The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel auditory impedance testing device designed to assist physicians, especially those who are not audiologist specialists, in diagnosing middle ear diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Due to the complexity of these conditions, it is crucial to develop new diagnostic methods that can be readily integrated into medical practice. This innovative device utilizes advanced data acquisition and processing technologies, particularly Machine Learning, to create algorithms for data classification and develop diagnostic models.

The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel auditory impedance testing device designed to assist physicians, especially those who are not audiologist specialists, in diagnosing middle ear diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Due to the complexity of these conditions, it is crucial to develop new diagnostic methods that can be readily integrated into medical practice. This innovative device utilizes advanced data acquisition and processing technologies, particularly Machine Learning, to create algorithms for data classification and develop diagnostic models.

Artificial intelligence applied to a novel auditory impedance testing device: preliminary results of a multicentric prospective study



The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel auditory impedance testing device designed to assist physicians, especially those who are not audiologist specialists, in diagnosing middle ear diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Due to the complexity of these conditions, it is crucial to develop new diagnostic methods that can be readily integrated into medical practice. This innovative device utilizes advanced data acquisition and processing technologies, particularly Machine Learning, to create algorithms for data classification and develop diagnostic models.
Artificial intelligence applied to a novel auditory impedance testing device: preliminary results of a multicentric prospective study
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel auditory impedance testing device designed to assist physicians, especially those who are not audiologist specialists, in diagnosing middle ear diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Due to the complexity of these conditions, it is crucial to develop new diagnostic methods that can be readily integrated into medical practice. This innovative device utilizes advanced data acquisition and processing technologies, particularly Machine Learning, to create algorithms for data classification and develop diagnostic models.
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