INTRODUCTION This thesis stems from wanting to recount our own experience working with children diagnosed with autism. For this reason, we decided to start from the definition of David Vagni,2015, who defines Autism as an ENTIRE (syndrome), HETEROGENEOUS (spectrum), OF BEHAVIORS (symptoms) that can have a very large number of different causes and presentations. The history over the years of defining autism and its causes, symptoms, and incidence has been analyzed. OBJECTIVES The purpose is to investigate the role that motor/physical activity can play in the lives of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, with a focus on actively involving parents. METHODS To assess gross-motor skills, the TGMD-2 test (Ulrich,1992) was used during the first and last lessons. To examine possible improvements in the child-parent relationship, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered at the end of the course. RESULTS The results show improvements in gross-motor skills and thus a positive impact of physical activity on the child. The questionnaires show that the parents also benefited from the activity, both from a motor/physical and relational point of view. CONCLUSIONS Physical activity represents an intervention that can bring significant improvements in several areas and this is particularly true during developmental stages and also in the case of neurodevelopmental disorders as is the case with autism spectrum disorders. Encouraging results exist (Pat R Vehrs,2020) but it is essential to explore this issue further also by experimenting with specific modalities such as the involvement of parents and caregivers.
INTRODUZIONE Questa tesi nasce dal voler raccontare la propria esperienza lavorativa con bambini con diagnosi d’autismo. Per questa ragione abbiamo deciso di partire dalla definizione di David Vagni,2015, che definisce l’Autismo come un INSIEME (sindrome), ETEROGENEO (spettro), DI COMPORTAMENTI (sintomi) che possono avere un numero molto elevato di cause e presentazioni diverse. E’ stata analizzata la storia che nel corso degli anni ha portato a definire l'autismo e le cause, i sintomi e l’incidenza. OBIETTIVI Lo scopo è quello di indagare il ruolo che l’attività motoria/fisica può avere nella vita di bambini con diagnosi dello spettro autistico, con particolare attenzione alla possibilità di coinvolgere attivamente i genitori. METODI Per valutare le abilità grosso-motorie è stato utilizzato il test TGMD-2 (Ulrich,1992) durante la prima e l’ultima lezione. Per esaminare possibili miglioramenti nel rapporto bambino-genitore è stato somministrato un questionario ad hoc a fine del percorso. RISULTATI I risultati evidenziano miglioramenti nelle abilità grosso-motorie e quindi un impatto positivo dell’attività fisica sul bambino. Dai questionari si evince che anche i genitori hanno tratto beneficio dall’attività, sia dal punto di vista motorio/fisicoche da quello relazionale. CONCLUSIONI L'attività fisica rappresenta un intervento in grado di apportare miglioramenti significativi in diverse aree e ciò vale in particolaredurante le fasi dello sviluppo e anche nel caso di disturbi del neurosviluppo come accade nell’ambito dei disturbi dello spettro autistico. Esistono risultati incoraggianti (Pat R Vehrs,2020) ma è essenziale approfondire ulteriormente questa tematica anche sperimentando modalità specifiche quali il coinvolgimento dei genitori e dei caregiver.
Batti il 10: coinvolgere i genitori in un progetto multisport per bambini con disturbi dello spettro autistico. Progetto pilota e analisi di un caso.
INTRODUCTION This thesis stems from wanting to recount our own experience working with children diagnosed with autism. For this reason, we decided to start from the definition of David Vagni,2015, who defines Autism as an ENTIRE (syndrome), HETEROGENEOUS (spectrum), OF BEHAVIORS (symptoms) that can have a very large number of different causes and presentations. The history over the years of defining autism and its causes, symptoms, and incidence has been analyzed. OBJECTIVES The purpose is to investigate the role that motor/physical activity can play in the lives of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, with a focus on actively involving parents. METHODS To assess gross-motor skills, the TGMD-2 test (Ulrich,1992) was used during the first and last lessons. To examine possible improvements in the child-parent relationship, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered at the end of the course. RESULTS The results show improvements in gross-motor skills and thus a positive impact of physical activity on the child. The questionnaires show that the parents also benefited from the activity, both from a motor/physical and relational point of view. CONCLUSIONS Physical activity represents an intervention that can bring significant improvements in several areas and this is particularly true during developmental stages and also in the case of neurodevelopmental disorders as is the case with autism spectrum disorders. Encouraging results exist (Pat R Vehrs,2020) but it is essential to explore this issue further also by experimenting with specific modalities such as the involvement of parents and caregivers.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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