The teaching of Modern Physics in High School is a current problem in the field of research concerning the physics education. In the first part of this essay we analyze the curriculum content developed in this area and often proposed in Italian schools, especially in Scientific High Schools. We pay particular attention to the difficulties, methodologies and educational results reported in the literature. We analyze difficulties, due to a lack of knowledge of wave mechanics and/or electrostatic and electromagnetic phenomena; we then examine more specific misconceptions concerning the nature of quanta (in particular relating to wave-particle duality), which are connected to what, in literature, is defined as a "failed ontological shift" in the students' pre-existing mental models. In fact students develop hybrid models mixing the new quantum knowledge with pre-existing mental models borrowed from experience and from daily interaction with the surrounding world. In the second part of the dissertation we focus on the development of a Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) to be proposed in “Liceo Classico”, curriculum based on classical languages and history, for which Modern Physics is not explicitly reported in the National Guidelines for physics, except for a short paragraph in which its teaching is "encouraged". The choice of a humanistic high school as a research environment allows, on the one hand, to develop a program that is multidisciplinary towards history and philosophy, in agreement with the guidelines for the final exam, and, on the other, to study the educational outcomes of addressing Modern Physics in a non-scientific institute. The development of a historical TLS, in this case based on the discovery and subsequent interpretation of the photoelectric effect and on the wave-particle debate concerning the nature of light, seemed the most pertinent to achieve this aim, as it makes it possible dealing not only with topics related to physics, but also with those concerning history, philosophy (in particular epistemology) and, more generally, Nature of Science (NOS). The fundamental aim and distinctive feature of this program is to avoid excessive simplifications that could distort topic, and permeate it with the feeling of "popular" science, which relegates it to simple scientific curiosity, an educational error which is unfortunately too common in High School. Instead, the aim is to analyze in depth the complex debate that arose at the beginning of the twentieth century in the most objective way possible, avoiding the pseudo-historical contributions, from which many textbooks dealing with modern physics are affected and that are widely reported in literature. As several authors have pointed out, such pseudo-historical approaches, however appealing they may appear, ignore the intricate network of cultural, social and epistemological aspects, as well as the foundations of the NOS, in order to make the historical evolution of theories linear and logical. But, in fact, by doing this, they cease to be history (peculiar, in this respect, is the case of the famous "ultraviolet catastrophe", reported in many textbooks). In the final part of the dissertation we analyze the educational results, comparing them to those present in the literature, determining whether students obtained a profitable appropriation of the proposed topics, which difficulties they encountered and, most importantly, whether the TLS has favored the ontological shift needed for conceptual change, thus highlighting the potential and the critical points of the proposed approach.
L'insegnamento della Fisica Moderna negli istituti secondari di secondo grado è un problema molto attuale nel campo della ricerca riguardante la didattica della fisica. Nella prima parte di questa trattazione vogliamo analizzare i principali percorsi didattici sviluppati in quest'ambito e spesso proposti anche nelle scuole italiane, soprattutto nei Licei Scientifici, prestando particolare attenzione alle difficoltà, alle metodologie e ai risultati ottenuti, riportati in letteratura. Fra le difficoltà emerse analizzeremo, in particolare, quelle dovute a una lacunosa conoscenza della meccanica ondulatoria e/o dei fenomeni elettrostatici ed elettromagnetici. Esamineremo poi quelle misconcezioni, più particolari, riguardanti la natura dei quanti (in particolare relative al dualismo onda/particella), dovute a ciò che, in letteratura, viene definito un "mancato shift ontologico" nei pre-esistenti modelli mentali degli studenti, mutuati dall'esperienza e dall'interazione quotidiana con il mondo circostante, ossia l'applicazione di modelli prettamente "classici" a fenomeni quantistici. Nella seconda parte ci concentreremo sullo sviluppo di un percorso didattico da proporre in un Liceo Classico, istituto per il quale la Fisica Moderna non è esplicitamente riportata nelle Indicazioni Nazionali, se non attraverso un breve paragrafo in cui si "auspica" il suo insegnamento. La scelta di un Liceo Classico come ambiente di ricerca, permette, da un lato, di sviluppare al meglio un percorso che sia multidisciplinare, in ottemperanza ai requisiti richiesti per affrontare la prova orale dell'Esame di Stato, e, dall'altro, di analizzare se sia possibile affrontare con profitto questi temi in un istituto non-scientifico. Lo sviluppo di un percorso di carattere storico, in questo caso basato sulla scoperta e la successiva interpretazione dell'effetto fotoelettrico e sul dibattito onda/particella riguardante la natura della luce, è sembrato il più pertinente al raggiungimento di questo scopo, in quanto rende possibile trattare