In recent years, the theoretical understanding of the Gut-Brain axis has greatly improved; in fact, it has been shown that there is a bidirectional channel between these two organs. Today, it is assumed that dysbiosis, typical in aging, is such in some cases that it is able to compromise the intestinal epithelial barrier and allow pathogenic microorganisms to enter the bloodstream. The latter would alter the blood-brain barrier and by settling in the brain would trigger deleterious inflammatory phenomena, such as to contribute to the development of frailty, dementia or neurodegenerative diseases. In this regard, the SAMP8 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Prone-8) model was selected from the SAM model family because it exhibits spontaneously, i.e., without human-implemented genetic modification, typical frail aging at multiple levels comparable to the frail condition in humans. The term frailty denotes a geriatric syndrome that progresses with age and is characterized by the loss of biological reserves in multiple organs and systems, including the CNS, immune system, skeletal muscle, and gastrointestinal tract. In the present study, we wanted to confirm what has been described in the literature in order to validate the usefulness of the SAMP8 model in our laboratories as well, to then identify early biomarkers of frailty and test new preventive therapies to ensure healthy aging. We performed cognitive, motor and physical investigations; using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we also investigated the presence of structural changes in the brain. Animals of different ages (2.5, 6 and 9 months) were analyzed, finding significant brain atrophy at both 6 and 9 months. In addition, all brain areas were also evaluated, identifying a significant reduction in cortical and hippocampal volume at 6 months and in the striatum at 9 months. We found, already at a young age, that SAMP8 mice, compared with their SAMR1 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Resistant-1) controls, show deficits in short-term spatial memory and recognition memory, progressive loss of physical strength and balance. In support of the data obtained by MRI, we performed histological analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis, and the results showed a progressive loss of glial and neuronal cells in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum, in agreement with the finding of atrophy in the same areas. Next, we went on to analyze the intestine, specifically the colon and ileum, in order to highlight any alterations at this level as well, given the emerging role of intestinal alterations as a possible risk for dementia; the analysis was conducted at the later age of 9 months. We analyzed the gut by X-ray phase-contrast tomography (XPCT), showing well-marked villus atrophy in SAMP8 mice compared with SAMR1 mice, a tendency for increased villus length typical of pathological conditions, and hyperplasia of Peyer's plaques. In support of the data obtained by XPCT, we performed histological analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis by which we showed flaking of the serous membrane and loss of structure of the villi and crypts, an increase in the number of Goblet cells, and loss of tight junctions (TJs). In conclusion, we can state that the SAMP8 model proves to be an ideal model for the study of frailty with a conversion to dementia, and that functional cognitive and motor alterations are accompanied by obvious pathological changes in the gut.
Negli ultimi anni la comprensione teorica dell’asse Cervello-Intestino è notevolmente migliorata, è stato infatti dimostrato che è presente un canale bidirezionali tra questi due organi. Oggi si suppone che la disbiosi, tipica nell’invecchiamento, sia tale in alcuni casi da riuscire a compromettere la barriera epiteliale intestinale e permettere l’ingresso in circolo dei microorganismi patogeni. Questi ultimi altererebbero la barriera emato-encefalica e insediandosi nel cervello scatenerebbero fenomeni infiammatori deleteri, tali da contribuire allo sviluppo di fragilità, demenza o malattie neurodegenerative. A tale riguardo, il modello SAMP8 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Prone-8) è stato selezionato dalla famiglia dei modelli SAM, perchè presenta spontaneamente, ossia senza modificazioni genetiche attuate dall’uomo, un invecchiamento tipicamente fragile a molteplici livelli paragonabili alla condizione fragile nell’uomo. Il termine fragilità indica una sindrome geriatrica che progredisce con l’età ed è caratterizzata dalla perdita di riserve biologiche a carico di più organi e sistemi, tra cui il SNC, il sistema immunitario, il muscolo scheletrico e il tratto gastrointestinale. Nel presente studio abbiamo voluto confermare quanto descritto in letteratura al fine di validare anche nei nostri laboratori l’utilità del modello SAMP8, per poi identificare biomarcatori precoci di fragilità e testare nuove terapie preventive per garantire un invecchiamento sano. Abbiamo svolto indagini cognitive, motorie e fisiche; utilizzando la risonanza magnetica (MRI) abbiamo anche indagato la presenza di alterazioni strutturali a livello cerebrale. Sono stati analizzati animali di diverse età (2.5, 6 e 9 mesi), riscontrando un’atrofia del cervello significativa sia a 6 che a 9 mesi. Inoltre, sono state anche valutate tutte le aree cerebrali identificando una significativa riduzione del volume corticale e dell’ippocampo a partire dai 6 mesi e dello striato a 9 mesi. Abbiamo