Parallel importation of medicines is a lawful form of trade within the internal market, based on Article 28 of the EC Treaty and subject to exceptions relating to the protection of health and life of persons and the protection of industrial and commercial property, according Article 30 of the EC Treaty. The fact that an authorized medicine and marketed in a Member State (EU-EEA) will have a different price from the analog present in another Member State (EU-SE), has meant that it claimed a commercial "parallel activities", which is to transfer drugs within the EU or the EEA, a State in which the prices are lower in another where prices are higher. This market is defined as the parallel process takes place in a contemporary way to the distribution chain of the holder of the marketing authorization of the economic-commercial parallel importation stesso.L'aspetto drug, although it is of primary importance, not looking regulatory regardless of approvazione.A this regard, the importer can place the medicinal product and distribute it in parallel on the market, even if the AIC in Italy has not yet placed the product on the market. Also in this case the AIP (parallel import authorization), there is issued by AIFA, but by the EMA. The AIFA, in fact, by the EMA receives the securities note relating to the product and issue an identification number that allows the importer to enter the drug trade and AIFA to trace it. Although the Court has examined numerous aspects and Community legislation that deals with general issues regarding the marketing of medicines, there is not at all a "definitive" guide to parallel imports. New problems keep emerging and old answers need more clarification. Compliance with the existing rules and the continuous cooperation among Community institutions, national authorities and economic operators has been and will continue to be a solid basis for the resolution of all remaining problems. Among these, in fact, in the treated are analyzed all critical from a regulatory point of view of safety. Another major criticality is detected on the economic impact of the main figures that come into play in this process. From an economic point of view the parallel market of the drugs is estimated to amount to about 7% of Continental pharmaceutical market, which is about 10 billion euro. Extrapolation of the data showed that the main benefits maximally go to parallel importers and only to a much lesser extent to the payers, public and private, still less to pharmacists. Conversely, it can be estimated from 3.5 to 4.5 billion Euros the lesser intake of the pharmaceutical industry, especially by reducing the investment capacity.
L’importazione parallela di medicinali è una legittima forma di scambio in seno al mercato interno, fondata sull’articolo 28 del trattato CE e soggetta a deroghe relative alla tutela della salute e della vita delle persone e alla tutela della proprietà industriale e commerciale, secondo l’articolo 30 del trattato CE. Il fatto che un farmaco autorizzato e commercializzato in un paese membro (UE-SEE) possa avere un prezzo differente dall’analogo presente in un altro stato membro (UE-SE), ha fatto sì che si affermasse un attività commerciale “parallela”, consistente nel trasferire farmaci nell’ambito della UE o del SEE, da uno Stato nel quale i prezzi sono più bassi in un altro nel quale i prezzi sono più alti. Tale mercato si definisce parallelo in quanto il processo ha luogo in modo contemporaneo al circuito di distribuzione del titolare dell’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio del farmaco stesso.L’aspetto economico-commerciale dell’importazione parallela, per quanto sia di primaria importanza, non può prescindere dall’aspetto regolatorio di approvazione.A tal proposito,l’importatore può immettere in commercio il medicinale e distribuirlo in parallelo, anche nel caso in cui il titolare dell’AIC in Italia non abbia ancora immesso in commercio il prodotto. Inoltre in questo caso l’AIP (Autorizzazione all’importazione parallela), non viene rilasciata dall’AIFA, bensì dall’EMA. L’AIFA, infatti, riceve dall’EMA la nota informativa relativa al prodotto e rilascia un numero di identificazione che consente all’importatore di immettere il farmaco in commercio e all’AIFA di tracciarlo. Sebbene la Corte abbia esaminato numerosi aspetti e la legislazione comunitaria disciplini gli aspetti generali della commercializzazione dei medicinali, non esiste affatto una guida “definitiva” alle importazioni parallele. Continuano ad emergere nuove problematiche, mentre vecchie risposte richiedono maggiori chiarimenti. Il rispetto delle regole esistenti e la cooperazione continua tra le istituzioni comunitarie, le autorità nazionali e gli operatori economici sono stati e continueranno ad essere una solida base per la soluzione di tutti i rimanenti problemi. Fra questi, infatti, nel trattato vengono analizzate tutte le criticità da un punto di vista di regolatorio, di safety. Un’altra notevole criticità è riscontrata sull’impatto economico delle principali figure che entrano in gioco in questo processo. Dal punto di vista economico il mercato parallelo dei farmaci si stima ammonti a circa il 7% del mercato farmaceutico continentale, ovvero a circa 10 miliardi di euro. L’estrapolazione dei dati, ha dimostrato che i benefici principali vadano massimamente agli importatori paralleli e solo in misura molto inferiore ai payers, pubblici e privati, ancora meno ai farmacisti. Di converso, è stimabile dai 3,5 ai 4,5 miliardi di euro il minore introito delle industrie farmaceutiche, riducendone soprattutto la capacità di investimento.
Parallel importation of medicines is a lawful form of trade within the internal market, based on Article 28 of the EC Treaty and subject to exceptions relating to the protection of health and life of persons and the protection of industrial and commercial property, according Article 30 of the EC Treaty. The fact that an authorized medicine and marketed in a Member State (EU-EEA) will have a different price from the analog present in another Member State (EU-SE), has meant that it claimed a commercial "parallel activities", which is to transfer drugs within the EU or the EEA, a State in which the prices are lower in another where prices are higher. This market is defined as the parallel process takes place in a contemporary way to the distribution chain of the holder of the marketing authorization of the economic-commercial parallel importation stesso.L'aspetto drug, although it is of primary importance, not looking regulatory regardless of approvazione.A this regard, the importer can place the medicinal product and distribute it in parallel on the market, even if the AIC in Italy has not yet placed the product on the market. Also in this case the AIP (parallel import authorization), there is issued by AIFA, but by the EMA. The AIFA, in fact, by the EMA receives the securities note relating to the product and issue an identification number that allows the importer to enter the drug trade and AIFA to trace it. Although the Court has examined numerous aspects and Community legislation that deals with general issues regarding the marketing of medicines, there is not at all a "definitive" guide to parallel imports. New problems keep emerging and old answers need more clarification. Compliance with the existing rules and the continuous cooperation among Community institutions, national authorities and economic operators has been and will continue to be a solid basis for the resolution of all remaining problems. Among these, in fact, in the treated are analyzed all critical from a regulatory point of view of safety. Another major criticality is detected on the economic impact of the main figures that come into play in this process. From an economic point of view the parallel market of the drugs is estimated to amount to about 7% of Continental pharmaceutical market, which is about 10 billion euro. Extrapolation of the data showed that the main benefits maximally go to parallel importers and only to a much lesser extent to the payers, public and private, still less to pharmacists. Conversely, it can be estimated from 3.5 to 4.5 billion Euros the lesser intake of the pharmaceutical industry, especially by reducing the investment capacity.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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