In this work, a in depth analysis of the trace anomaly in the $\lambda\phi^4$-interacting theory will be conducted. This phenomenon denotes the appearance of an additional term in the trace of the quantum stress energy tensor, unexpected from the classical result. To this end, we present the AQFT formalism, focusing on the key aspects necessary to describe with mathematical rigour a quantum field theory. We introduce, then, the powerful perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT) framework, which is particularly suited for the study of interacting theories. This culminates in the introduction of the S-matrix and the Bogoliubov map, powerful tools which allows representing interacting observables as formal power series of their free counterpart. As a next step, a review of some results concerning the stress-energy tensor is presented. We start with the derivation of this observable at a classical level and we promote it to the quantum real, following a strategy which guarantees its conservation. At last, we elaborate a procedure which allows the explicit formulation of the interacting stress-energy tensor. The obtained perturbative observable is proven to be conserved and a study of its trace is presented.
Nella trattazione seguente, sarà analizzata in dettaglio l'anomalia di traccia della teoria interagente $\lambda\phi^4$. Quest'ultima consiste nella presenza di un termine aggiuntivo nella traccia del tensore energia-impulso quantistico, non prevista in base ai risultati della teoria classica. A questo proposito, sarà introdotto il formalismo matematicamente rigoroso della teoria algebrica di campo (AQFT). In particolare, verrà poi delineato l'approccio perturbativo ad esso associato (pAQFT), particolarmente adatto allo studio di teorie interagenti come quella in esame. Quest'ultima porta alla definizione della matrice di scattering e della mappa di Bogolibov, potenti strumenti che permetto una descrizione degli osservabili interagenti. Successivamente, sarà introdotto meticolosamente il tensore energia-impulso. Inizialmente sarà derivato come osservabile classico, per poi essere promosso a livello quantistico in un secondo momento. Infine, presenteremo una procedura innovativa che consenta di ottenere un tensore energia-impulso interagente, preservando la condizione di conservazione. La traccia di quest'ultimo sarà, dunque, presa in esame e un'analisi della sua parte anomala sarà effettuata.
Analisi del Tensore Energia-Impulso di una Teoria Auto-Interagente in pAQFT On the Stress-Energy Tensor of a Self-Interacting Quantum Scalar Field in the pAQFT approach
In this work, a in depth analysis of the trace anomaly in the $\lambda\phi^4$-interacting theory will be conducted. This phenomenon denotes the appearance of an additional term in the trace of the quantum stress energy tensor, unexpected from the classical result. To this end, we present the AQFT formalism, focusing on the key aspects necessary to describe with mathematical rigour a quantum field theory. We introduce, then, the powerful perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT) framework, which is particularly suited for the study of interacting theories. This culminates in the introduction of the S-matrix and the Bogoliubov map, powerful tools which allows representing interacting observables as formal power series of their free counterpart. As a next step, a review of some results concerning the stress-energy tensor is presented. We start with the derivation of this observable at a classical level and we promote it to the quantum real, following a strategy which guarantees its conservation. At last, we elaborate a procedure which allows the explicit formulation of the interacting stress-energy tensor. The obtained perturbative observable is proven to be conserved and a study of its trace is presented.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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