non solo di argomenti inerenti alla fisica, ma anche, appunto, alla storia, alla filosofia (in particolar modo all’epistemologia) e, più in generale, alla NOS (Nature of Science). Obiettivo fondamentale e caratteristica distintiva di questo percorso, vuole essere quello di non ricorrere a semplificazioni eccessive che snaturino gli argomenti trattati, rendendoli disomogenei al resto del percorso di fisica e permeandoli di un carattere "divulgativo" che li releghi a semplici curiosità scientifiche, errore didattico in cui si può incorrere nell'affrontare questi argomenti a scuola. Al contrario, lo scopo è quello di analizzare in profondità il complesso dibattito sorto agli inizi del XX secolo nella maniera più oggettiva possibile, evitando i contributi pseudo-storici da cui sono viziate molte trattazioni presenti sui libri di testo che affrontano quest'argomento e che sono ampiamente riportati in letteratura. Analizzeremo quindi i limiti di un approccio pseudo-storico di questo genere, che, per quanto accattivante, ignori l'intricata rete di aspetti culturali, sociali ed epistemologici, nonché i fondamenti della NOS, allo scopo di rendere lineare e logica l'evoluzione storica delle teorie scientifiche, ma cessando, di fatto, di essere storia (peculiare, sotto questo aspetto, è il caso della famosa "catastrofe ultravioletta", riportata in moltissimi libri di testo). Nella parte finale analizzeremo, infine, i risultati ottenuti, comparandoli a quelli presenti in letteratura, verificando se vi sia stata una proficua appropriazione, da parte degli studenti, degli argomenti proposti, quali siano le difficoltà riscontrate e, soprattutto, se il percorso abbia favorito lo shift ontologico necessario per il cambiamento concettuale, evidenziando, in questo modo, le potenzialità e i punti critici dell'approccio proposto.
Insegnare la Fisica Moderna in un Liceo Classico: un percorso storico sull'effetto fotoelettrico
The teaching of Modern Physics in High School is a current problem in the field of research concerning the physics education. In the first part of this essay we analyze the curriculum content developed in this area and often proposed in Italian schools, especially in Scientific High Schools. We pay particular attention to the difficulties, methodologies and educational results reported in the literature. We analyze difficulties, due to a lack of knowledge of wave mechanics and/or electrostatic and electromagnetic phenomena; we then examine more specific misconceptions concerning the nature of quanta (in particular relating to wave-particle duality), which are connected to what, in literature, is defined as a "failed ontological shift" in the students' pre-existing mental models. In fact students develop hybrid models mixing the new quantum knowledge with pre-existing mental models borrowed from experience and from daily interaction with the surrounding world. In the second part of the dissertation we focus on the development of a Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) to be proposed in “Liceo Classico”, curriculum based on classical languages and history, for which Modern Physics is not explicitly reported in the National Guidelines for physics, except for a short paragraph in which its teaching is "encouraged". The choice of a humanistic high school as a research environment allows, on the one hand, to develop a program that is multidisciplinary towards history and philosophy, in agreement with the guidelines for the final exam, and, on the other, to study the educational outcomes of addressing Modern Physics in a non-scientific institute. The development of a historical TLS, in this case based on the discovery and subsequent interpretation of the photoelectric effect and on the wave-particle debate concerning the nature of light, seemed the most pertinent to achieve this aim, as it makes it possible dealing not only with topics related to physics, but also with those concerning history, philosophy (in particular epistemology) and, more generally, Nature of Science (NOS). The fundamental aim and distinctive feature of this program is to avoid excessive simplifications that could distort topic, and permeate it with the feeling of "popular" science, which relegates it to simple scientific curiosity, an educational error which is unfortunately too common in High School. Instead, the aim is to analyze in depth the complex debate that arose at the beginning of the twentieth century in the most objective way possible, avoiding the pseudo-historical contributions, from which many textbooks dealing with modern physics are affected and that are widely reported in literature. As several authors have pointed out, such pseudo-historical approaches, however appealing they may appear, ignore the intricate network of cultural, social and epistemological aspects, as well as the foundations of the NOS, in order to make the historical evolution of theories linear and logical. But, in fact, by doing this, they cease to be history (peculiar, in this respect, is the case of the famous "ultraviolet catastrophe", reported in many textbooks). In the final part of the dissertation we analyze the educational results, comparing them to those present in the literature, determining whether students obtained a profitable appropriation of the proposed topics, which difficulties they encountered and, most importantly, whether the TLS has favored the ontological shift needed for conceptual change, thus highlighting the potential and the critical points of the proposed approach.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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