Ultraviolet radiation promotes the formation of DNA damage that may be responsible for the onset of malignancies. In this context, the DDB2 and PCNA proteins play a fundamental role in the removal of induced UV lesions, participating in the repair mechanism for nucleotide excision (NER). However, it has been observed that if the cells express the mutated form of DDB2 they exhibit a greater proliferative capacity and a greater resistance to UV rays. This is due to a probable involvement of the protein in the translesion synthesis (TLS), a DNA damage tolerance mechanism (DTT), which allows the progression of DNA replication even in the presence of damage. From this it has been hypothesized that DDB2 can interact with the polymer H, the main actor of the TLS mechanism, and that it can promote the accumulation of mutations, thus inducing the expression of a tumor phenotype. The interaction of the two proteins has been investigated with analysis in confocal microscopy, immunoprecipitation assays and proximity ligation technique (PLA). Furthermore, the increased proliferative capacity was assessed through a clonogenic assay with 6-thioguanine (6-TG)
La radiazione ultravioletta promuove la formazione di danni al DNA che possono essere responsabili dell’insorgenza di neoplasie. In questo contesto, le proteine DDB2 e PCNA svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella rimozione delle lesioni UV indotte, partecipando al meccanismo di riparazione per escissione nucleotidica (NER). Tuttavia, si è osservato che se le cellule esprimono la forma mutata di DDB2 presentano una maggiore capacità proliferativa e una maggiore resistenza ai raggi UV. Ciò è dovuto ad un probabile coinvolgimento della proteina nella translesion synthesis (TLS), meccanismo di tolleranza del danno al DNA (DTT), che permette la progressione della replicazione del DNA anche in presenza di danno. Da ciò si è ipotizzato che DDB2 possa interagire con la polimera H, attore principale del meccanismo di TLS, e che possa promuovere l’accumulo di mutazioni, inducendo così l’espressione di un fenotipo tumorale. L’interazione delle due proteine è stata investigata con analisi in microscopia confocale, saggi immunoprecipitazione e tecnica di proximity ligation assai (PLA). Inoltre, l’aumentata capacità proliferativa è stata valutata attraverso un saggio clonogenico con 6-tioguanina (6-TG)
Ruolo dell’interazione tra le proteine DDB2 e PCNA nel mantenimento della stabilità genomica
Ultraviolet radiation promotes the formation of DNA damage that may be responsible for the onset of malignancies. In this context, the DDB2 and PCNA proteins play a fundamental role in the removal of induced UV lesions, participating in the repair mechanism for nucleotide excision (NER). However, it has been observed that if the cells express the mutated form of DDB2 they exhibit a greater proliferative capacity and a greater resistance to UV rays. This is due to a probable involvement of the protein in the translesion synthesis (TLS), a DNA damage tolerance mechanism (DTT), which allows the progression of DNA replication even in the presence of damage. From this it has been hypothesized that DDB2 can interact with the polymer H, the main actor of the TLS mechanism, and that it can promote the accumulation of mutations, thus inducing the expression of a tumor phenotype. The interaction of the two proteins has been investigated with analysis in confocal microscopy, immunoprecipitation assays and proximity ligation technique (PLA). Furthermore, the increased proliferative capacity was assessed through a clonogenic assay with 6-thioguanine (6-TG)È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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