The aim of the following master's thesis is to highlight and quantify the presence of total phosphorus in the groundwater of the Lombardy Region, focusing particularly on the northern provinces of the plain. Analyses were conducted considering three main sets of data: 44 water samples from the groundwater monitoring campaign (taken from wells aligned along the main directions of groundwater flow), data from the INTEGRON project (Integration of Groundwater processes in Nutrient budgets for a basin-oriented remediation strategy), and analyses conducted by ARPA Lombardia. Laboratory analyses were performed on the 44 samples from the first set using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 882 nm. It was possible to measure the intensity of the samples' coloration, which is proportional to the phosphorus concentration present. Overall, it was possible to maintain good precision in the measurements, demonstrating that most phosphorus concentrations fall within a range of 0 to 10 µg/L. From the statistical comparison of the data, it is evident that there is not a significant difference between the 44 water samples analyzed in the laboratory and the data derived from INTEGRON. Conversely, a larger difference is observed with the data extracted from ARPA Lombardia's elaborations. In summary, three main points emerge from the observed data that require further investigation. Firstly, the anomalous values detected by ARPA Lombardia could be caused by possible localized pollution that would require more detailed investigations. Secondly, a correlation is observed between groundwater phosphorus concentration, land use, and pH, especially in southern areas with calcareous soils that may justify higher pH values. Finally, a close association is observed between higher phosphorus concentration and intensive agricultural soil exploitation, as highlighted by the provided cartographic representations. However, in conclusion, it can be stated that phosphorus concentrations in the analyzed sectors are not high and do not exhibit as significant an anthropogenic impact as that caused by nitrates.
Lo scopo della seguente tesi magistrale è quello di evidenziare e quantificare la presenza di fosforo totale nelle acque di falda della Regione Lombardia, concentrandosi in particolare nelle province più a Nord della pianura. Le analisi sono state condotte prendendo in considerazione tre set principali di dati: 44 campioni di acqua derivanti dalla campagna di monitoraggio delle falde (estratti da pozzi allineati lungo le direzioni principali del flusso idrico sotterraneo), i dati derivanti dal progetto INTEGRON (INTEgration of GROundwater processes in Nutrient budgets for a basin-oriented remediation strategy) e le analisi condotte da ARPA Lombardia. Le analisi sono state condotte in laboratorio sui 44 campioni del primo set tramite uno spettrofotometro ad una lunghezza d'onda di 882 nm. E’ stato possibile misurare l'intensità della colorazione dei campioni, la quale è proporzionale alla concentrazione di fosforo presente. E’ stato possibile, nel complesso, mantenere una buona precisione nelle misurazioni e viene dimostrato come la maggior parte delle concentrazioni di fosforo ricada all'interno di un range compreso tra 0 e 10 µg/L. Dal confronto statistico dei dati, si evince come non ci sia una grande differenza tra i 44 campioni di acqua analizzati in laboratorio e i dati derivanti da INTEGRON. Al contrario, si riscontra una differenza più grande con i dati estratti dalle elaborazioni di ARPA Lombardia. In sintesi, dai dati osservati emergono tre punti principali che richiedono ulteriori approfondimenti. In primo luogo, i valori anomali rilevati da ARPA Lombardia potrebbero essere causati da possibili inquinamenti localizzati che richiederebbero indagini più dettagliate. In secondo luogo, si nota una correlazione tra la concentrazione di fosforo in falda, l'uso del suolo e il pH, specialmente nelle zone meridionali con suoli carbonatici che potrebbero giustificare valori di pH più elevati. Infine, si osserva una stretta associazione tra una maggiore concentrazione di fosforo e l'intenso sfruttamento agricolo del suolo, come evidenziato dalle rappresentazioni cartografiche fornite. Tuttavia, in conclusione, si può affermare che le concentrazioni di fosforo nei settori analizzati non sono elevate e non manifestano un impatto antropico così significativo rispetto a quello causato dai nitrati.
Analisi e Distribuzione del Fosforo nelle Acque di Falda della regione Lombardia
The aim of the following master's thesis is to highlight and quantify the presence of total phosphorus in the groundwater of the Lombardy Region, focusing particularly on the northern provinces of the plain. Analyses were conducted considering three main sets of data: 44 water samples from the groundwater monitoring campaign (taken from wells aligned along the main directions of groundwater flow), data from the INTEGRON project (Integration of Groundwater processes in Nutrient budgets for a basin-oriented remediation strategy), and analyses conducted by ARPA Lombardia. Laboratory analyses were performed on the 44 samples from the first set using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 882 nm. It was possible to measure the intensity of the samples' coloration, which is proportional to the phosphorus concentration present. Overall, it was possible to maintain good precision in the measurements, demonstrating that most phosphorus concentrations fall within a range of 0 to 10 µg/L. From the statistical comparison of the data, it is evident that there is not a significant difference between the 44 water samples analyzed in the laboratory and the data derived from INTEGRON. Conversely, a larger difference is observed with the data extracted from ARPA Lombardia's elaborations. In summary, three main points emerge from the observed data that require further investigation. Firstly, the anomalous values detected by ARPA Lombardia could be caused by possible localized pollution that would require more detailed investigations. Secondly, a correlation is observed between groundwater phosphorus concentration, land use, and pH, especially in southern areas with calcareous soils that may justify higher pH values. Finally, a close association is observed between higher phosphorus concentration and intensive agricultural soil exploitation, as highlighted by the provided cartographic representations. However, in conclusion, it can be stated that phosphorus concentrations in the analyzed sectors are not high and do not exhibit as significant an anthropogenic impact as that caused by nitrates.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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