Thesis objective: The aim of this work is the importance of physical activity at school for both able-bodied children and children with disabilities, demonstrating that physical activity can bring improvements, in addition to physical ones, also scholastic ones. Methodology, sources and tools used: The research is based on the analysis of 3 scientific articles, obtained following a search on the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, using keywords such as: “sport and disabilities”, “sport at school”, “benefit of sport at school”, “sport and ADHD”. The keywords were combined with the Boolean operator “and”. Stages of the thesis: The thesis develops by briefly introducing the various concepts of disability, focusing on the difference between it, impairment and handicap; continues with the explanation of neurodevelopmental disorders and the various disorders that include this deficit and then goes into a little more detail on autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The work proceeds with an introduction on the importance of sport at school, both for able-bodied children and for children with disabilities; the next chapter then proceeds with an in-depth scientific review of 3 articles that specifically address this topic; the last stage of this work was to propose a sports project which I brought to a middle school this year where it demonstrates that sport brings benefits at school level. Results and conclusions: From the studies carried out it emerges that sporting activity at school can bring benefits to the academic career of the child, both able-bodied and with disorders. This growth occurs above all at the learning level as well as at the physical and psychophysical level. However, these theses are still in a research and study phase.
Obiettivo della tesi: Lo scopo di questo lavoro è l’importanza dell’attività fisica a scuola sia per bambini normodotati, sia per bambini con disabilità, arrivando a dimostrare che l’attività fisica può portare miglioramenti, oltre a quelli fisici, anche scolastici Metodi, fonti e strumenti utilizzati: La ricerca si basa sull’analisi di 3 articoli scientifici, ottenuti a seguito di una ricerca sui database PubMed e Google Scholar, utilizzando parole chiave quali: “sport and disabilities”, “sport at school”, “benefit of sport at school”, “sport and ADHD”. Le parole chiave sono state combinate con l’operatore boleano “and”. Tappe del lavoro: La tesi si sviluppa introducendo brevemente i vari concetti di disabilità, soffermandosi sulla differenza fra essa, la menomazione e l’handicap; prosegue con la spiegazione dei disturbi del neurosviluppo ed i vari disturbi che comprendono tale deficit, per poi entrare più nello specifico sul disturbo dello spettro dell’autismo e sul disturbo da deficit dell’attenzione/iperattività. Il lavoro procede con un’introduzione sull’importanza dello sport a scuola, sia per i bambini normodotati che per i bambini con disabilità; il capitolo successivo procede poi con un’approfondita revisione scientifica di 3 articoli che affrontano questo argomento nello specifico; l’ultima tappa di questo lavoro è stato proporre un progetto sportivo che ho portato quest’anno in una scuola media, per dimostrare che lo sport porta dei benefici anche a livello scolastico. Risultati e conclusioni: Dagli studi effettuati emerge che l’attività sportiva a scuola può portare dei benefici nel percorso scolastico del bambino, sia normodotati sia con disturbi. Questa crescita avviene soprattutto a livello dell’apprendimento oltre che a quello fisico e psicofisico. Queste tesi però sono ancora in una fase di ricerca e studio.
Thesis objective: The aim of this work is the importance of physical activity at school for both able-bodied children and children with disabilities, demonstrating that physical activity can bring improvements, in addition to physical ones, also scholastic ones. Methodology, sources and tools used: The research is based on the analysis of 3 scientific articles, obtained following a search on the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, using keywords such as: “sport and disabilities”, “sport at school”, “benefit of sport at school”, “sport and ADHD”. The keywords were combined with the Boolean operator “and”. Stages of the thesis: The thesis develops by briefly introducing the various concepts of disability, focusing on the difference between it, impairment and handicap; continues with the explanation of neurodevelopmental disorders and the various disorders that include this deficit and then goes into a little more detail on autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The work proceeds with an introduction on the importance of sport at school, both for able-bodied children and for children with disabilities; the next chapter then proceeds with an in-depth scientific review of 3 articles that specifically address this topic; the last stage of this work was to propose a sports project which I brought to a middle school this year where it demonstrates that sport brings benefits at school level. Results and conclusions: From the studies carried out it emerges that sporting activity at school can bring benefits to the academic career of the child, both able-bodied and with disorders. This growth occurs above all at the learning level as well as at the physical and psychophysical level. However, these theses are still in a research and study phase.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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