Background Chronic illness does not only involve the patient, but also the entire family context which is forced to review its balance to encourage coping and adaptation processes. The family member who takes care of the patient is called an informal caregiver who is very often unprepared for management and assistance, but at the same time must guarantee the patient a constant presence to help him in satisfying his own needs, but also to cope with the various changes which include lifestyle, reduction of free time and restriction of social activities. Physical and psychological discomfort and related problems lead to the onset of caregiver burden. Literature has shown that the use of technology to manage your loved one, in addition to supporting the care process, can help reduce the onset of caregiver burden. Taking into account the increasingly widespread use of technology for the management of one's loved one/assisted person and the limitations it presents, the objective of the study is to explore the experience of informal caregivers of patients with chronic pathologies with respect to the implementation of digitalisation and of technology in the healthcare sector, in the care process of your loved one. Materials and methods A qualitative study was conducted using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The data collection was carried out with semi-structured interviews, conducted between May and June 2023 and sampling was of a proactive nature. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis and bracketing and member checking techniques were applied to ensure the rigor of the research. Results From the analysis of the interviews, 3 main themes emerged. “Care relationship” (first theme) which includes two sub-themes: (1) Desire to have a direct relationship, (2) communication. “Negative emotions” (second theme) that the caregiver experiences when using technology and includes two subthemes: (1) Resistance, (2) Skepticism and Difficulty. The third theme “Technology… Has made our lives easier” with the following subthemes: (1) Satisfaction, (2) Convenience, (3) Fundamental. Discussions The results highlight that it is a rather unexplored topic. There are different perceptions and emotions, we go from resistance to using technology to a rather favorable opinion, there are two worlds distinct from each other. The themes that emerged can be the basis for future research with the aim of personalizing assistance for caregivers. In the management of a chronic patient, not only the patient is involved but also those who assist him, therefore to ensure excellent patient adherence to the process it is essential that healthcare professionals take care of both the patient and the caregiver. Keywords Chronic disease, chronic patient, caregiver, digital health, qualitative research, phenomenological analysis.
Introduzione La malattia cronica non coinvolge solo il paziente, ma anche tutto il contesto famigliare che è costretto a dover rivedere il proprio equilibrio per favorire i processi di coping e adattamento. Il famigliare che si prende cura del paziente prende il nome di caregiver informale che molto spesso è impreparato rispetto a gestione ed assistenza, ma nel contempo deve garantire al malato una presenza costante per aiutarlo nella soddisfazione dei propri bisogni, ma anche far fronte ai vari cambiamenti che comprendono lo stile di vita, la riduzione del tempo libero e la restrizione delle attività sociali. Il disagio fisico e psicologico e le problematiche affine ad esso comportano l’insorgenza del caregiver burden. La letteratura ha dimostrato che l’utilizzo della tecnologia per la gestione del proprio caro, oltre a supportare il percorso di cura, può aiutare a ridurre l’insorgenza del caregiver burden. Tenendo conto dell’utilizzo sempre più ampio della tecnologia per la gestione del proprio caro/assistito e dei limiti che essa presenta, l’obiettivo dello studio è esplorare l’esperienza dei caregiver informali di pazienti con patologie croniche rispetto all’implementazione della digitalizzazione e della tecnologia in ambito sanitario, nel percorso di cura del proprio caro. Materiali e metodi È stato condotto uno studio qualitativo utilizzando un’analisi fenomenologica interpretativa. La raccolta dati è stata effettuata con interviste semistruttrate, condotte tra maggio e giugno 2023 e un campionamento di tipo propositivo. I dati sono stati analizzati utilizzando l’analisi tematica e sono state applicate la tecnica del bracketing e del member checking per garantire il rigore della ricerca. Risultati Dall’analisi delle interviste sono emersi 3 temi principali. “Relazione di cura” (primo tema) che comprende due sottotemi: (1) Desiderio di avere un rapporto diretto, (2) comunicazione. “Emozioni negative” (secondo tema) che il caregiver vive nell’utilizzare la tecnologia e comprende due sottotemi: (1) Resistenza, (2) Scetticismo e Difficolta. Il terzo tema “LA tecnologia… Ci ha reso la vita più facile” con i seguenti sottotemi: (1) Soddisfazione, (2) Comodità, (3) Fondamentale. Discussioni I risultati mettono in evidenza che è un argomento piuttosto inesplorato. Vi sono percezioni ed emozioni diverse, si passa dalla resistenza ad utilizzare la tecnologia ad un parere piuttosto favorevole, vi sono due mondi distinti tra di loro. I temi emersi possono essere la base per future ricerche con lo scopo di personalizzare l’assistenza rivolta ai caregiver. Nella gestione di un paziente cronico è coinvolto non solo il paziente ma anche chi lo assiste quindi per assicurarsi una ottima aderenza del paziente al percorso è fondamentale che gli operatori sanitari si prendono in carico sia il paziente che il caregiver. Parole chiave Malattia cronica, paziente cronico, caregiver, sanità digitale, ricerca qualitativa, analisi fenomenologica.
Background Chronic illness does not only involve the patient, but also the entire family context which is forced to review its balance to encourage coping and adaptation processes. The family member who takes care of the patient is called an informal caregiver who is very often unprepared for management and assistance, but at the same time must guarantee the patient a constant presence to help him in satisfying his own needs, but also to cope with the various changes which include lifestyle, reduction of free time and restriction of social activities. Physical and psychological discomfort and related problems lead to the onset of caregiver burden. Literature has shown that the use of technology to manage your loved one, in addition to supporting the care process, can help reduce the onset of caregiver burden. Taking into account the increasingly widespread use of technology for the management of one's loved one/assisted person and the limitations it presents, the objective of the study is to explore the experience of informal caregivers of patients with chronic pathologies with respect to the implementation of digitalisation and of technology in the healthcare sector, in the care process of your loved one. Materials and methods A qualitative study was conducted using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The data collection was carried out with semi-structured interviews, conducted between May and June 2023 and sampling was of a proactive nature. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis and bracketing and member checking techniques were applied to ensure the rigor of the research. Results From the analysis of the interviews, 3 main themes emerged. “Care relationship” (first theme) which includes two sub-themes: (1) Desire to have a direct relationship, (2) communication. “Negative emotions” (second theme) that the caregiver experiences when using technology and includes two subthemes: (1) Resistance, (2) Skepticism and Difficulty. The third theme “Technology… Has made our lives easier” with the following subthemes: (1) Satisfaction, (2) Convenience, (3) Fundamental. Discussions The results highlight that it is a rather unexplored topic. There are different perceptions and emotions, we go from resistance to using technology to a rather favorable opinion, there are two worlds distinct from each other. The themes that emerged can be the basis for future research with the aim of personalizing assistance for caregivers. In the management of a chronic patient, not only the patient is involved but also those who assist him, therefore to ensure excellent patient adherence to the process it is essential that healthcare professionals take care of both the patient and the caregiver. Keywords Chronic disease, chronic patient, caregiver, digital health, qualitative research, phenomenological analysis.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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