In the past decades, organizations report non-financial information along with the mandatory financial report. These non-financial, sustainability reports contain information about economic, social, and environmental activities of the organization. By reporting about sustainability issues, organizations try to be transparent and sustainable to the stakeholders. Organizations release information that stakeholders demand and consider as important, by doing this companies have to keep up with regulatory requirements and to comply with them. often companies, intentionally or not, produce sustainability reports that contain information gaps, or are unclear and difficult to compare with reporting from other companies. Thus, creating a real disclosure gap between what stakeholders need to carry out their activities and what they actually get. Many actors have mobilized to contribute to the improvement of the quality of sustainable information and various scholars have tried to identify the characteristics, approaches and factors that affect the quality of the information. However, after having analysed the literature and theoretical framework it has be found that few researches have been developed about the analysis of the mix of internal and external factors that together are able to enhance the quality and transparency of sustainability reporting. Most of the scholars have focused their studies on the internal and external factors that affect the corporate sustainability behavior in isolation; without identifying “how” or rather the process that can lead different companies with different characteristics towards the achievement of an acceptable level of reporting quality. In other words, their focused was on the individual factors that can influence corporate attitudes without identifying the set of factors and actions that together can be identified as best practices. This gap has been identified also by Higgins in his paper “On managing hypocrisy: The transparency of sustainability reports” (2020). He stated that transparency flourish in a well-developed ecosystem made up of active media, dedicated executives, and targeted and sophisticated regulations and he wondered “what mix of organisational, voluntary and regulatory instruments would stimulate such an ecosystem?”. Indeed, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse through case-studies which could be the approach and the process that should be implemented by companies to improve their reporting, so investigate around the following question: What is the combination of company processes and organization, internal and external factors that could provide a reasonable level of accuracy and quality?
Negli ultimi decenni, le organizzazioni hanno integrato le informazioni non finanziarie alla relazione finanziaria obbligatoria. Le informazioni legate al reporting non finanziario contengono informazioni sulle attività economiche, sociali e ambientali dell'organizzazione. Riportando sui problemi di sostenibilità, le organizzazioni cercano di essere trasparenti e sostenibili nei confronti degli stakeholder. Le organizzazioni rilasciano informazioni che le parti interessate richiedono e considerano importanti, in questo modo le aziende devono stare al passo con i requisiti normativi e rispettarli. Spesso le aziende, intenzionalmente o meno, producono report di sostenibilità che contengono lacune informative o sono poco chiari e difficili da confrontare con i report di altre aziende. Pertanto, creando un vero disclosure gap tra ciò di cui gli stakeholder hanno bisogno per svolgere le loro attività e ciò che effettivamente ottengono. Molti attori si sono mobilitati per contribuire al miglioramento della qualità dell'informazione sostenibile e vari studiosi hanno cercato di identificare le caratteristiche, gli approcci ei fattori che influenzano la qualità dell'informazione. Tuttavia, dopo aver analizzato la letteratura e il quadro teorico, è emerso che sono state sviluppate poche ricerche sull'analisi del mix di fattori interni ed esterni che insieme sono in grado di migliorare la qualità e la trasparenza della rendicontazione di sostenibilità. La maggior parte degli studiosi ha concentrato i propri studi sui fattori interni ed esterni che influenzano i comportamenti di sostenibilità aziendale ma in maniera isolata; senza individuare il “come” ovvero il processo che può condurre diverse aziende con caratteristiche diverse verso il raggiungimento di un livello accettabile di qualità della rendicontazione. In altre parole, il loro focus è stato sui singoli fattori che possono influenzare gli atteggiamenti aziendali senza identificare l'insieme di fattori e azioni che insieme possono essere identificati come best practices. Questa lacuna è stata individuata anche da Higgins nel suo paper “On managing hypocrisy: The trasparenza dei report di sostenibilità” (2020). Il quale ha affermato che la trasparenza prospera in un ecosistema ben sviluppato composto da media attivi, dirigenti dedicati e normative mirate e sofisticate e si è chiesto "quale mix di strumenti organizzativi, volontari e normativi stimolerebbe un tale ecosistema?". Per questo, lo scopo di questa tesi è analizzare attraverso l’analisi di due casi di studio quale potrebbe essere l'approccio e il processo che dovrebbero essere implementato dalle aziende per migliorare la propria rendicontazione, quindi indagare attorno alla seguente domanda: qual è la combinazione di processi e organizzazione aziendale, fattori interni ed esterni che potrebbero fornire un livello ragionevole di accuratezza e qualità alla reportistica non finanziaria?
Il miglioramento della Sustainable Disclosure: come le caratteristiche e i processi di un'azienda possono influenzare i comportamenti aziendali sostenibili e la qualità della rendicontazione di sostenibilità.
In the past decades, organizations report non-financial information along with the mandatory financial report. These non-financial, sustainability reports contain information about economic, social, and environmental activities of the organization. By reporting about sustainability issues, organizations try to be transparent and sustainable to the stakeholders. Organizations release information that stakeholders demand and consider as important, by doing this companies have to keep up with regulatory requirements and to comply with them. often companies, intentionally or not, produce sustainability reports that contain information gaps, or are unclear and difficult to compare with reporting from other companies. Thus, creating a real disclosure gap between what stakeholders need to carry out their activities and what they actually get. Many actors have mobilized to contribute to the improvement of the quality of sustainable information and various scholars have tried to identify the characteristics, approaches and factors that affect the quality of the information. However, after having analysed the literature and theoretical framework it has be found that few researches have been developed about the analysis of the mix of internal and external factors that together are able to enhance the quality and transparency of sustainability reporting. Most of the scholars have focused their studies on the internal and external factors that affect the corporate sustainability behavior in isolation; without identifying “how” or rather the process that can lead different companies with different characteristics towards the achievement of an acceptable level of reporting quality. In other words, their focused was on the individual factors that can influence corporate attitudes without identifying the set of factors and actions that together can be identified as best practices. This gap has been identified also by Higgins in his paper “On managing hypocrisy: The transparency of sustainability reports” (2020). He stated that transparency flourish in a well-developed ecosystem made up of active media, dedicated executives, and targeted and sophisticated regulations and he wondered “what mix of organisational, voluntary and regulatory instruments would stimulate such an ecosystem?”. Indeed, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse through case-studies which could be the approach and the process that should be implemented by companies to improve their reporting, so investigate around the following question: What is the combination of company processes and organization, internal and external factors that could provide a reasonable level of accuracy and quality?È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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