The paper has the purpose of analyzing how companies are increasingly adapting their production method towards the circular business model, and in this regard the heart of the paper is constituted by a qualitative research in which some questions to five different companies, some just born, others already consolidated, but all united by a type of circular production. However, before moving on to research, the initial chapters are dedicated to clarifying the concept of sustainable development, and analyzing the policies that over the years have been adopted at a supranational level to make it become. The beginning of the cultural and political path on sustainable development can be made to coincide with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972, which produced the Stockholm Declaration, the first international document to address the issue; the question of climate change was already beginning to be among the questions responsible for the globalization of environmental policy. The concept of sustainable development then continued to develop in the following years, until it was defined in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development, Commission Brundtland, which highlighted how it was necessary to change the development models and the following production patterns. and consumption, making them more sustainable. The real turning point, however, took place in 2015, when the 2030 Agenda was born in New York, approved by the 70th General Assembly in the high-level Summit on sustainable development on 25-27 September. A short part of the introductory chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2021). The first chapter is therefore a historical excursus on the birth and development of the circular economy, preparatory to the rest of the paper. However, the adoption of circular business models at the corporate level, a key element in the transition to a circular economy, is very often slow and characterized by barriers. Precisely the third chapter enters into the merits of the question: by examining the literature on the subject, the key components of the circular business model, the different types of business, but above all the enablers and the barriers that companies encounter in adopting a model of circular production. This last theme represents the pivotal question of the entire project, that is to understand what were the reasons, the difficulties and the advantages that accompany circular production In the fourth chapter, after an analysis of the state of the art of the circular economy in Europe and Italy, we analyze some specific cases of European and Italian companies that have been characterized by a transition from the old business model to the circular economy. The analysis of some specific circular business cases introduces us to our qualitative research, in which five companies were interviewed, including some start-ups, which have adopted the circular business model since their birth, as in the case of Orange Fiber, and other companies that have existed for years, and that have changed their business, consolidated over time, by welcoming a type of circular production, such as the most famous Mapei. linking the qualitative research, to which the last chapter of the paper is dedicated, to the theme of enablers and barriers, the three key questions of the five interviews are: 1- what has prompted the company to adopt a circular production business model since its inception, as in the case of start-ups, or to change the production model? 2- What are the difficulties encountered in this process of change? 3- What are the future prospects for this type of production? The intent of this research is to refute or confirm what was argued in the previous chapters, in which the literature on the subject was analyzed, and to see in practice the state of the art of the circular economy.
Il paper ha lo scopo di analizzare come le aziende stiano adattando sempre più il proprio metodo produttivo al modello di business circolare, e a tal proposito il cuore del paper è costituito da una ricerca qualitativa in cui alcune domande a cinque diverse aziende, alcune appena nate, altre già consolidate, ma tutte accomunate da un tipo di produzione circolare. Prima di passare alla ricerca, però, i capitoli iniziali sono dedicati a chiarire il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, e ad analizzare le politiche che negli anni sono state adottate a livello sovranazionale per farlo diventare. Tuttavia, l'adozione di modelli di business circolari a livello aziendale, elemento chiave nella transizione verso un'economia circolare, è molto spesso lenta e caratterizzata da barriere. Proprio il terzo capitolo entra nel merito della questione: esaminando la letteratura in materia, le componenti chiave del modello di business circolare, le diverse tipologie di business, ma soprattutto gli abilitatori e le barriere che le aziende incontrano nell'adozione di un modello di produzione circolare. Quest'ultimo tema rappresenta la questione cardine dell'intero progetto, ovvero capire quali fossero le ragioni, le difficoltà e i vantaggi che accompagnano la produzione circolare Nel quarto capitolo, dopo un'analisi dello stato dell'arte dell'economia circolare in Europa e in Italia, si analizzano alcuni casi specifici di imprese europee e italiane che sono state caratterizzate da una transizione dal vecchio modello di business all'economia circolare. L'analisi di alcuni specifici casi aziendali circolari ci introduce alla nostra ricerca qualitativa, in cui sono state intervistate cinque aziende, tra cui alcune start-up, che hanno adottato il modello di business circolare sin dalla loro nascita, come nel caso di Orange Fiber, e altre aziende che esistono da anni, e che hanno cambiato il loro business, consolidato nel tempo, accogliendo un tipo di produzione circolare, come la più famosa Mapei. legando la ricerca qualitativa, a cui è dedicato l'ultimo capitolo del paper, al tema degli abilitatori e delle barriere, le tre domande chiave delle cinque interviste sono: 1- cosa ha spinto l'azienda ad adottare un modello di business di produzione circolare sin dalla sua nascita, come nel caso delle start-up, oa modificare il modello produttivo? 2- Quali sono le difficoltà incontrate in questo processo di cambiamento? 3- Quali sono le prospettive future per questo tipo di produzione? L'intento di questa ricerca è confutare o confermare quanto argomentato nei capitoli precedenti, in cui è stata analizzata la letteratura sull'argomento, e vedere nella pratica lo stato dell'arte dell'economia circolare.
L'economia circolare: opportunità e problemi per le imprese.
The paper has the purpose of analyzing how companies are increasingly adapting their production method towards the circular business model, and in this regard the heart of the paper is constituted by a qualitative research in which some questions to five different companies, some just born, others already consolidated, but all united by a type of circular production. However, before moving on to research, the initial chapters are dedicated to clarifying the concept of sustainable development, and analyzing the policies that over the years have been adopted at a supranational level to make it become. The beginning of the cultural and political path on sustainable development can be made to coincide with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972, which produced the Stockholm Declaration, the first international document to address the issue; the question of climate change was already beginning to be among the questions responsible for the globalization of environmental policy. The concept of sustainable development then continued to develop in the following years, until it was defined in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development, Commission Brundtland, which highlighted how it was necessary to change the development models and the following production patterns. and consumption, making them more sustainable. The real turning point, however, took place in 2015, when the 2030 Agenda was born in New York, approved by the 70th General Assembly in the high-level Summit on sustainable development on 25-27 September. A short part of the introductory chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2021). The first chapter is therefore a historical excursus on the birth and development of the circular economy, preparatory to the rest of the paper. However, the adoption of circular business models at the corporate level, a key element in the transition to a circular economy, is very often slow and characterized by barriers. Precisely the third chapter enters into the merits of the question: by examining the literature on the subject, the key components of the circular business model, the different types of business, but above all the enablers and the barriers that companies encounter in adopting a model of circular production. This last theme represents the pivotal question of the entire project, that is to understand what were the reasons, the difficulties and the advantages that accompany circular production In the fourth chapter, after an analysis of the state of the art of the circular economy in Europe and Italy, we analyze some specific cases of European and Italian companies that have been characterized by a transition from the old business model to the circular economy. The analysis of some specific circular business cases introduces us to our qualitative research, in which five companies were interviewed, including some start-ups, which have adopted the circular business model since their birth, as in the case of Orange Fiber, and other companies that have existed for years, and that have changed their business, consolidated over time, by welcoming a type of circular production, such as the most famous Mapei. linking the qualitative research, to which the last chapter of the paper is dedicated, to the theme of enablers and barriers, the three key questions of the five interviews are: 1- what has prompted the company to adopt a circular production business model since its inception, as in the case of start-ups, or to change the production model? 2- What are the difficulties encountered in this process of change? 3- What are the future prospects for this type of production? The intent of this research is to refute or confirm what was argued in the previous chapters, in which the literature on the subject was analyzed, and to see in practice the state of the art of the circular economy.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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