riscontrato, già in giovane età, che i topi SAMP8, rispetto ai loro controlli SAMR1 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Resistant-1), mostrano deficit nella memoria spaziale a breve termine e nella memoria di riconoscimento, una perdita progressiva della forza fisica e dell’equilibrio. In supporto ai dati ottenuti con MRI, abbiamo eseguito analisi istologiche e analisi di immunoistochimica, e i risultati hanno mostrato una progressiva perdita delle cellule gliali e neuronali in corteccia, ippocampo e striato, in accordo con il dato di atrofia delle stesse aree. Successivamente siamo andati ad analizzare l’intestino, in particolare colon e ileo, al fine di evidenziare eventuali alterazioni anche a questo livello, visto l’emergente ruolo delle alterazioni intestinali come possibile rischio di demenza; l’analisi è stata condotta all’età più tardiva di 9 mesi. Abbiamo analizzato l’intestino tramite tomografia a contrasto di fase a raggi X (XPCT), evidenziando un’atrofia dei villi ben marcata nei topi SAMP8 rispetto ai SAMR1, una tendenza ad un aumento della lunghezza dei villi tipica delle condizioni patologiche e l’iperplasia delle placche di Peyer. In supporto ai dati ottenuti tramite XPCT, abbiamo eseguito analisi istologiche e analisi di immunoistochimica tramite le quali abbiamo evidenziato sfaldamento della membrana sierosa e perdita di struttura dei villi e delle cripte, un aumento del numero di cellule di Goblet e una perdita delle giunzioni strette (TJ). In conclusione, possiamo affermare che il modello SAMP8 si conferma un modello ideale per lo studio della fragilità con una conversione alla demenza, e che le alterazioni funzionali cognitive e motorie sono accompagnate da evidenti cambiamenti patologici a carico dell’intestino.
Dal cervello all'intestino per identificare le cause della demenza nel modello murino di senescenza accelerata SAMP8
In recent years, the theoretical understanding of the Gut-Brain axis has greatly improved; in fact, it has been shown that there is a bidirectional channel between these two organs. Today, it is assumed that dysbiosis, typical in aging, is such in some cases that it is able to compromise the intestinal epithelial barrier and allow pathogenic microorganisms to enter the bloodstream. The latter would alter the blood-brain barrier and by settling in the brain would trigger deleterious inflammatory phenomena, such as to contribute to the development of frailty, dementia or neurodegenerative diseases. In this regard, the SAMP8 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Prone-8) model was selected from the SAM model family because it exhibits spontaneously, i.e., without human-implemented genetic modification, typical frail aging at multiple levels comparable to the frail condition in humans. The term frailty denotes a geriatric syndrome that progresses with age and is characterized by the loss of biological reserves in multiple organs and systems, including the CNS, immune system, skeletal muscle, and gastrointestinal tract. In the present study, we wanted to confirm what has been described in the literature in order to validate the usefulness of the SAMP8 model in our laboratories as well, to then identify early biomarkers of frailty and test new preventive therapies to ensure healthy aging. We performed cognitive, motor and physical investigations; using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we also investigated the presence of structural changes in the brain. Animals of different ages (2.5, 6 and 9 months) were analyzed, finding significant brain atrophy at both 6 and 9 months. In addition, all brain areas were also evaluated, identifying a significant reduction in cortical and hippocampal volume at 6 months and in the striatum at 9 months. We found, already at a young age, that SAMP8 mice, compared with their SAMR1 (Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Resistant-1) controls, show deficits in short-term spatial memory and recognition memory, progressive loss of physical strength and balance. In support of the data obtained by MRI, we performed histological analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis, and the results showed a progressive loss of glial and neuronal cells in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum, in agreement with the finding of atrophy in the same areas. Next, we went on to analyze the intestine, specifically the colon and ileum, in order to highlight any alterations at this level as well, given the emerging role of intestinal alterations as a possible risk for dementia; the analysis was conducted at the later age of 9 months. We analyzed the gut by X-ray phase-contrast tomography (XPCT), showing well-marked villus atrophy in SAMP8 mice compared with SAMR1 mice, a tendency for increased villus length typical of pathological conditions, and hyperplasia of Peyer's plaques. In support of the data obtained by XPCT, we performed histological analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis by which we showed flaking of the serous membrane and loss of structure of the villi and crypts, an increase in the number of Goblet cells, and loss of tight junctions (TJs). In conclusion, we can state that the SAMP8 model proves to be an ideal model for the study of frailty with a conversion to dementia, and that functional cognitive and motor alterations are accompanied by obvious pathological changes in the gut.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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