifase. La prima fase ha incluso la traduzione e l'adattamento transculturale della JHLES in italiano. La seconda fase ha riguardato la validazione di contenuto e facciata e la terza fase è stata dedicata alla validazione di costrutto (i.e., valutazione delle proprietà psicometriche e affidabilità) della scala. Risultati: La versione italiana di JHLES mantiene la struttura originale, dimostrando valide proprietà di contenuto e facciata, buona validità di costrutto e consistenza interna, con ventotto item e sette domini: comunità dei pari, relazioni in facoltà, clima accademico, coinvolgimento significativo, tutoraggio, inclusione e sicurezza, spazio fisico. Conclusioni: La versione italiana della JHLES è disponibile ai ricercatori e accademici italiani. I risultati psicometrici suggeriscono il suo potenziale utilizzo tra gli studenti infermieri, confermando la sua utilità nell'implementazione di ambienti accademici e clinici di alta qualità. Parole Chiave: Learning Environment, Students, Nursing, Scale, Validation.
Background and Objectives: The learning environment plays a crucial role in academic education, influencing satisfaction and engagement in the educational processes. It encompasses interactions with academic staff, teachers, peers, academic programs, physical spaces, teaching activities, and cultural aspects. Evaluating the learning environment is essential in academic institutions. The Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale (JHLES) is an effective tool for comprehensively assessing the learning environment, but it is not available in Italian, as there are no validation studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate and adapt the JHLES for the Italian nursing academic context. Methods: A multi-phase methodological study was conducted. The first phase included the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the JHLES into Italian. The second phase involved content and face validation, and the third phase was dedicated to construct validation (i.e., assessment of psychometric properties and reliability) of the scale. Results: The Italian version of JHLES retains the original structure, demonstrating valid content and face properties, good construct validity, and internal consistency, with twenty-eight items and seven domains: peer community, faculty relationships, academic climate, meaningful engagement, mentoring, inclusion and safety, physical space. Conclusions: The Italian version of JHLES is available to Italian researchers and academics. The psychometric results suggest its potential utility among nursing students, confirming its usefulness in the implementation of high-quality academic and clinical environments. Keywords: Learning Environment, Students, Nursing, Scale, Validation.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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