Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive malignancy that most commonly affects the pleural lining of the lungs. Malignant Mesothelioma has a strong association with asbestos; at least 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by exposure to asbestos. Individuals with a chronic exposure to asbestos generally have a 20-40-year latency with no or few symptoms. Then, patients present with cough, fatigue, dyspnea and potentially advanced disease. Such has been the case in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions of Italy where industrial production of cements and other materials laden with asbestos has created a large number of patients. The fibers from this production did not only pose a substantial risk to the workers breathing the fibers, but also to relatives and the surrounding community. Since 1992, the use of asbestos has been illegal in Italy, but such a long latency means that our center in the University town of Pavia, which is quite close to two former asbestos factories, is receiving a large number of patients. Since 2016 we have collected - through activation of a multidisciplinary path from diagnosis to treatment-data on over 100 patients with mesothelioma, including symptoms (asymptomatic, dyspnea, pain), type of tumor (epithelioid, sarcomatoid, biphasic, desmoplastic or not specified), and the diagnostic method (thoracoscopic, percutaneous biopsy with echography, sampling of pleural fluid and surgical thoracotomy). Imaging data has also been analyzed and 62 patients underwent CT with and without contrast prior to treatment. In this study, we identify the correlations between diagnostic parameters evident on CT scan with patient information and histological data thus defining predicitive and prognostic specific profiles.
Titolo in Italiano: Analisi dei profili istologici e radiologici nel mesotelioma pleurico maligno: uno studio di coorte Abstract in Italiano: Il mesotelioma è una neoplasia rara e aggressiva che colpisce più comunemente il rivestimento pleurico dei polmoni. Il mesotelioma maligno ha una forte associazione con l'amianto e almeno l'80% dei casi è causato dall'esposizione a tali fibre. Gli individui con un’esposizione cronica all'amianto hanno generalmente una latenza di sviluppo di malattai di 20-40 anni con nessun o pochi sintomi. Quando, i pazienti presentano tosse, affaticamento, dispnea la malattiaè già potenzialmente avanzata. Tale è stato il caso in Piemonte e Lombardia, dove la produzione industriale di fibro-cementi e altri materiali ricchi di amianto ha creato un gran numero di pazienti. L’esposizione a queste fibre non rappresenta solo un rischio sostanziale per i lavoratori direttamente esposti, ma anche per i parenti e la comunità circostante. Dal 1992 l'uso dell'amianto è illegale in Italia, ma la lunga latenza di sviluppo della malattia rende ragione della incidenza ad oggi ancora molto alta. Il centro di Pavia, che è abbastanza vicino a due ex-fabbriche di amianto, sta, per questo, continuando a ricevere un gran numero di pazienti. Grazie alla attivazione di un percorso multidisciplinare di diagnosi e cura della patologia, dal 2016 abbiamo raccolto dati su oltre 100 pazienti con mesotelioma, inclusi sintomi (asintomatici, dispnea, dolore), tipo istologico (epitelioide, sarcomatoide, bifasico, desmoplastico o non specificato) e approccio diagnostico (toracoscopia, biopsia percutanea con ecografia, campionamento di liquido pleurico e toracotomia chirurgica). Sono stati inoltre analizzati i dati radiologici e 62 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a TC con e senza mezza di contrasto prima del trattamento. In questo studio, nel dettaglio abbiamo correlato i parametri diagnostici evidenti sulla TC con e i dati istologici e clinici del paziente, in modo tale da identificare specifici profili a valore predittivo e prognostico.
Matching Histologic and Radiologic profiles of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: A Cohort Study
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive malignancy that most commonly affects the pleural lining of the lungs. Malignant Mesothelioma has a strong association with asbestos; at least 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by exposure to asbestos. Individuals with a chronic exposure to asbestos generally have a 20-40-year latency with no or few symptoms. Then, patients present with cough, fatigue, dyspnea and potentially advanced disease. Such has been the case in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions of Italy where industrial production of cements and other materials laden with asbestos has created a large number of patients. The fibers from this production did not only pose a substantial risk to the workers breathing the fibers, but also to relatives and the surrounding community. Since 1992, the use of asbestos has been illegal in Italy, but such a long latency means that our center in the University town of Pavia, which is quite close to two former asbestos factories, is receiving a large number of patients. Since 2016 we have collected - through activation of a multidisciplinary path from diagnosis to treatment-data on over 100 patients with mesothelioma, including symptoms (asymptomatic, dyspnea, pain), type of tumor (epithelioid, sarcomatoid, biphasic, desmoplastic or not specified), and the diagnostic method (thoracoscopic, percutaneous biopsy with echography, sampling of pleural fluid and surgical thoracotomy). Imaging data has also been analyzed and 62 patients underwent CT with and without contrast prior to treatment. In this study, we identify the correlations between diagnostic parameters evident on CT scan with patient information and histological data thus defining predicitive and prognostic specific profiles.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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