Background and aims: Persistent symptoms in Celiac Disease (CD) despite a Gluten-Free Diet (GFD) are common. Data on whether persistent symptoms in celiac patients on a GFD are influenced by Highly Processed Foods (HPF) intake and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is lacking. We aimed to evaluate how the adherence to a MedDiet and HPF intake influence gastrointestinal symptoms, Quality Of Life (QOL) and metabolic profile of celiac patients on a GFD for at least 12 months. Patients and methods: Adult celiac patients were prospectively enrolled between October-2023 and March- 2024 at three Italian referral centers. Data on persistent symptoms over the previous 12 months, GSRS-CeD, GFD adherence, the Pyramid-based Mediterranean Diet Score (PyrMDS), Highly Processed Food Consumption (sQ-HPF), the Celiac Disease-specific Quality of Life Scale (CD-QOL) and metabolic profile were collected and analyzed. Results: The data of this thesis are preliminary since the study is still ongoing. Up to date, 121 patients (83F, mean age 44±15 years) were enrolled. Overall, 61% of patients reported persistent symptoms. Patients with persistent symptoms were more likely to be female (78% vs 53%,p<0.01), to have a lower intake of HPF (26% vs 30%,p=0.02), higher GSRS-CeD scores (median 3 vs 18.5,p<0.001), and lower CD-QoL scores (mean CD-QoL 80 vs 88, p<0.001). PyrMDS was inversely correlated with HPF intake (r=-0.20,p=0.03) and serum triglycerides (r=-0.22, p=0.05), and positively correlated with HDL cholesterol (r=0.20,p=0.08). At multivariate logistic regression adjusted for age and sex, persistent symptoms were associated with female sex (p<0.01), lower HPF intake (p=0.04), but not with MedDiet (p=0.31). Once the partial pool of data was analyzed, it was observed that following a MedDiet was linked to a better metabolic profile in celiac patients, and that a higher intake of HPF was inversely related to the persistence of symptoms. Although adherence to the MedDiet is associated with persistence of symptoms, this result was not statistically significant (OR 1.1, 95%CI 0.92-1.33, p=0.31). Conclusions: Our preliminary results show that persistent symptoms in celiac patients on a GFD are unrelated to the qualitative composition of the GFD. Therefore, persistent IBS-like symptoms in CD may share some underlying mechanisms with IBS, including gut-brain axis alterations and gut dysbiosis. A personalized strategy to optimize the dietary treatment of celiac patients on a GFD and with persistent functional GI symptoms requires expert nutritional counselling.
Introduzione ed obiettivi: Nonostante una Dieta Priva di Glutine (DPG), il riscontro di sintomi persistenti nel contesto della Malattia Celiaca (MC) è comune. Ad oggi mancano dati in merito a una possibile associazione tra sintomi persistenti in pazienti celiaci che seguono una rigorosa DPG e intake di cibi altamente processati (Highly Processed Foods – HPF) e aderenza alla Dieta Mediterranea (DM). Abbiamo valutato come l’aderenza a una DM e intake di HPF possano influenzare i sintomi gastroenterici, Qualità Di Vita (QOL) e profilo metabolico di pazienti celiaci che seguono una rigorosa DPG da almeno 12 mesi. Pazienti e metodi: Nel periodo tra Ottobre-2023 e Marzo-2024, pazienti celiaci di età adulta sono stati prospettivamente inclusi nello studio che ha coinvolto tre centri Italiani. Dati riguardanti l’eventuale presenza di sintomi gastroenterici nei 12 mesi precedenti l’arruolamento, Pyramid-based Mediterranean Diet Score (PyrMDS), Highly Processed Food Consumption (sQ-HPF), Celiac Disease-specific Quality of Life Scale (CD-QOL) e profilo metabolico sono stati raccolti e analizzati. Risultati: I risultati presentati in questa tesi sono parziali in quanto lo studio non è ancora terminato. Nello studio sono stati, ad oggi, inclusi 121 pazienti (83F, età media 44±15 anni). In tutto, 61% dei pazienti ha lamentato sintomi persistenti. I pazienti con sintomi persistenti erano principalmente di sesso femminile (78% vs 53%,p<0.01), assumevano una quantità minore di HPF (26% vs 30%,p=0.02), avevano uno score più alto alla GSRS-CeD (mediana 3 vs 18.5,p<0.001), e uno score CD-QoL più basso (media CD-QoL 80 vs 88, p<0.001). La PyrMDS è inversamente correlata all’intake di HPF (r=-0.20, p=0.03) e ai valori sierici di trigliceridi (r=-0.22, p=0.05), e positivamente correlata ai livelli sierici di colesterolo HDL (r=0.20, p=0.08). Seguendo il modello di regressione logistica multivariata, corretto per età e sesso del paziente, i sintomi persistenti risultano correlati al sesso femminile (p<0.01) e intake moderato di HPF (p=0.04), ma non alla DM (p=0.31). Grazie all’analisi del pool di dati parziale raccolto, è stata trovata una relazione diretta tra aderenza a DM e un miglior profilo metabolico nei pazienti celiaci, e una relazione inversa tra il consumo di HPF e la persistenza dei sintomi gastroenterici nei pazienti celiaci. Nonostante la DM risulti correlata alla persistenza di sintomi gastroenterici, questa relazione non è statisticamente significativa (OR 1.1, 95%CI 0.92-1.33, p=0.31). Conclusioni: I risultati preliminari del nostro studio mostrato che la persistenza dei sintomi nei pazienti celiaci che seguono una DPG non sono correlati alla composizione qualitativa della DPG. Tali sintomi IBS-like persistenti potrebbero quindi essere scatenati dagli stessi meccanismi responsabili della sindrome dell’intestino irritabile come, ad esempio, l’asse intestino-cervello e la disbiosi intestinale. La strategia personalizzata per ottimizzare il trattamento dietetico dei pazienti celiali in DPG e con sintomi persistenti richiede quindi un counselling nutrizionale esperto.
Background and aims: Persistent symptoms in Celiac Disease (CD) despite a Gluten-Free Diet (GFD) are common. Data on whether persistent symptoms in celiac patients on a GFD are influenced by Highly Processed Foods (HPF) intake and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is lacking. We aimed to evaluate how the adherence to a MedDiet and HPF intake influence gastrointestinal symptoms, Quality Of Life (QOL) and metabolic profile of celiac patients on a GFD for at least 12 months. Patients and methods: Adult celiac patients were prospectively enrolled between October-2023 and March- 2024 at three Italian referral centers. Data on persistent symptoms over the previous 12 months, GSRS-CeD, GFD adherence, the Pyramid-based Mediterranean Diet Score (PyrMDS), Highly Processed Food Consumption (sQ-HPF), the Celiac Disease-specific Quality of Life Scale (CD-QOL) and metabolic profile were collected and analyzed. Results: The data of this thesis are preliminary since the study is still ongoing. Up to date, 121 patients (83F, mean age 44±15 years) were enrolled. Overall, 61% of patients reported persistent symptoms. Patients with persistent symptoms were more likely to be female (78% vs 53%,p<0.01), to have a lower intake of HPF (26% vs 30%,p=0.02), higher GSRS-CeD scores (median 3 vs 18.5,p<0.001), and lower CD-QoL scores (mean CD-QoL 80 vs 88, p<0.001). PyrMDS was inversely correlated with HPF intake (r=-0.20,p=0.03) and serum triglycerides (r=-0.22, p=0.05), and positively correlated with HDL cholesterol (r=0.20,p=0.08). At multivariate logistic regression adjusted for age and sex, persistent symptoms were associated with female sex (p<0.01), lower HPF intake (p=0.04), but not with MedDiet (p=0.31). Once the partial pool of data was analyzed, it was observed that following a MedDiet was linked to a better metabolic profile in celiac patients, and that a higher intake of HPF was inversely related to the persistence of symptoms. Although adherence to the MedDiet is associated with persistence of symptoms, this result was not statistically significant (OR 1.1, 95%CI 0.92-1.33, p=0.31). Conclusions: Our preliminary results show that persistent symptoms in celiac patients on a GFD are unrelated to the qualitative composition of the GFD. Therefore, persistent IBS-like symptoms in CD may share some underlying mechanisms with IBS, including gut-brain axis alterations and gut dysbiosis. A personalized strategy to optimize the dietary treatment of celiac patients on a GFD and with persistent functional GI symptoms requires expert nutritional counselling.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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